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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):31





1. 擁有深厚的行業(yè)知識(shí)和專業(yè)技能,能夠把握市場(chǎng)趨勢(shì)和業(yè)務(wù)動(dòng)態(tài)。

2. 具備出色的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力,能夠激發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)潛力,推動(dòng)高效協(xié)作。

3. 強(qiáng)大的決策能力,能夠在復(fù)雜情況下做出明智的判斷。

4. 良好的溝通能力,能夠與各級(jí)員工、客戶和合作伙伴有效交流。

5. 熟悉企業(yè)運(yùn)營(yíng)流程,能制定并執(zhí)行戰(zhàn)略計(jì)劃。

6. 有責(zé)任感和危機(jī)意識(shí),能及時(shí)識(shí)別和處理潛在風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

7. 注重結(jié)果導(dǎo)向,能夠設(shè)定明確的目標(biāo)并確保達(dá)成。

8. 持續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)和創(chuàng)新,適應(yīng)快速變化的商業(yè)環(huán)境。




1. 制定和實(shí)施部門戰(zhàn)略:確定短期和長(zhǎng)期目標(biāo),制定實(shí)施計(jì)劃,并監(jiān)督執(zhí)行情況。

2. 預(yù)算與資源管理:編制預(yù)算,合理分配資源,控制成本,確保財(cái)務(wù)健康。

3. 團(tuán)隊(duì)建設(shè)與人才培養(yǎng):招聘、培訓(xùn)和評(píng)估團(tuán)隊(duì)成員,提供職業(yè)發(fā)展指導(dǎo)。

4. 客戶關(guān)系管理:維護(hù)現(xiàn)有客戶,開(kāi)拓新市場(chǎng),提升客戶滿意度。

5. 內(nèi)部協(xié)調(diào)與跨部門合作:協(xié)調(diào)內(nèi)部資源,與其它部門合作解決跨領(lǐng)域問(wèn)題。

6. 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理:識(shí)別潛在風(fēng)險(xiǎn),制定預(yù)防措施,確保業(yè)務(wù)穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行。

7. 報(bào)告與溝通:定期向高層匯報(bào)工作進(jìn)展,確保信息透明。

8. 行業(yè)洞察與市場(chǎng)分析:跟蹤行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài),進(jìn)行市場(chǎng)研究,為公司決策提供依據(jù)。

9. 創(chuàng)新與改進(jìn):推動(dòng)業(yè)務(wù)創(chuàng)新,優(yōu)化工作流程,提高效率。



第1篇 dealer quality management director (經(jīng)銷商質(zhì)量管理總監(jiān))崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



?set up dealer quality improvement system covering sales and customer service including dealer standard audit, mystery shopping, customer satisfaction survey, etc.


?integrate internal resource to optimize business process, set up service related customer complaint quick reaction system and improve customer satisfaction


?other dealer quality & customer satisfaction measurement and improvement activities


?making dealer annual commercial policy and dealer annual award policy.


?analyze on dealer profitability and support sales team making decision on sales policy對(duì)經(jīng)銷商盈利性進(jìn)行分析并支持銷售團(tuán)隊(duì)決策

?effective team management. guide motivate and push team members to finish their jobs


?organize dealer investor’s engagement activity


?other assignments from the supervisor 其他主管交付的各項(xiàng)事宜

key performance measurement

?integrate and set up dealer quality system covering sales and customer service


?improve customer satisfaction


?set up dealer annual commercial policy to improve sales, customer service and quality kpi



?bachelor degree or above 本科及以上學(xué)歷

?fluent written and spoken mandarin and english are essential 流利的普通話和英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)能力

?at least 10 years working e_perience in automotive industry, above 5 years working e_perience in dealer quality management function 至少10年汽車行業(yè)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),至少5年上經(jīng)銷商質(zhì)量管理工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)

?minimum 5 years management e_perience5年以上管理經(jīng)驗(yàn)

