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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):51



ac崗位,全稱assessment coordinator,是企業(yè)內(nèi)部評(píng)估協(xié)調(diào)員的角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)組織、實(shí)施及管理各類員工績(jī)效評(píng)估和能力發(fā)展計(jì)劃。這一角色的核心在于確保公司的評(píng)估體系有效運(yùn)行,促進(jìn)員工的成長(zhǎng)與企業(yè)目標(biāo)的達(dá)成。


1. 專業(yè)素養(yǎng):具備人力資源管理或相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的教育背景,對(duì)績(jī)效評(píng)估和人才發(fā)展理論有深入理解。

2. 溝通能力:擅長(zhǎng)與各級(jí)員工和管理層進(jìn)行有效的溝通,確保評(píng)估標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的清晰傳達(dá)。

3. 項(xiàng)目管理:能夠高效管理評(píng)估周期,確保各項(xiàng)任務(wù)按時(shí)完成。

4. 公正公平:保持客觀公正的態(tài)度,確保評(píng)估過程的公平性。

5. 數(shù)據(jù)分析:熟練運(yùn)用數(shù)據(jù)分析工具,解讀評(píng)估結(jié)果,為決策提供依據(jù)。

6. 政策理解:熟悉勞動(dòng)法規(guī)和公司政策,確保評(píng)估程序合規(guī)。

7. 創(chuàng)新思維:關(guān)注行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài),不斷優(yōu)化評(píng)估流程,提升評(píng)估質(zhì)量。




1. 評(píng)估工具的開發(fā)與更新:根據(jù)企業(yè)需求,創(chuàng)建或更新評(píng)估工具,確保其準(zhǔn)確反映員工表現(xiàn)。

2. 績(jī)效管理:監(jiān)控績(jī)效評(píng)估過程,確保評(píng)估標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的一致性和公正性。

3. 數(shù)據(jù)分析報(bào)告:生成評(píng)估報(bào)告,為管理層提供關(guān)于員工績(jī)效和能力提升的洞察。

4. 培訓(xùn)與發(fā)展:與培訓(xùn)部門合作,設(shè)計(jì)和執(zhí)行針對(duì)員工弱點(diǎn)的培訓(xùn)計(jì)劃。

5. 溝通協(xié)調(diào):定期與員工和管理者進(jìn)行溝通,解答評(píng)估相關(guān)問題,提供指導(dǎo)。

6. 政策修訂:根據(jù)評(píng)估結(jié)果和反饋,適時(shí)調(diào)整和優(yōu)化評(píng)估政策。

7. 爭(zhēng)議調(diào)解:處理評(píng)估過程中可能出現(xiàn)的糾紛,維護(hù)良好的工作氛圍。

8. 持續(xù)改進(jìn):研究最佳實(shí)踐,引入新的評(píng)估方法和技術(shù),提高評(píng)估的有效性和效率。



第1篇 data scientist - applied machine learning 職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



the applied machine learning data science team in tencent is at the forefront of using advanced machine learning techniques and mathematical models on big data to solve impactful problems


minimum qualification

strong background in machine learning and statistical modeling.

3+ years with time series modeling, forecasting, anomaly detection, user profiling and segmentation, behavioral targeting etc.

strong coding skills and e_perience in python based on state-of-the-art machine learning and neural network methodologies (e.g., tensorflow, pytorch) for training and serving.

hands-on e_perience with big data systems (e.g., mapreduce, spark) with tb to pb scale datasets.

passion for applying advanced methods, and innovating approaches at the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and computer science.

proven track record of formulating business problems into concrete mathematical framework, and translating analytic results into actionable business recommendations.

self-learner and has a thirst of continuing learning with a passion for work, attention to detail, and a can-do attitude.

preferred qualification

phd degree in computer science, statistics, operations research, mathematics or related field.

第2篇 java backend software architect職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


based in shanghai, the ef edtech kids and teens team is looking for an e_perienced, hands-on and results-driven backend software architect. your primary responsibility is to design, develop and deliver new features and services for ef’s ne_t generation of learning products for kids and teens.the goal is to provide massively scalable, secure and micro-service-oriented services for students and parents.

key responsibilities:

?develop comprehensive solution designs, use cases, test conditions to support the successful implementation of ne_t generation kids and teens learning product.

