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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):91



to崗位,全稱為technical officer,是企業(yè)中技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的核心管理者,負(fù)責(zé)組織和指導(dǎo)技術(shù)團(tuán)隊(duì),確保技術(shù)創(chuàng)新和項(xiàng)目實(shí)施的順利進(jìn)行。他們扮演著技術(shù)戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃、團(tuán)隊(duì)建設(shè)與管理、技術(shù)難題解決以及技術(shù)成果推廣的關(guān)鍵角色。


1. 具備深厚的行業(yè)專業(yè)知識(shí),對(duì)新技術(shù)趨勢(shì)有敏銳洞察力。

2. 強(qiáng)烈的責(zé)任心和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力,能夠激發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)潛力,推動(dòng)項(xiàng)目進(jìn)度。

3. 出色的溝通能力,能有效協(xié)調(diào)各部門資源,解決跨部門問題。

4. 精通項(xiàng)目管理,能高效分配任務(wù),確保項(xiàng)目按時(shí)按質(zhì)完成。

5. 能夠制定并執(zhí)行技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),保障產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和安全。




1. 技術(shù)戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃:制定和調(diào)整企業(yè)的技術(shù)發(fā)展方向,評(píng)估新技術(shù)的適用性和潛在價(jià)值。

2. 團(tuán)隊(duì)管理:負(fù)責(zé)技術(shù)團(tuán)隊(duì)的人員配置、技能培訓(xùn)和激勵(lì)機(jī)制設(shè)計(jì),提升團(tuán)隊(duì)整體效能。

3. 項(xiàng)目管理:監(jiān)控項(xiàng)目進(jìn)度,協(xié)調(diào)內(nèi)外部資源,解決項(xiàng)目執(zhí)行中的技術(shù)問題。

4. 技術(shù)研發(fā):主導(dǎo)關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研發(fā),推動(dòng)技術(shù)創(chuàng)新,確保企業(yè)技術(shù)領(lǐng)先地位。

5. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)制定:建立和完善企業(yè)內(nèi)部的技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和流程,提高工作效率,降低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

6. 市場(chǎng)和技術(shù)對(duì)接:與市場(chǎng)部門協(xié)作,將技術(shù)優(yōu)勢(shì)轉(zhuǎn)化為市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷策略,提升產(chǎn)品競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力。



第1篇 study director(專項(xiàng)負(fù)責(zé)人)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



1. 協(xié)助cro事業(yè)部bd與委托方進(jìn)行溝通,制定可行的研究方案。

2. 全面負(fù)責(zé)研究工作的運(yùn)行管理,確認(rèn)研究實(shí)驗(yàn)專題的實(shí)施是否符合方案要求。執(zhí)行sop的規(guī)定,及時(shí)提出修訂或補(bǔ)充相應(yīng)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)操作規(guī)程的建議。

3. 對(duì)參與研究的工作人員進(jìn)行培訓(xùn),使其明確所承擔(dān)的工作,并掌握相應(yīng)的sop。

4. 與技術(shù)部門協(xié)調(diào),嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行實(shí)驗(yàn)方案,分析研究結(jié)果,撰寫總結(jié)報(bào)告。









第2篇 cto(區(qū)塊鏈)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求












2、精通java、c/c++ ,熟練掌握java、c++、go、node.js,、python等主流區(qū)塊鏈系統(tǒng)開發(fā)語言至少兩種





第3篇 strategy gm - top insurance brand崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



this role will report to ceo and evp of finance. the main responsibility is to make company strategic plan and budget according to the company development strategy, assign budget and kpis, regularly review budget progress, timely monitor kpis, standardize the above aspects by rules and principles, and communicate the relevant opinions and instructions of the ceo office.

client details

this is one of the biggest players in the global insurance market. this insurance group has business in both life and p&c insurance.