?e_perienced in dealer quality management business and have good knowledge in dealer operation 熟悉經(jīng)銷商質(zhì)量管理業(yè)務(wù)及經(jīng)銷商運(yùn)營(yíng)管理流程

第2篇 director, financial risk management崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


kpmg’s financial risk management (frm) group helps client’s management to identify, measure, and monitor financial and business risks, the relationships between risks and returns, and the control environment over the management and reporting of these risks. in the rapidly e_panding chinese financial market, frm group assists in financial instruments valuation, internal control measurement, and regulatory compliance assessment to help management leverage the leading practices in risk control to their financial benefits.


- timely manage the team on e_ecution of frm engagement, in particular credit risk and valuation engagements, to ensure quality service is delivered

- develop and maintain client relationships; ma_imize business opportunities

- supervise a growing specialist team and contribute to the career development of team members

- play a key role in business development

- oversee credit risk modelling junior analytical resources, and clientrelated inquiries

- maintain up-to-date knowledge of credit risk management practices, both locally and internationally

- develop and maintain productive working relationships with client personnel

- build strong internal relationships within advisory practice and across other services


- master and above, major in financial engineering / financial mathematics / applied

mathematics / mathematical statistics / financial risk management / econometrics and other related discipline

- minimum 10 years’ e_perience in banking, professional financial services advisory, or other risk management department in financial institutions (credit risk management will be a priority)

- frm or cfa is a plus

- knowledge and practical work e_perience with quantitative analysis tool, sas, matlab, e_cel-vba is a plus

- have in depth knowledge of some of the following:

- e_ceptional interpersonal skills with a demonstrated ability to gain the confidence and respect of senior e_ecutives

- strong project planning and organising skills, with the ability to work effectively under pressure managing projects / deliverables

- e_cellent business and technical writing and presentation skills with e_perience in developing training materials

- fluent in english

第3篇 實(shí)驗(yàn)室director崗位職責(zé)、要求



2.至少8年以上深度學(xué)習(xí)、計(jì)算機(jī)視覺(jué)、 語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)言處理、高性能計(jì)算、智能駕駛、智能電力、智慧城市等領(lǐng)域相關(guān)專業(yè)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)







3.帶領(lǐng)實(shí)驗(yàn)室研發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)開(kāi)展前瞻性研究,包括理論技術(shù)優(yōu)化、前沿技術(shù)攻關(guān)、及先行性應(yīng)用研究等,持續(xù)將ai新技術(shù)引入實(shí)驗(yàn)室研究,采用z合適的技術(shù)來(lái)解決實(shí)際項(xiàng)目問(wèn)題。研究領(lǐng)域包括:深度學(xué)習(xí)、計(jì)算機(jī)視覺(jué)、 語(yǔ)音、自然語(yǔ)言處理、高性能計(jì)算等,應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域包括:智能駕駛,智慧城市,智能電力,智慧醫(yī)療,智能教育,智能制造等;



6.指導(dǎo)實(shí)驗(yàn)室人才培養(yǎng)計(jì)劃與工作,把關(guān)研究員培養(yǎng)計(jì)劃的制定與調(diào)整,監(jiān)督參與培養(yǎng)計(jì)劃實(shí)施推行與疑難咨詢、解決;定期進(jìn)行公開(kāi)前沿技術(shù)講座或?qū)W術(shù)報(bào)告等,在研究院、地平線及業(yè)界傳播 ai 知識(shí),幫助打造研究院追求創(chuàng)新,技術(shù)驅(qū)動(dòng)的品牌形象。

第4篇 associate director, strategy崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


kpmg’s strategy group is recruiting. we are seeking e_ceptional individuals who have a passion for identifying and creating solutions for clients. kpmg’s strategy group works with c-level e_ecutives to identify, structure and help solve their most critical strategic issues across the economic and transaction cycles.

it is an e_citing time to join the strategy group as we are growing rapidly owing to our unique propositions and strength of client relationships.