?work with engineering and product management teams to design, develop, deploy, and maintain scalable solutions in a heterogeneous environment with both “bought” and “built” technologies.

?evaluate comple_ business and technical requirements, communicating inherent risks and solutions to technical and non-technical business owners.

?evaluate the new technologies and tools to improve the efficiency of the engineering team.

?implement some key modules/services is also required

key skills & e_perience:

?5+ years’ e_perience in enterprise, application and information architecture methodologies

?5+ years of e_perience with java and related software ecosystem

?demonstrated understanding of and e_perience with cloud based software architecture

?ability to configure/manage a cloud based software environment (aws, azure and etc)

?familiarity with integration middleware, and concepts, such as: continuous integration, testing and team development best practices

?work with program managers, product owner, developers to understand and discover requirements then translate them into high-quality, scalable, and solutions.

?e_cellent verbal and written communication skills

?ability to work with remote partners

?[optional] knowledge and e_perience of machine learning/deep learning

?[optional] e_perience with education industry

第3篇 oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫崗位職責(zé)

oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫dba 崗位職責(zé):






1、有熟練使用oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫 3年以上的經(jīng)歷;

2、精通oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫的運(yùn)行,oracle 數(shù)據(jù)庫的日常管理及監(jiān)控;

3、熟練使用linu_操作系統(tǒng)(centos,red hat 等);


5、有ocm或者ocp證者優(yōu)先。 崗位職責(zé):






1、有熟練使用oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫 3年以上的經(jīng)歷;

2、精通oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫的運(yùn)行,oracle 數(shù)據(jù)庫的日常管理及監(jiān)控;

3、熟練使用linu_操作系統(tǒng)(centos,red hat 等);



第4篇 teacher崗位職責(zé)任職要求













第5篇 店鋪店長(zhǎng)/經(jīng)理——acne sudio崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



managment background - at least 2 years of store managing e_perience for a high end retail brand. been responsible for the daily sales, operations and staff. worked independently to meet organizational needs.

e_perience - at least 2 years of e_perience of managing and developing a team with 5 people or more. developed employees to a higher position.

people development - e_perience of develop, train and forster growt of people to be able to meet organizational needs, developed a seller to a store manager, developed a new employee to a top seller.

sales and service - e_perience from training people in sales and service. constant secure that the whole team deliver service on a high level and above for all clients. developed staff from basic service level to high level. worked with client books and how to drive traffic to the store.

analyzing - e_perience of analyzing sales figures, kpi and take required actions. take actions when needed. worked with focus plans to improve the results and constant follow ups.

business drive - focusing on ensuring sales, service and sales thru


sales driven and result oriented focusing on ensuring sales, service and sales thru,have the ability to see the weaker points and how to improve them.

organized and service minded . ability to work in a fast-paced enviroment with good detail orientation without loosing focus on deliver top service.

fluent in english (able to communicate and understand information from acne studios)

proifiency in e_cel/word/outlook

a social and outgoing personality

reliable and punctual - sending in reports in time, answering emails in time,take actions recuired and always follow deadlines.

highly motivated, self initiative and yet a team player - take own initiative for improvements, ability to come up with own and new solutions for improvemnents and put them in action.

fle_ibility in regards to working schdule

effective communicator and listner - respect, help and support your team and coworkers.

detail oriented . organized in regards to store routines and operations and immacule in regards to merchandise.

delegation skills - the ability to delegate responsibilities in a balanced way.

personality traits:

ambitious - always work with the highest ambition and strive for the best results.

desire to develope the team and individuals - motivated in fostering growth of people in order to meet longterm organizational needs.

opend minded - opend minded in all aspects and adaptive to change.

passionated about service - enjoy serving clients and act as a role model in offering the ultimate shopping e_perience.

passionated about acne studio as a brand - willingness to understand the brand and work actively to stay updated. take own initiative to search information.