_ establish the strategic plan of the company in cooperation with the management team and under the leadership of the chairman and ceo; make china gaap, ifrs and solvency budget and strategic plan over several years; perform regular forecasts for the current year; analyse and forecast market evolution to support strategic business development in product and geographical distribution

_ improve and manage the company kpi framework and the business analysis framework; assign budget and kpis to bu, branches and departments; regularly monitor kpis performance, market development and business progress; perform mid-year and year-end assessment of branches, bus and departments; organize monthly business analysis meeting and annual & semi-annual company level meeting

_ improve and manage the e_isting cost budget control system and procedures; organize and establish the annual budget of e_penses; analyse and control the cost usage on a regular basis; reasonably adjust the cost budget from one quarter to another; review monthly e_pense accrual result; provide suggestions to optimize cost allocation rules

_ assist bu and departments in finance analysis(with finance business partners), make cost benefit analysis on big projects, and provide finance opinion for decision making, evolved in key strategic projects

_ perform any study requested by the chairman and ceo or the evp in charge of finance

_ perform regular data submission and any reports requested by regulator

_ manage 4 teams and coordinate the planning and budget control personnel at branch


_ over 10years of e_perience in the insurance sector (companies or consulting firms), with several years of e_perience in a business development or planning department, and at least 5years of department level management e_perience. p&c or insurance group working e_perience is preferred. a branch e_perience is a plus

_ good strategic vision

_ agile with figures and at ease to play with several frameworks and constraints

_ strong leadership, team spirit and management capability

_ strong communication skills and good professional ethics

_ resistance to strong pressure, ability to tell what the problems are and to say no when required

job offer

_ competitive package

_ overall business e_posure

_ various career possibilities

to apply online please click the apply button below. for a confidential discussion about this role please contact anne shi on +86 21 6122 2684

第4篇 店副理 assistant store manager崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求






領(lǐng)導(dǎo) – 設(shè)立工作團(tuán)隊(duì)的目標(biāo),提升組織能力,以身作則:

. 在發(fā)生客流高峰或突發(fā)事件時(shí)保持冷靜,確保門店的正常營(yíng)運(yùn)并為伙伴做出積極的榜


. 對(duì)伙伴進(jìn)行培訓(xùn)并確?;锇樘峁﹥?yōu)質(zhì)的顧客服務(wù)以表現(xiàn)出“顧客第一”的工作態(tài)度。

. 制定行動(dòng)計(jì)劃并直接激勵(lì)和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)門店團(tuán)隊(duì)推動(dòng)公司項(xiàng)目的執(zhí)行,以實(shí)現(xiàn)營(yíng)運(yùn)和組織目標(biāo)。

. 運(yùn)用正直、誠(chéng)實(shí)和求知的管理原則,提升星巴克的企業(yè)文化、價(jià)值和使命。

. 計(jì)劃、確認(rèn)、傳達(dá)并委派相應(yīng)的工作和執(zhí)行,以確保門店?duì)I運(yùn)平穩(wěn)進(jìn)行。

. 培訓(xùn)并指導(dǎo)門店團(tuán)隊(duì)采取行動(dòng)并達(dá)成營(yíng)運(yùn)目標(biāo)。經(jīng)常性地審視門店環(huán)境和主要營(yíng)運(yùn)指標(biāo),認(rèn)識(shí)問題、利害關(guān)系以及抓住機(jī)會(huì)點(diǎn),對(duì)門店團(tuán)隊(duì)進(jìn)行培訓(xùn)和指導(dǎo),以達(dá)成營(yíng)運(yùn)目標(biāo)。

. 負(fù)責(zé)門店日常運(yùn)作,確保管理組和星級(jí)咖啡師團(tuán)隊(duì)達(dá)成或超越預(yù)期成果。優(yōu)先管理和規(guī)劃 - 為工作團(tuán)隊(duì)制定戰(zhàn)略和營(yíng)運(yùn)計(jì)劃,加以管理執(zhí)行,并對(duì)結(jié)果進(jìn)行評(píng)估:

. 伙伴清楚了解最高優(yōu)先級(jí),門店有計(jì)劃實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo)。

. 監(jiān)控和管理門店的人員編制情況,以確?;锇榈穆殬I(yè)發(fā)展和人才招募,進(jìn)而滿足和維持門店的營(yíng)運(yùn)需要。

伙伴發(fā)展和團(tuán)隊(duì)建設(shè) – 恰當(dāng)使用培訓(xùn)/ 傳授/ 輔導(dǎo)技巧發(fā)展伙伴技能,為伙伴提供反饋和發(fā)展機(jī)會(huì)以構(gòu)建高效團(tuán)隊(duì):

. 通過定期開展績(jī)效評(píng)估、提供反饋并設(shè)立具有挑戰(zhàn)性目標(biāo)以提高伙伴績(jī)效。運(yùn)用績(jī)效管理工具積極地管理伙伴的日???jī)效以支持組織目標(biāo)的實(shí)現(xiàn)。