- build client relationships to be seen as the ‘go to’ person and a trusted advisor by senior e_ecutives

- lead, design and finalise client deliverables, including shaping the overall problem solving approach

- undertake scoping and fee negotiation on standard engagements

- actively develop own knowledge and e_pertise in chosen propositions / sectors

- motivate, coach and develop project team member

- provide constructive upwards feedback

e_perience & background

- degree from a leading institution, mba preferred

- a minimum of eight years of relevant e_perience

- track record of leading comple_, international projects in a consulting or corporate environment

- demonstrate ability to build and commercialize relationships with senior e_ecutives

- demonstrate an analytical mindset, intellectual curiosity, structured thinking, and creativity

- demonstrate confidence, people skills, ambition and pragmatism

- strong written and verbal communication skills in english, fluency in putonghua is highly desirable

第5篇 plm產(chǎn)品線 品牌總經(jīng)理 sales director崗位職責(zé)要求


drive plm product strategy and revenue growth by empowering geo through:

?build and lead world-class plm product sales and technical sales organization inside the geo.

?develop plans and priorities in close partnership with geo / channel leadership.

?engage and coordinate ww coe with plm product’s strategic customers and prospects.

?localize and e_ecute critical programs; enablement, pipe gen, marketing events, deployment success and referencing.

?provide guidance and input to plm product global organization.


provide management insight and oversight:

?provide thought leadership in sales approaches and process. inspire shared, organization-wide vision into sales and tech sales team

?develop and implement short and long-term sales strategy to grow and service new business while retaining valued customers and converting them into strong references

?apply data-driven decision making to facilitate business performance, establish targets, and provide actionable feedback and coaching to individuals on the team

?provide weekly forecasting and monthly kpi/dashboarding to aid in priority setting, decision-making and resource allocation


?proven ability to assemble, develop, inspire, motivate and retain talent; a team-builder who enables/encourages the highest level of individual and group performance. the ability to lead, motivate and manage a team of sales and technical sales professionals.

?demonstrated track-record of developing and maintaining a transparent and effective relationship with fellow management team members

?an e_cellent listener, who is tough-minded and will offer critical review, but with a strong sense of partnership; he or she will give pragmatic and direct guidance/feedback and will share e_amples of applied methodology to help solve business problems


?minimum 4-5 years’ plm industry e_perience and/or 10+ years enterprise solution or sales e_perience

?bs engineering or it/plm background is a plus

?e_perience in channel / partner management, strong communication skill is required

第6篇 directoroftransportationandcustoms崗位職責(zé)職位要求


job description

director of transportation and customs – aldo group international (agi)


the aldo group supply chain is comple_ and is in transition. the company is implementing sap across all their channels and banners (brands). during this transition and while the various banners adopt sap, there are parallel activities within legacy systems for those brands which are not yet live with sap. the supply chain has several logistics partners including distribution centers, transportation providers and custom brokers. these logistics partners have their own systems and the aldo it systems are integrated with the partner systems. this integration has its own comple_ity.

the aldo supply chain services global markets. the predominant markets are in canada and the usa. the international markets are spread across latin americas, europe, middle east, asia and africa. the company has evolved from being montreal centric to being multi-national with a global presence.

the agi director of transportation and customs is a new role which has been crafted to serve the needs of the international markets. the goal is to strengthen and streamline the flow of goods and ensure adherence to service level agreements, lead times and operating procedures.

key responsibilities:

reports to the senior director of agi supply chain.

the role will be based within the logistics partner facilities.

the role will oversee the transportation operations from the vendor booking stage through delivery to the markets/stores.

on a daily basis, the role will interact and liaise with the sourcing teams, transportation providers, free trade zone authorities, franchisees to support customs regulations in their respective countries, customs and regulatory authorities to ensure goods flow across borders to our retail stores and with the distribution centers.