drive store performance and always strive for highest results

set, communicate and follow up on the company objectives

making sure the studio is reaching sales budget and goals

follow up on the acne studio checklist and take actions where needed

plan and e_ecute seasonal trainings (product, service, store operations)

follow up on set action plans with team of sales associates and area manager

ensure that the studio is following the acne studio franchise manual

ensure that the visual standard are following the acne studio guidelines

frequent communication with and update area manager when needed

inspire your team by developmental strategies bot for the studio and individuel level

ensure all team members have enough knowlege to provide the clients with e_cellent service

ensure all team members are working by the full treatment

follow set seasonal planning provided by acne studio

第6篇 oracle ebs財(cái)務(wù)顧問職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



1、oracle ebs財(cái)務(wù)模塊的實(shí)施和后續(xù)運(yùn)維及優(yōu)化工作;


3、編寫oracle ebs財(cái)務(wù)模塊的流程,系統(tǒng)功能設(shè)置和操作文檔;





2、精通企業(yè)內(nèi)部財(cái)務(wù)核算體系及oracle ebs財(cái)務(wù)模塊(ar/ap/fa/gl/cost)功能原理、系統(tǒng)設(shè)置與相關(guān)實(shí)施,熟悉供應(yīng)鏈和制造的功能與設(shè)置;



5、有強(qiáng)烈的責(zé)任心和敬業(yè)精神,樂于在挑戰(zhàn)性強(qiáng)、節(jié)奏快的環(huán)境下工作; 善于溝通,性格積極開朗,能快速的融入團(tuán)隊(duì),有良好的團(tuán)隊(duì)合作精神;


第7篇 pack工藝工程師崗位職責(zé)

pack工藝工程師 正泰電器 浙江正泰電器股份有限公司,正泰,正泰電器,正泰電器浙江,正泰電器網(wǎng)站,正泰 1、負(fù)責(zé)pack工藝方案策劃與實(shí)施;






第8篇 front end - ai platfrom - react redu_職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



you will join newly established r&d team to take part in creating new annotation platform - web based cloud deployed paas. you key responsibility will be to support front end development based on react and redu_ coding.

client details

our client is publicly listed data-as-service and platform-as-service with 20 years operation history currently running 9 offices across the globe with over 500 employees shaping world ai field on a daily basis. they are looking for passionate technology professionals to operate in agile environment to deliver best data solutions globally.


_ be a part of china team to build the data annotation software-as-service platform for providing high quality multiple source training data for ai and machine learning

_ understand data and user requirements to achieve minimum human effort in data input and processing for multi-tier distributed software applications with focus on front end stack

_ drive technical innovation in modern-architected web and mobile development.

_ work closely with operations, engineering. product and quality team across global offices to achieve most efficient performance efficiency, reliability, functionality of the software platform

_ empower and supervise engineering team members in software design, coding, project and time management.


_ at least bachelor degree in technical discipline

_ 3+ years work e_perience in software development with good understanding of software development cycle on both back end and front end

_ hands on coding e_perience in react, redu_ or similar stack. e_posure to web based solutions will be a plus.

_ e_posure to back end big data and ai development will be an advantage

_ understanding of complicated distributed system design and devops is preferred

_ confident communication in english and mandarin to work across global teams

_ passion for data and technology and willingness to go e_tra mile in a start-up environment

job offer

you will be offered engineering role in zhangjiang office to support building new platform-as-service.

salary package will be discussed individually with every candidate based on technical skills and professional background and will include 12 months base pay, 10% bonus and restricted stock unit vested evenly on an annual basis over a three year period.


bachelor degree in computer science

front end development: react, redu_

software engineering e_perience

第9篇 sap hr - implementation consultant apac崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



you will part of regional sap hcm solution optimisation team based in shanghai and covering apac clients covering whole solution from requirement collection and data e_traction to go live and post go-live support.

client details

our client is the global fortune 500 company and leader for comprehensive human capital management (hcm) system with regional headquarters in shanghai. with over 15 years of operations in china, they are serving over 500 clients in apac with technical support based in china.


you will be responsible to support system implementation for sap hr related solution for apac market:

_ support implementation for sap hr related solution system and modules for apac

_ full cycle product implementation support: requirement analysis, solution, demonstration, configuration, testing, user-training, handover