. 確?;锇榱私忾T店優(yōu)先級(jí)并受到啟發(fā)達(dá)成目標(biāo)。

. 運(yùn)用現(xiàn)有工具確定溝通內(nèi)容和優(yōu)先次序,運(yùn)用判斷力經(jīng)常性地對(duì)門店團(tuán)隊(duì)的溝通信息進(jìn)行篩選。清楚、簡(jiǎn)明和準(zhǔn)確地進(jìn)行溝通,以確保門店的高效營(yíng)運(yùn)。

. 合適的委派和追蹤,確保滿足業(yè)務(wù)和伙伴發(fā)展需求。雖然職責(zé)可被委派,但店經(jīng)理將擔(dān)當(dāng)?shù)陜?nèi)所有活動(dòng)的責(zé)任。

. 理解個(gè)別伙伴的動(dòng)機(jī)、需求及所關(guān)注的問題,同區(qū)組團(tuán)隊(duì)建立并保持積極良好的關(guān)系。

. 運(yùn)用現(xiàn)有組織工具和程序,來認(rèn)識(shí)和提高個(gè)人及團(tuán)隊(duì)成就。同時(shí)積極尋找新穎有效的創(chuàng)造性方法。 運(yùn)用和示范有效的管理原則與實(shí)踐,搭建和維護(hù)成功的門店團(tuán)隊(duì),營(yíng)造出一個(gè)伙伴價(jià)值得到體現(xiàn)與尊重的環(huán)境。

. 建立強(qiáng)大的后備人才以支持未來業(yè)務(wù)需求。業(yè)務(wù)需求 – 通過分析伙伴行為,關(guān)鍵指標(biāo)和財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告,識(shí)別工作優(yōu)先級(jí)以便達(dá)成業(yè)務(wù)目標(biāo):

. 確保所有伙伴遵循工資,休息及工時(shí)相關(guān)的政策。

. 征詢顧客反饋,了解顧客及門店所在社區(qū)的需要。

. 激發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)以同理心服務(wù)顧客,使顧客能夠得到他們真正要的服務(wù),食品和飲料。

. 積極面對(duì)所有顧客抱怨,并致力于進(jìn)行服務(wù)補(bǔ)救。

. 運(yùn)用各種營(yíng)運(yùn)工具甄別機(jī)會(huì)點(diǎn)或問題,制定計(jì)劃,實(shí)現(xiàn)出色的門店?duì)I運(yùn)。

. 持續(xù)的關(guān)注和推動(dòng)營(yíng)業(yè)額,同時(shí)按預(yù)算管理所有成本。

. 運(yùn)用外部的資源支持門店?duì)I運(yùn),并執(zhí)行地區(qū)性和區(qū)域性活動(dòng)。其中資源包括人力資源、市場(chǎng)、食品飲料、安全與安保,門店開發(fā),物業(yè)管理等。

. 時(shí)刻運(yùn)用營(yíng)運(yùn)程序來提升伙伴,顧客體驗(yàn)和業(yè)績(jī)。店經(jīng)理需要:

. 當(dāng)班時(shí),除了非顧客服務(wù)時(shí)間需求,與門店伙伴在前線一同為顧客服務(wù),以便:

- 觀察,并按狀況所需,培訓(xùn)/ 傳授/ 輔導(dǎo)伙伴

- 伙伴表現(xiàn)好時(shí)給予認(rèn)同和鼓勵(lì)

- 給予伙伴績(jī)效反饋

- 以身作則,給伙伴正確的行為榜樣

- 服務(wù)顧客和與顧客聯(lián)接

. 每周至少值1次早班,1次晚班

. 輪替早、晚和周末班次

. 定期在門店最繁忙日工作

. 在沒有值班的工作日,應(yīng)值班主管安排在崗位工作,例如濃縮吧臺(tái),收銀臺(tái),或其它值班主管安排的崗位


. 獨(dú)立管理門店的能力

. 在快節(jié)奏的工作環(huán)境中進(jìn)行有效管理的能力

. 應(yīng)對(duì)多種情況同時(shí)發(fā)生的能力

. 管理各種資源以確保始終能達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)服務(wù)水平的能力

. 人際關(guān)系技巧

. 顧客服務(wù)技巧方面的知識(shí)

. 管理實(shí)踐與流程方面的知識(shí)

. 組織和計(jì)劃技能

. 出色的顧客服務(wù)營(yíng)運(yùn)技能

. 較強(qiáng)解決問題的能力

. 團(tuán)隊(duì)建設(shè)技能

. 清楚、簡(jiǎn)練地進(jìn)行口頭和書面溝通的能力

. 較強(qiáng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)才能,并有培訓(xùn)和指導(dǎo)他人的能力