engage hands-on and e_ecute to the domain key capabilities;

continuous network planning and redesign.

partner accountability: sla and kpi management.

strategic logistics management.

strong budget control and cost savings ability.

tms technology implementation knowledge and user e_perience.

logistics partner development e_pertise.

inbound volume planning and dc alignment including freight planning, freight consol/deconsol.

outbound volume planning including outbound route/load planning for line hauls versus last mile, parcel optimization.

mode and volume optimization e_perience.

invoice management and chargebacks for non-compliance.

lead time optimization between nodes and operational e_pertise with time compression from possession to market delivery.

customs regulatory controls, customs compliance and customs broker management.

carbon footprint and sustainability management.

proactive escalation, early warning process enforcement and e_ception reporting capabilities.

requirements for the role:

atleast 12-15 years of domain e_pertise and e_perience.

e_perience with atleast 80% of the domain key capabilities.

ability to provide guidance for dynamic operational changes.

strong financial planning and simulation capabilities.

continuous improvement methods and efficiency focus.

good communications skills to collaborate and manage cross functional needs.

people development aptitude – results driven approach.

highly solution oriented leadership style – high sense of urgency.

strong team player with alignment to our core values: love, respect and integrity.

self driven with the goal of making a difference and to deliver on corporate goals.

reasonable knowledge of dc operations to review and report on anomalies to agreed upon sla’s, kpi. be available as the go-to-person for supply chain matters including dc operations as needed for the yantian dc. the role will be the eyes of the director of dc operations who will be based on out netherlands.

the role requires supply chain leadership with greater focus on transportation and secondary focus on distribution.

technology savvy and data driven to support operational effectiveness; e_perience with e_cel, microsoft powerpoint, word, visio and tms tools.

work location and travel:

50-60% based in yantian, china at the partner forwarding and distribution center.

20-30% based in netherlands at the partner distribution center.

10-20% in montreal at the head office.






第7篇 study director(專項(xiàng)負(fù)責(zé)人)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



1. 協(xié)助cro事業(yè)部bd與委托方進(jìn)行溝通,制定可行的研究方案。

2. 全面負(fù)責(zé)研究工作的運(yùn)行管理,確認(rèn)研究實(shí)驗(yàn)專題的實(shí)施是否符合方案要求。執(zhí)行sop的規(guī)定,及時(shí)提出修訂或補(bǔ)充相應(yīng)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)操作規(guī)程的建議。

3. 對(duì)參與研究的工作人員進(jìn)行培訓(xùn),使其明確所承擔(dān)的工作,并掌握相應(yīng)的sop。

4. 與技術(shù)部門協(xié)調(diào),嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行實(shí)驗(yàn)方案,分析研究結(jié)果,撰寫(xiě)總結(jié)報(bào)告。









第8篇 associate director, people & change, mc崗位職責(zé)要求


in kpmgs management consulting practice, we dont limit ourselves to either strategy or implementation. instead, we deliver both. our team in southern china is the fastest growing division within kpmg china and represents a young and enthusiastic team that always pushes itself to succeed. since our creation, weve developed in-depth knowledge of an incredibly broad spread of sectors and services.

our p&c team is dedicated to helping our clients get the best out of their people. we work on standalone people & change projects, we also provide subject matter e_pertise to projects led by other areas of kpmg such as financial management, business effectiveness, or operational strategy.

we provide a broad range of services to our clients which include:

- behavioural change management - ensuring organisations realise the benefits of large scale change projects by embedding new behaviours and minimising underperformance during the change

- organisation development - target operating model development, organisation design, role clarity, performance management, organisational culture, employee development and reward / recognition

- optimising human resource departments - creating cost effective, integrated hr functions that contribute to the delivery of business strategy

- talent development - helping clients identify, retain and develop talent

- performance management and reward - designing reward strategies / incentive schemes, and performance management frameworks / processes

the responsibilities attributable to this role will include some or all of the following:

- managing a team of kpmg professionals on client engagements and providing leadership and shaping delivery approach

- develop appropriate client relationships to enhance the reputation of kpmg as advisor of choice and identify further client opportunities

- managing competing agendas / priorities and establish achievable programmes / projects

- take a significant role in sharing knowledge and supporting the development of other team members

- act as a subject matter e_pert in advising clients to ma_imise benefits while reducing risks

- support business development initiatives including bid proposal and contract / commercial management

- being passionate about areas of e_pertise, managing your own development by learning continuously from e_perience and seeking out development opportunities

- coaching team members to ensure e_cellent client delivery whilst also enabling their career development

we are looking for associate director candidates with specific e_perience and skills in some of the following categories:

- e_perience of working for a major advisory business or leading corporate organisation

- e_perience helping re-structure hr functions / teams to deliver a more optimised service

- acting as subject matter e_pert in advising clients to ma_imise benefits whilst reducing risk

- using your knowledge, e_pertise and e_perience to support the development people and change propositions

- responsibility for standalone deliverables that add significantly to the overall success of the project or workstream

- passionate about your discipline with a history of continuous learning

- commercial awareness evidenced by an ability to identify business opportunities

- drive and resilience to overcome challenges or setbacks

- strong communicator able to build lasting client relationships

the individual will have:

- a good track record of delivering high quality project, or assignment outputs with a focus on delivering measurable business improvements preferably from working for a major advisory business, consultancy or corporate

- planning, designing and shaping project work streams, managing progress, resolving issues and limiting risks

- meeting milestones within time, cost and quality constraints

- solid problem solving skills, ability to analyse comple_ data, identify core issues, investigate, evaluate and reach appropriate conclusions / solutions

- evidence of managing multiple tasks, priorities, delegating and managing staff

- high levels of personal integrity and be a team player with commercial awareness

- qualifications including cipd, mba and prince2 would be beneficial but not essential

第9篇 研究總監(jiān) research director (新產(chǎn)品研發(fā))崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



1. 全面負(fù)責(zé)年度目標(biāo),管理和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)研究項(xiàng)目,提供專業(yè)的客戶服務(wù);

2. 提供先進(jìn)的研究分析和增值的見(jiàn)解及建議;

3. 負(fù)責(zé)鉆研新的研究產(chǎn)品,結(jié)合公司特色,研發(fā)出適合公司業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展的產(chǎn)品雛形;

4. 負(fù)責(zé)撰寫(xiě)研究報(bào)告,以及重要項(xiàng)目提報(bào);

5. 日常部門管理,保持員工的穩(wěn)定與持續(xù)成長(zhǎng)。


1. 全日制本科及以上學(xué)歷,專業(yè)不限;

2. 七年以上市場(chǎng)研究行業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn),有國(guó)際研究公司工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)者優(yōu)先;

3. 廣泛的研究方法和市場(chǎng)研究的具體技術(shù)技能;

4. 扎實(shí)的市場(chǎng)研究功底,對(duì)市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷和企業(yè)管理有深刻的理解和洞察力;

5. 解決問(wèn)題的能力強(qiáng),邏輯思維能力強(qiáng),愿意在壓力下工作;

6. 有良好的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力和團(tuán)隊(duì)管理能力。

第10篇 engineeringdirector崗位職責(zé)engineeringdirector職責(zé)任職要求


hr specialist (人力資源專員) 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd key accountabilities(關(guān)鍵職責(zé)):

1. conduct annual training needs assessment; consider individual performance plans, business needs and talent development needs, and then develop annual training plan.

2. e_ecute training plans, follow up with training effectiveness assessment, and make continuous improvement to training programs to meet business needs and talent development needs, coordinate corporate training program.

3. assist succession planning and talent management initiatives and key talents development action tracking & follow up.

4. assist in culture survey and develop plan to improve employee engagement.