_ work closely with product manager, project manager and engineering team to ensure smooth delivery process

_ cross team collaboration - sales, pre-sales, engineering


the company is looking for customer focused sap hr implementation consultant to support product implementations for their apac clients. key e_pectations from the candidates are:

_ solid background in sap hr solution - solid knowledge of payroll and time&attendance modules (pa, om, tm and payroll)

_ previous hands on implementation of sap hr systems

_ understanding of hcm products across modules including talent, payroll, benefits, service with solid e_perience on time&attendance

_ confident english language communication

_ background in full-cycle client support - training, testing, testing collection, solution proposal etc.

_ ability to travel international around 20% of total working time

job offer

our clients are seeking to hire a candidate passionate for hcm related field with willingness for long time career development and growing regional business together. you will be offered competitive package and bonus (90% base pay, 10% performance based bonus) along with the opportunity to balance you career development with personal life.


_solid background in sap hr solution - solid knowledge of payroll and time&attendance modules (pa, om, tm and payroll)

_previous hands on implementation of sap hr systems

_fluent english communication

第10篇 machine learning/gpu computing software engineer職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


solid skill of of c/c++ programming

solid e_perience of linu_ kernel or linu_ device driver development

deep knowledge of computer architecture and computer graphics

deep knowledge of _86 assembler language and _86/_64 cpu instructions

e_perience of _ server or popular linu_ based window system as a plus

e_perience of opengl, opencl/hsa, cuda or ms direct_ as a plus

e_perience of software development in open source community as a plus

e_perience of android framework or kernel development as a plus

fluent english in reading, writing and speaking (pass cet-6 as minimum or toeic top 30%)

knowledge of python

knowledge of pc architecture

knowledge of ai, ml, hpc

knowledge of device driver development under linu_

good communication skill and able to work with stakeholders effectively

knowledge of? assembler language and cpu/gpu instructions is a plus


第11篇 chineselanguagecoach對(duì)外漢語教師崗位職責(zé)任職要求


intelligence and commom sense

at least bachelors degree

fluency in both written and spoken english

standard mandarin

strong team player

minimum one year working e_perience

as a mandarin teaching consultant (prior e_perience not required).

as our internal e_pert on product development, it, finance,marketing or hr, with a career path towards management.

warm and e_trovert personality

quick learner

creative and energetic

after initial two months training in beijing, your workplace will be in shanghai


第12篇 oracle fusion erp首席顧問職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



provides direction and specialist knowledge in applying the technology/application to client business. facilitation of customer product/application understanding through presentations demonstrations and benchmarks; provision of support throughout the sell.

1.as a saas big deal principal solution architect you will be responsible for providing presalessupport to prospective clients and customers while ensuring customer satisfaction with minimal supervision.

2.acts as a technical resource for less e_perienced sales consultants. you need to help cook the big oracle saas deal.

3.develop and deliver high quality standard oracle presentations and demonstrations.

4.present and articulate advanced product features and benefits, product future direction and overall oracle solutions.

5.design, validate, and present oracle software solutions to include advanced product concepts, future direction, and 3rd party complimentary products.

6.develop and manage reference sites through high quality technical, professional client relationships.


1.strong erp knowledge with 10+ year erp working e_perience. familiar with oracle ebs. better to have fusion erp implmentation e_perience.

2.large deal solution architect e_perience and strong project leadership

3.working e_perience in big 4 consulting companies and global transformation project e_perience is preferred

4.good at industry solution in high-tech, manufacturay industry

5.good oral and written english

6.ba+ degree

7.ability to travel as needed.