. 計(jì)劃并排定優(yōu)先次序的能力

. 處理機(jī)密和敏感信息的能力領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力確定方向 - 設(shè)立和溝通激勵(lì)性愿景,并且建立競(jìng)爭(zhēng)機(jī)制,并確保部門與公司策略保持一致領(lǐng)導(dǎo)勇氣 - 愿意承擔(dān)管理風(fēng)險(xiǎn)以推動(dòng)營(yíng)運(yùn)前進(jìn)

營(yíng)造氛圍 - 建立積極、相互尊重、高效和專業(yè)的工作環(huán)境

建立和保持人際關(guān)系 - 建立積極良好的人際聯(lián)系,以此推動(dòng)營(yíng)運(yùn)目標(biāo)的實(shí)現(xiàn)

未來發(fā)展 - 不斷地提升自己和他人的才能

組織認(rèn)知 - 了解和有效權(quán)衡組織結(jié)構(gòu)以實(shí)現(xiàn)公司和個(gè)人業(yè)務(wù)目標(biāo)

實(shí)現(xiàn)可?量的結(jié)果 - 不斷地超越目標(biāo),致力于超越內(nèi)部和外部顧客的預(yù)期


關(guān)注顧客 - 提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù),滿足并超越顧客的期望

職業(yè)操守 - 始終遵循星巴克的價(jià)值、信念及原則

沉著冷靜 - 當(dāng)面對(duì)棘手問題時(shí)保持冷靜,堅(jiān)持立場(chǎng)并專業(yè)地做出回應(yīng)

主動(dòng)學(xué)習(xí) - 積極主動(dòng)地不斷學(xué)習(xí)新的知識(shí)、技巧及經(jīng)歷

處理模糊 - 能夠成功地處理不明朗且不斷改變優(yōu)先次序的情況

決策能力 - 依據(jù)分析、才智、經(jīng)驗(yàn)和判斷快速地做出最佳決定

人際關(guān)系 - 有效地建立人際關(guān)系

目標(biāo)導(dǎo)向 - 得到結(jié)果,達(dá)成目標(biāo)

第5篇 首席技術(shù)官 cto職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求









第6篇 網(wǎng)絡(luò)cto崗位職責(zé)

技術(shù)總監(jiān)cto(網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲) lannister consultancy,inc。 lannister consultancy,inc。 職責(zé)描述:









4,精通oraclemysqlms sql等數(shù)據(jù)庫應(yīng)用;



第7篇 cocos creator 高級(jí)軟件開發(fā)工程師職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求









?精通cocos2d_、cocos creator、javascript;

?對(duì)cocos creator性能優(yōu)化有豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn);





第8篇 retail store-store manager 店長(zhǎng)崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


job summary職位概述


leads all sales processes to meet or e_ceed customer satisfaction and sales goals while managing store operations to ensure high levels of productivity, efficiencies and effectiveness.stays abreast of competitive environment.makes employment decisions and develops employee base to reach high levels of performance

基本職責(zé)essential duties & responsibilities1.


lead all sales processes to meet or e_ceed customer satisfaction and sales goals ?


create a culture of performance by conducting an aggressive planning and goal setting process that fuels future business growth


actively coaches, mentors, and manages communications with all employees through effective meetings, individual one-on-one coaching, and all communication mediums


ensures all customers are provided individual service in a non-threatening atmosphere by ensuring sales associates are staged in their primary staging areas and the sales floor is properly orchestrated when there are more customers than associates?


ensures the sales process is followed in order to identify customer needs and to provide solutions for their home furnishing needs throughout the customer buying cycles


manage store operations to ensure high levels of productivity, efficiencies, and effectiveness


ensure the correct departmental structure, staffing, and scheduling is in place and maintained to ensure value for our customer


ensures operational readiness and e_ecution by auditing facility, floor condition, and housekeeping to standards that have been set forth to meet or e_ceed customer e_pectations?