5. be responsible for implementation safety, quality and environment system requirements.

6. assist in attracting, identifying and recruiting potential and best-in-class talent.

7. organize employee activities and community activities.

8. perform other duties requested by manager or headquarter.

qualifications & requirements(任職資格與要求):

1. bachelor degree or above, major in human resource management or english is preferred.

2. above 3 years work e_perience in hr, training, recruiting related e_perience in multinational companies is preferred.

3. e_cellent interpersonal skills, communication skill and presentation skill, english speaking is required.

4. down to earth, responsive and action oriented.

5. self-motivated with good team spirit.

6. relevant iatf16949, iso14001 regulation knowledge.

第11篇 sourcingdirector崗位職責(zé)

亞太區(qū)物流分銷經(jīng)理 the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

第12篇 associate director / senior manager, industrial research, china崗位職責(zé)要求



key responsibility:

_ work together with head of research, china to formulate standards and strategies for industrial property research in china

_ become an e_port in china industrial and logistics property market, closely follow and analyze latest and future trends in this sector, and take lead in delivering regular and topical research papers, and customized presentations in superior quality and timely

_ review local industrial property database and other routine submissions, and maintain national industrial property database to ensure consistency, accuracy and comprehensiveness of data, and being updated timely

_ work closely with industrial and other related business lines and provide research support including property data and information, customized research materials and reports, and attending client meetings

_ collaborate with regional and local research teams closely on joint projects, and coordinate during the process

_ other duties may be assigned

qualification | skills | attributes:

_ at least 5-7 years of research e_perience preferably within industrial and logistics property, supply chain, e-commerce sectors.

_ at least a first degree in economics, real estate or a related major is required. a higher degree in a relevant discipline would significantly enhance the candidate’s qualifications.

_ sound business and real estate knowledge of china

_ strong statistical and analytical skills

_ capable of presenting and communicating ideas and views clearly

_ native fluency in mandarin and e_cellent english speaking and writing skills

_ proficiency in ms e_cel, ppt and word. gis will be a plus

_ highly organised and with rigorous attention to detail

_ ability to multi-task, work/succeed under pressure, and prioritize and co-ordinate tasks efficiently ensuring all deadlines

_ positive, enquiring, collaborative attitude

_ motivated and self-starting with a desire to succeed and contribute to the success of a team



第13篇 ea mobile/popcap - development director職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



project management

- responsibility for establishing the overall project development structure and guide the project team to proceed;

- build up and maintain the project roadmap/schedule with estimation of the scope of work;

- determine the resource plan to meet the product requirements;

- implement and monitor the cycle of each development process, support team as needed;

- produce milestone report and ensure the deliverables on time and on quality;

- managing budget for procurement, travel and outsourcing;

- identify and mitigate risks during the whole project cycle;

- communicating to project stakeholders including oversea partners on status update, resources, schedule, dependencies, risks and processes.


- ensures adequate equipment, tools and support are provided for team members;

- enhances personal understanding of the production process and actively offers input;

- provides input for departmental planning (i.e. resource planning, cost estimates etc.); can facilitate process improvements across departments;


- an ea development director i is e_pected to possess:

- 5+ years of software development e_perience; 4 years project management e_perience; 3 years of leadership e_perience (line management);

- e_periences on managing projects in scrum.

- strong negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution skills;

- effective communication skills across all levels of an organization.

- educational background: bachelors. the ideal candidate should include a degree in computer science or equivalent;

- pmp certification an asset.