第13篇 reactnative(app混合開發(fā))崗位職責(zé)職位要求



1、從事android/ios 系統(tǒng) app 混合架構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)及開發(fā)工作;






2.熟悉 ionic 混合開發(fā)平臺(tái)及框架原理, 以及html5, node, js相關(guān)技術(shù);

3.熟練運(yùn)用android/ios 開發(fā)工具;







第14篇 oracle erp開發(fā)工程師職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



1、oracle r12 ebs系統(tǒng)財(cái)務(wù)、制造、配銷模塊日常問題處理

2、oracle r12 ebs 系統(tǒng)程序二次開發(fā)和維護(hù)、相關(guān)接口開發(fā)與維護(hù)

3、oracle r12 ebs 與周邊系統(tǒng)對(duì)接方案設(shè)計(jì),開發(fā)實(shí)施





1、本科及以上學(xué)歷, oracle erp 開發(fā)實(shí)施3年以上相關(guān)行業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)

2、熟悉oracle erp的制造、配銷、財(cái)務(wù)主要功能

3、參與過3個(gè)以上oracle erp(11i或者r12)開發(fā)項(xiàng)目

4、精通oracle 10g sql/plsql,report開發(fā)、form開發(fā),_ml等開發(fā)經(jīng)驗(yàn)及解決復(fù)雜問題的能力


6、精通oracle oaf開發(fā),懂java,有項(xiàng)目參考者優(yōu)先, 偏重熟悉分銷相關(guān)模塊者優(yōu)先,熟悉ebs webservice開發(fā)和維護(hù)優(yōu)先




第15篇 oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫dba崗位職責(zé)職位要求


工作職責(zé): 1.負(fù)責(zé)用戶數(shù)據(jù)庫的建立,配置,備份,恢復(fù),管理等; 2.負(fù)責(zé)數(shù)據(jù)的調(diào)整,并處理數(shù)據(jù)庫的日常問題和優(yōu)化數(shù)據(jù)工作要求: 1. 3年以上oracle數(shù)據(jù)dba經(jīng)驗(yàn); 2. 精通oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫的管理,備份和恢復(fù); 3. 精通rac, dataguard ; 4. 精通sql優(yōu)化,pl/sql ; 5. 熟悉linu_ ,ai_ 操作系統(tǒng),具備shell的編寫了能力; 6. 具備良好的文檔編寫能力,溝通能力; 7. 具備良好的團(tuán)隊(duì)合作精神,高度的責(zé)任心和敬業(yè)精神。






第16篇 oracle fusion erp首席顧問崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



provides direction and specialist knowledge in applying the technology/application to client business. facilitation of customer product/application understanding through presentations demonstrations and benchmarks; provision of support throughout the sell.

1.as a saas big deal principal solution architect you will be responsible for providing presalessupport to prospective clients and customers while ensuring customer satisfaction with minimal supervision.

2.acts as a technical resource for less e_perienced sales consultants. you need to help cook the big oracle saas deal.

3.develop and deliver high quality standard oracle presentations and demonstrations.

4.present and articulate advanced product features and benefits, product future direction and overall oracle solutions.

5.design, validate, and present oracle software solutions to include advanced product concepts, future direction, and 3rd party complimentary products.

6.develop and manage reference sites through high quality technical, professional client relationships.


1.strong erp knowledge with 10+ year erp working e_perience. familiar with oracle ebs. better to have fusion erp implmentation e_perience.

2.large deal solution architect e_perience and strong project leadership

3.working e_perience in big 4 consulting companies and global transformation project e_perience is preferred

4.good at industry solution in high-tech, manufacturay industry

5.good oral and written english

6.ba+ degree

7.ability to travel as needed.

第17篇 analyst / asst mgr, transaction services崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


transactions services is a dedicated team of professionals providing financial due diligence assistance, valuation and other deal support services. we provide transaction advisory support for inbound, outbound and domestic sell side and buy side mergers, acquisition and other transactions. our clients include financial institutions, private equity firms, multinationals, as well as chinese and hong kong public, private and state-owned enterprises.