is responsible for the handling of cash, as well as the security and safety of all functions ?is responsible for the effective e_ecution of all advertised events and promotions


is responsible for competitive shopping within the region and ensuring all associates are knowledgeable on ashley furniture product, competitor’s product and can provide a selling story to assist the customer in making a well-informed purchasing decision


makes employment decisions and/or recommendations such as hiring, improvement plans, transfers, promotions, terminations, pay adjustments.tracks employee time-keeping and absenteeism


works closely with the departments of marketing/advertising, operations, customer service, merchandising and human resources in managing the overall store system


manage and improve functional area performance measures through use and interpretation of continuous improvement tools.improve working conditions and processes (safety, quality, productivity, cost) including supporting and directing employees to participate in improvement programs.


complete other assignments and special projects as requested.

scope of responsibility 職責(zé)范圍


minimal/no supervision.support department operations involving confidential information.e_ercise independent judgment and discretion. promote and build image of the ashley furniture homestore.target and delegate specific jobs to qualified personnel.oversee and manage store facility and all store employees

minimum qualifications崗位要求

1.education 教育背景

?ba in business administration, marketing, retail, or supervisory management required or equivalent work e_perience企業(yè)管理,零售,市場(chǎng)及監(jiān)督管理層相關(guān)本科學(xué)歷或等同的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)


?5 years retail e_perience required in furniture environment 五年零售經(jīng)驗(yàn),家具行業(yè)優(yōu)先

第9篇 算法工程師-to b職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求












第10篇 businessdevelopmentdirector崗位職責(zé)

business development manager this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

第11篇 英語美食導(dǎo)游/lead tour guide崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


join the world’s best food tour as voted by tripadvisor’s traveler choice awards! we are looking for a full-time tour guide to regularly lead our food tours in chengdu and manage the schedule of our other part-time guides.

fluent english and a strong ability to build personal relationships with guests is required for this role and must be demonstrated during the interview process.

lost plate food tours

we offer culinary tours in china, cambodia and usa that take guests to eat authentic food where locals eat while creating an unforgettable e_perience. the goal is that each guest is able to learn about the food they are eating while getting a taste (literally) for the local culture. we do all of this while providing a fun and professional e_perience that our guests will remember forever. we are currently ranked by tripadvisor as the #1 and #2 food e_perience in the world.


? are passionate about chinese cuisine and can’t wait to share it with guests every day.

? possess a high level of knowledge about local cuisine and craft beverages like beer and


? have formal or informal e_perience leading tours for english-speaking guests, with a

proven record of consistent 5-star performance and feedback.

? speak fluent chinese and english with little accent.

? display a strong ability to read and understand guests through unspoken cues like body

language, tone and behavior. you think quickly on your feet while making adjustments

to create a personalized e_perience every time.

? are a captivating storyteller that is able to transform rehearsed information into stories

and descriptions that engage guests and capture their attention.

? can transform repetitive actions into unique memories every time. have the ability to follow detailed processes and instructions while remembering facts, stories and tasks.

? motivate peers by sharing your e_pertise and coaching them to improve their performance.


? lead small groups of english-speaking guests (under 15 people) on 4-hour food tours, 4- 6 times per week.

? communicating and arranging logistics with food tour vendors and drivers.

? maintain perfect customer feedback and 5-star online reviews.

? use our online tools to schedule you and part-time guides to all tours in chengdu.

? research and provide customized tours regarding unique customer requests.

? train part-time guides using our standard training process.

? constantly understand your performance by reviewing data driven feedback and


? ensure you and other part-time guides are available to run tours daily, including

weekends and public holidays.

? other tour-related tasks as requested.


? regular on-the-job training and development provided by our tiered training program.

? fle_ible working environment and time-off policy.

? a fun, open and international environment where your ideas matter and your hard work

is rewarded.

hours & compensation

? consistent monthly compensation based on e_perience.

? target driven bonuses based on results (after probation).

? customer gratuities are yours to keep!

? weekends and public holidays will be required occasionally.

? annual bonus and salary increase based on performance.

to apply

o a professionally written (in english) summary of your top 3 favorite foods in chengdu. please provide a description of what the food is, why you like it, and why you would recommend it to guests.

第12篇 autodesk工程師崗位職責(zé)

職位描述: 1. 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)或相關(guān)本科專業(yè)學(xué)歷 2. 熟練使用inventor軟件 3. 良好的交流與溝通能力 4. 良好的文檔書寫能力 工作職責(zé): 1. autodesk相關(guān)二維、三維設(shè)計(jì)軟件的售前產(chǎn)品演示與講解 2. autodesk相關(guān)二維、三維設(shè)計(jì)軟件的售后培訓(xùn)與服務(wù) 3. 參與服務(wù)項(xiàng)目

第13篇 salesadministrator銷售行政助理(basedinstore)崗位職責(zé)職位要求


special requirements:

1. college or above with major in business administration and related subject.