- fluent english and mandarin


please send your reseme in .doc format)


if any portofolios, please compress it as .zip

第14篇 businessdevelopmentdirector崗位職責(zé)

business development manager this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

this position is a sales development role:

his/her task is to win and grow b2b business with chinese enterprises in support of their overseas e_pansion.

he/she will be responsible for selling travel risk/mobility solutions as well as site medical risk solutions in the assigned market and sectors, with focus on clients’china-outbound investment and projects.


selling of our solutions to companies (among others):

-medical and security assistance to e_patriates and business travellers;

-site medical services / plant medical services;

-services in the areas of health, wellness, medical emergency preparedness and occupational health;

-security / personal safety assistance and advisory services;

this role will require to make contact and interact with:

-health, safety, environment(hse) managers;

-hr managers;

-corporate medical & security mangers;

-general managers / country managers / project managers;

-travel managers;

-finance, legal and procurement managers;


-hunting personality, solid e_perience of identifying and qualifying new business opportunities;

-strong deal closing capability;

-develop multiple contacts with decision makers in client organizations;

-meet and e_ceed growth targets and budgets set;

-operate with targets, pipeline, and forecasts;

-comple_ solution and multi cycle sales e_perience

-good communication with fluent english speaking

第15篇 deputy quality director-automotive t崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



as the deputy quality director, the candidate will take charge of the overall quality affairs in great china, including qa, qc, sq, and customer quality. this role will be based in shanghai jiading.

client details

our client is a well known us company, it provides a certain product in new energy vehicle and dominates the domestic as well as european market.


_ handle routine quality affairs of 3 plants in apac, coordinate and oversee audit plan for every plant;

_ work with clients to pass validation process of different oems

_ maintain quality system with all departments and ensure compliance of process and product requirements;

_ daily quality controlling & continuous improvement, assess and provide the resources required to carry out the tasks pertaining to the companys quality function;

_ customers/supplier quality management, handling customer complaints, and supplier quality management;

_ provide training and to foster the development of continuous improvement;

_ coordinate the companys internal and e_ternal quality-related matters.


_ bachelor degree in engineering or other technical field or management


8+ years working e_perience in quality management area of automotive industry. good knowledge of different oems quality systems and methods;

_ solid e_perience in conducting management & solutions in quality system, skilled in using tools like fmea, apqp, 8d,6sigma and so on


strong leadership and manage-up capability


fluent in written and spoken english

job offer

good platform to achieve career success


_bachelor degree in engineering or other technical field or management

_8+ years working e_perience in quality management area of automotive industry. good knowledge of different oems quality system

第16篇 engineerdirector崗位職責(zé)職位要求


job description.

this position will work with customer design teams and local operation team from an early stage, ensure the customer to have professional engineering services from npi stage to mp for all new product, with cost advantage

1. set up innovative and technical roadmaps and strategy; develop fpc new product, new technology, new materials, new equipment, keeping ahead of market competition. study advanced management practices and new manufacturing technology, in order to improve the

manufacturing capability

2. manage the product development cycle on new products from concept to launch, including specification, design, validation, and certification testing using the phase gate review process.

3. provide guideline to the product quality & productivity

4. improvement, cost reduction and process definition; drive continuous improvement by implementing value add/value engineering (va/ve) projects to achieve annual cost reduction goals.

5. work with r&d, marketing and operation team to ensure the consistently achieve or e_ceed product kpis

6. lead continuous improvement e_ercises particularly regarding engineering processes or equipment improvement & automation.

7. develop qualification processes to determine site capabilities; identify gaps vs. requirements for specific projects, develop qualification plans for customer specific certification requirements

8. responsible for all personnel issues and performance evaluation of subordinates as well as training, developing and mentoring

9. build organizational capability through coaching and mentoring of e_isting engineering team and via the selective recruitment of top talent.

desired skills and e_perience

1. master or doctor in chemistry, electronics, or some other relatedmajor.

2. more than 15 years japanese fpc factory’s work e_periences asprocess design, process improvement, and equipment updating director, skilled inmanaging comple_ work environment.

3. must be a strong leader, team builder and strategic thinker with a

broad social network in apac industry, also owned enoughe_periences in multinational company;advanced methodology inproject management. good communication and coordination skills;

4. skillful at 6 sigma, dfmea, pfmea, tpm, apqp, fpc rtr process, familiar with advanced design software, minitab, ecrs, doe.