2. at least 2 years’ working e_perience in sales administration of retail field in

mnc/fio. lu_ury industry is preferred.

3.familiar with daily retail store administration operation procedure.

holder of accounting qualified certificate is must.

4.good command of english in both written and spoken, above cet-4.

5.proficiency on operation of ms office and erp system such as sap.

6.customer service oriented.

7.strong coordination skills, good team player, integrity.

8.familiar with procedures for relevant government authorities.

specific responsibilities:

1. to manage ‘general service’ activities in store, including safe and back office security

2. to manage store safe count and all related inventory activities

3. to perform daily sales reports & filing of all invoices and documents in the shop.

4. product repair management with customer service department and e_ternal workshop

5. liaison with finance department regarding cash management, payment request, company ta_ declaration, purchase fapiao and bank journal

6. administration activities such as safe housekeeping, staff attendance & leave monitoring & recording.






第14篇 bms軟件工程師---高級(jí)autosar開發(fā)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求










第15篇 autosar軟件工程師職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求








bachelor degree or above with major in computer or electronic field


3 year or more work e_perience in embedded software develop

3、autosar swc開發(fā)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

have the e_perience of autosar development


3 years or more c/c++ language developing e_perience


have the e_perience about development for cluster or other motive electronic device.


english as a working language is _________




登錄 查看職位競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力分析

第16篇 auto sar工程師職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



1.負(fù)責(zé)auto sar軟件架構(gòu)開發(fā),包括需求分析、架構(gòu)級(jí)軟件配置;

2.負(fù)責(zé)bootloader, can,lin,spi通訊協(xié)議,硬件driver,uds診斷協(xié)議,故障管理系統(tǒng)軟件開發(fā)和驗(yàn)證;




6.負(fù)責(zé)對(duì)符合auto sar標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的代碼進(jìn)行二次開發(fā);




3年的auto sar軟件架構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)驗(yàn),熟悉c語言編程;熟悉mcu開發(fā)設(shè)計(jì);了解汽車電子相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),了解嵌入式硬件基礎(chǔ)知識(shí);熟悉auto sar架構(gòu)與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

a)有mcu mcal,bsw,osek,nm,rte和相關(guān)開發(fā)工具方面的經(jīng)驗(yàn);


c)有matlab / simulink / stateflow /嵌入式編碼器的經(jīng)驗(yàn);



第17篇 云技術(shù)解決方案顧問 - customer success manager職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



oracle is rapidly transforming itself into a hyper scale cloud player by aggressively rolling out a comprehensive portfolio of application, platform and infrastructure services. platform (paas) & infrastructure (iaas) in oracle public cloud and @customers are unique cloud solutions to help customers’ transforming legacy it architectures to cloud platform so customers can be scalable of supporting dynamic business demands.

customer success team, platform & infrastructure cloud, aims to improve pass/iaas cloud adoption, build successful references and achieve greater business returns for customers throughout entire customer life cycle support, including:

? consultative solutions advisory of it and cloud transformation

? oracle paas/iaas product e_pert services for successful adoption

? customer paas/iaas project implementation support

? deep technical support to customers/partners’ application development, migration to oracle paas/iaas platform and integration of oracle cloud

? improve the customer satisfactions


the csm will be sme (subject matter e_pert) of oracle paas or iaas products and solutions, act as trusted technical advisor to customers and partners in adopting oracle cloud, the focus areas are:

? building strategic value-add customer relationships, providing best in class services and ensuring customer satisfaction via technical e_pertise

? support customer to implement oracle paas/iaas successfully and build oracle cloud reference cases to drive continuous cloud opportunities;

? creatively support customer to adopt oracle paas/iaas platforms, e.g. development of industry solutions on oracle paas/iaas platform, migrating non-oracle workload to oracle public cloud or cloud@customers, and delivering deep dive workshops or pocs

? design and optimize modern cloud platform and infrastructures for customers’ digital transformation

? good collaboration with sales and sc team, and align with the paas & iaas implementation success and renewals team to ensure e_cellence in e_ecution and the achievement of regional renewals and e_pansion targets

? create a scalable resource pools in designated subject areas to ensure high quality service delivery

? manage and negotiate escalations for internal issues and between oracle and customers/partners to achieve positive outcome and influence policy

success will be realized by achieving paas/iaas solution adoption successfully, customer satisfaction and reference ability, and contract renewals & e_pansions for platform and infrastructure cloud.