5. fluent in english both written and oral;






第17篇 市場(chǎng)研究總監(jiān)(research director)崗位職責(zé)要求



1、負(fù)責(zé)快決測(cè)華南地區(qū)的業(yè)務(wù),包括客戶發(fā)展, 團(tuán)隊(duì)發(fā)展;









第18篇 associate director - sap implementation崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


associate directors are responsible for managing the deliverables of multiple engagements and contributing to business development working on prospective clients and actively selling in the market place. they ensure client satisfaction and quality deliverables consistent with kpmg methodology and standards, as well as developing and supporting the team assigned to the engagements.

delivery of client engagements

- work with a team of professionals to perform high quality advisory projects and help identify performance / process improvement opportunities for clients

- effectively manage multiple / simultaneous engagements / tasks

- work with / supervise staff on assigned engagements / tasks

- working within the budget and overall financial target of the project to ensure goals are met

- managing single projects to achieve project goals and ensure that deliverables are met on time, accurately and within scope

- identifying and proposing relevant solutions for client projects

- providing the infrastructure support to ensure that client invoicing is done accurately and timely

- monitoring client satisfaction and find ways to improve as needed

- end to end project management e_perience is required in order to lead entire project delivery towards customer success

business development

- participate in identification, qualifying, selling and materializing new engagements

- lead development of proposals based on specific client requirements

- seeking opportunities to present kpmg services to up sell within current and potential clients

- assist partners in organizing and delivering sap advisory related marketing events


- assist in the development and e_ecution of a business development plan for the sap advisory service offerings, leveraging the e_isting client base and delivering new accounts

- lead or support customer engagement sales cycles, by identifying saas cloud service opportunity and promoting the value proposition of erp solutions

- identify prospective engagements, respond to bid cycles and customer requests, develop proposals and lead project contract negotiations

- lead a team or participate in a team to e_ecute the cloud erp application implementation with high quality delivery, responsible for the full lifecycle and customer success

- identify and control the project risk effectively


- bachelors degree and above

- english: intermediate

- more than 8 years sap implementation e_periences

- project e_periences and management of 2 full cycle implementation of s/4 hana cloud edition

- have the cloud mindset, be familiar with the latest sap version s4hana cloud editions, and methodology of implementation and integration

- be familiar with at least one module of sd/pp/mm/fico

- implementation of sap model company or e_perience on design and implementation of pre-build sap package solutions is a plus

- good communication skill, collaboration and teaming up spirit

- prefer to have industry business consulting e_perience and project management e_perience

- have a sap s/4 hana cloud edition certification

第19篇 sourcingdirector崗位職責(zé)sourcingdirector職責(zé)任職要求


npd supervisor responsibilities:

- working as a contact window to connect the overseas team and local team;

- product and component specification;

- review 3d and 2d design;

- cost management.


- over 4 years npd (new product development, product engineering etc.);

- e_perienced in working with overseas and local team;

- fluency in oral and written english. responsibilities:

- working as a contact window to connect the overseas team and local team;

- product and component specification;

- review 3d and 2d design;

- cost management.


- over 4 years npd (new product development, product engineering etc.);

- e_perienced in working with overseas and local team;

- fluency in oral and written english.

第20篇 brand director崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求






client details



















job offer


to apply online please click the apply button below. for a confidential discussion about this role please contact jay zhang on +86 28 6319 6554




  • director崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • director崗位職責(zé)20篇31人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么director,即總監(jiān),是企業(yè)中高級(jí)管理層的關(guān)鍵角色,負(fù)責(zé)特定領(lǐng)域的戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃與運(yùn)營(yíng)管理。他們通常在公司的某一業(yè)務(wù)部門或職能領(lǐng)域內(nèi)擔(dān)任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)職務(wù),如財(cái)務(wù)、 ...[更多]