the candidates should demonstrate e_pert skills in at least two of following areas:

? master of oracle products with implementations e_perience: - database, ofm, bi, bigdata/iot, java dev, integration, mobile or

- ocm, e_adata, e_alogic, bda, pca, zdrla, supercluster, or

- technical architect of ebs, hcm/psft, epm, c_, analytics

- ovm, oracle linu_, solaris, storage and network

? hands on skills of following oracle cloud services: - paas: omc, data management (dbaas, bigdata), application development (jcs, mcs), integration (soa, iot), security (identity), content & process (document, process), business analytics (bi, bdd, dv, iot and essbase)

- iaas: ocm, ravello, container, compute, storage, and bare metal cloud service

? rich e_perience and deep knowledge of competitive products: - cloud vendor: aws, azure, vmware, bluemi_, softlayer, openstack

- network: cisco, huawei

? deep e_perience in network and virtualization techniques and deployments - data center architecture and design

- it operation and management

- virtualization: vmware, _en, kvm, hyper-v, docker, l_c, vpn

- network security protocols and ability to solving network issues

? master of open source technologies and development tools - java/j2ee, html5, php, ape_ , aja_, python, _ml, lamp stack

- jboss, tomcat, glassfish

- mysql, nosql (mongodb, hbase), hadoop/cloudera

? strong project management skills with technical background: (pm role only) - proven records of project delivery, stakeholders managements, resources, risk management and project tracking and reports

第18篇 cocos creator 游戲開發(fā)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



1. 使用 cocos2d_ (cocos creator)完成游戲邏輯, ui 界面,特效的開發(fā);

2. 持續(xù)優(yōu)化游戲性能和表現(xiàn)。




3、有cocos creator & cocos2d_、javascript相關(guān)經(jīng)驗(yàn)優(yōu)先。


公司是做 ios 端休閑小游戲的,一個(gè)項(xiàng)目的周期一般都在1個(gè)季度以內(nèi)。

第19篇 associate director / manager, fs, iarcs崗位職責(zé)要求


main responsibilities

- lead the team to carry out compliance, internal control, operational risk management, erm, process optimization, or internal audit related engagements

- develop proposals, manage engagements in general and lead the on-field work to meet client’s demand within budgeted time and costs

- help clients to design risk governance framework, improve client’s internal controls, compliance, and risk management policies and processes, ensure deliverables and services in compliance with kpmg’s policies and quality / performance standards

- well communicate. be able to work within cross-function team and support other lines of services when appropriate and necessary


- at least 5 years advisory or in-house e_periences in finance industry, such as banks, security firms, insurance companies, asset management companies or fin-tech companies, ideally in a professional service environment (preferred but not required) or financial institution

- has relevant e_periences in internal control management, compliance management, operational risk management, process optimization, erm and audit

- has certain e_periences in project management, e_perience in leading project implementation would be an advantage

- bachelor degree or above, majoring in finance, mathematics, accounting or economics is a plus

- certified in cpa, cfa, frm or other relevant certifications would be desirable

- be familiar with risk management and internal control method for finance industry

- good consulting and communication skills, self-initiation, good team player and willingness to work under pressure

- e_cellent command of spoken and written english and chinese

第20篇 associate director / manager – big data practitioner, data & analytics崗位職責(zé)要求


in kpmgs management consulting practice, we do not limit ourselves to either strategy or implementation. instead, we deliver both. our team in hong kong is the fastest growing division within kpmg china and represents a young and enthusiastic team that always pushes itself to succeed. since our creation, we have developed in-depth knowledge of an incredibly broad spread of sectors and services.

our data & analytics team focuses on assisting clients to e_ecute their strategy by optimising the use of information. we enable business to realise their objectives through insights from the data and provide the right information to the right people at the right time. the role of an associate director within kpmg has three specific areas of focus:

1. business development

- building strong and lasting client relationships through e_cellent interpersonal skills

- identifying and developing new opportunities at e_isting and new clients

- working with partners and directors to develop compelling propositions which target relevant client issues

- supporting the development of rfp responses to clients

- building their network within the firm to help drive the capability and their own visibility

2. client service

- delivery of high quality advisory and/or technical services to our clients

- planning, managing and e_ecuting the delivery of engagements or projects, including responsibility for the review and quality assurance of deliverables

- building lasting relationships with their key client stakeholders

- identifying and managing risks, whilst ma_imising profitability and ensuring the firms frameworks are implemented appropriately and effectively

3.practice development

- utilising their previous and growing e_perience to build and develop knowledge within the team

- developing and building on both their consulting and delivery capability

- delivery and attendance to key training

- helping our junior team members to develop through mentoring and monitoring in the role of a performance manager and by disseminating their own e_perience throughout the team

as part of this team, you will be providing specialised consulting services in big data strategy, planning and implementation to clients across different industries.

the individual will have:

- bachelors degree, preferably in computer science, information systems, and engineering.

- 10+ years of big data and data warehousing e_perience, candidates with less e_perience will be considered as manager

- hands-on e_perience in leading the design, development and implementation of the big data software platform

- e_tensive understanding of database and analytical technologies including mpp and nosql databases, data warehousing, bi, and dashboard design

- e_tensive understanding of hadoop technologies. programming or scripting languages like java, linu_, c++, php, ruby, python, r and matlib

- e_pert knowledge in different (nosql or rdbms) databases such as hbase, hive, mongodb and cassandra

- strong understanding of cloud technologies platform like aws or azure is highly preferred

- great communications skill to work with business stakeholders on analytics, project management, and advisory

- proven project management skills including planning, designing and shaping project work streams, managing progress, resolving issues and limiting risks

- ability to work at pace whilst delivering pragmatic and high quality outcomes

- good english language skills. prefer to be fluent on mandarin




  • to崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • to崗位職責(zé)20篇91人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么to崗位,全稱為technicalofficer,是企業(yè)中技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的核心管理者,負(fù)責(zé)組織和指導(dǎo)技術(shù)團(tuán)隊(duì),確保技術(shù)創(chuàng)新和項(xiàng)目實(shí)施的順利進(jìn)行。他們扮演著技術(shù)戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃、 ...[更多]

  • cto崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • cto崗位職責(zé)20篇83人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么cto,全稱為chieftechnologyofficer,即首席技術(shù)官,是企業(yè)中負(fù)責(zé)技術(shù)和產(chǎn)品研發(fā)的高級(jí)管理職務(wù)。cto扮演著引領(lǐng)技術(shù)創(chuàng)新、推動(dòng)企業(yè)發(fā)展的重要角色,他們需 ...[更多]

  • tob崗位職責(zé)3篇
  • tob崗位職責(zé)3篇71人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么tob(tobusiness)崗位,即面向企業(yè)服務(wù)的崗位,主要負(fù)責(zé)為企業(yè)客戶提供產(chǎn)品或解決方案,推動(dòng)企業(yè)間的商業(yè)合作。這個(gè)角色需要深入理解客戶需求,構(gòu)建并維護(hù)與 ...[更多]

  • ito崗位職責(zé)7篇
  • ito崗位職責(zé)7篇66人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么ito(informationtechnologyoutsourcing)崗位,即信息技術(shù)外包,是指企業(yè)將部分it相關(guān)工作交由外部專業(yè)團(tuán)隊(duì)來完成。這個(gè)崗位主要負(fù)責(zé)管理和協(xié)調(diào)這些外包 ...[更多]

  • cto技術(shù)崗位職責(zé)16篇
  • cto技術(shù)崗位職責(zé)16篇39人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么cto,即chieftechnologyofficer,是企業(yè)中的首席技術(shù)官,主要負(fù)責(zé)組織的技術(shù)戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃、技術(shù)創(chuàng)新與管理、技術(shù)研發(fā)與實(shí)施等核心工作。cto是企業(yè)技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的 ...[更多]

  • nto崗位職責(zé)5篇
  • nto崗位職責(zé)5篇34人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么nto,全稱nationaltechnicalofficer,即國(guó)家技術(shù)官員,是一個(gè)在國(guó)際組織或跨國(guó)公司中承擔(dān)專業(yè)技術(shù)指導(dǎo)和協(xié)調(diào)工作的職位。這個(gè)角色專注于技術(shù)支持、項(xiàng)目 ...[更多]

  • director崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • director崗位職責(zé)20篇31人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么director,即總監(jiān),是企業(yè)中高級(jí)管理層的關(guān)鍵角色,負(fù)責(zé)特定領(lǐng)域的戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃與運(yùn)營(yíng)管理。他們通常在公司的某一業(yè)務(wù)部門或職能領(lǐng)域內(nèi)擔(dān)任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)職務(wù),如財(cái)務(wù)、 ...[更多]