- lead or contribute to due diligence and other transaction advisory engagements in china

- participate in activities which are beneficial to the growth and development of the practice

- willingness to travel essential

e_perience and knowledge

- a minimum of one year accounting / audit or finance e_perience with a major cpa or commercial firm. candidate with big four audit or transaction service background is preferred

- transaction e_perience in e_ecuting financial due diligence or any other m&a advisory services would be advantageous

- strong analytical, financial and commercial skills, with a technical accounting focus

- able to demonstrate e_perience in managing projects and engagement teams

- good written and verbal presentation and communication skills

- a team player with high levels of enthusiasm

education and professional certifications

- a degree holder and a professional accounting qualification

- proficiency in english, putonghua and written chinese is essential

第18篇 oracle erp fin consultant職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



?負(fù)責(zé)提供oracle ebs及fusion的系統(tǒng)功能支持;




?至少5年以上oracle erp財(cái)務(wù)模塊經(jīng)驗(yàn);




第19篇 react native手機(jī)應(yīng)用開發(fā)工程師職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求





3、將已有的react代碼遷移到react native中;


5、使用react native整合已有的原生應(yīng)用。


1、具有2年以上react native開發(fā)的經(jīng)驗(yàn),:具備使用react native開發(fā)跨平臺(tái)應(yīng)用的經(jīng)驗(yàn),懂得使用_code和android studio等構(gòu)建工具,了解ios和android的基本開發(fā)流程;


3、了解graphql apis接口;

4、熟悉react和react native框架;

5、了解objective-c, swift and java ( kotlin )等原生語言;







2、能夠使用dji mobile sdk開發(fā)無人機(jī)航線規(guī)劃和自動(dòng)拍照工具;

3、了解大疆無人機(jī)的使用與dji mobile sdk開發(fā);



第20篇 regional deployment project manager, apac職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


purpose of role

lead apac regional deployment of keystone program in china & australia and new zealand (anz) and own overall project management, coordination, e_ecution, control and completion of identified deliverables in the region across mgs through collaboration with mgs service functions (mcs / mfs, mgs commercial indirect, mis) to deliver a fit for purpose, amazon-like buying e_perience.

deployment of keystone in china and anz will provide:

?easy to use buying e_perience to associates

?improve the control over spend in those countries

?make it easy for associates to comply and manage risk for the business

?further enable mgs to generate further efficiencies through automation, consistency, and overall accountabilities - regional, cross-functional project leadership

?lead the regional, cross-functional project team to deliver the guided buying (indirects) s2p solution, leveraging project management framework and software development lifecycle methodologies (e.g. agile, waterfall etc.)

?leads regular regional project board reviews – ensuring necessary pre-work, documentation and deliverables in place; regular status reporting to keystone global pmo, and takes guidance & coaching from global program team as necessary.

?responsible for the overall project management, coordination, e_ecution, control and completion of identified deliverables associated with source-to-pay transformation.

?work closely with all stakeholders mgs commercial indirect / mcs / mfs / mis as well as core project team, to ensure alignment to timelines, costs, and track mutual dependencies.

?responsible for managing the end-to-end regional deployment project as well as work streams under the project to meet the required business objectives in a rapidly changing environment.

?responsible for project scope changes to prevent scope clutter, ensure project delivers the capabilities and business outcomes on time and on budget.

?track key qualitative and quantitative metrics in delivering benefits for both suppliers and company in deployment countries

?follow & contribute in developing regional deployment practices for keystone program to be re-applied in future deployments

oversee staffing

?lead and coach direct report of 3 internal associates and e_ternal consultants

?provide leadership to guide and coordinate the regional project resources

?works within the business to ensure that necessary resources are maintained and there is a sustainable functional e_pert/key user organization in place

manage vendor relationships

?establish and maintain relationships with key e_ternal partners at project e_ecution levels (i.e. sap ariba & all respective project delivery partners)

?provide ongoing feedback and improvement mechanisms to ensure successful delivery

project communication & change management

?lead design, development and deployment of change management activities, in support of the categories leads, cms, is and mfs and their stakeholders.

?lead the design and development of any training programs needed for different stakeholders to enable successful delivery.

?lead the regional keystone project board (i.e. steering committee) represented by mgs commercial inidrect, mcs, mfs or local ap, is, and business representatives

functional capabilities

?project management (pmp certification is preferred).

?leading change

?demonstrate a working understanding of procurement processes, technology and it architecture.

indirect (services and goods) procurement including links to finance (pay)


1.education & professional qualification

?bachelor degree preferred

?advanced degree is a plus.


?10+ years’ e_perience in project management, development, deployment and leadership/management

?good understanding of the procure to pay processes for indirect goods & services, including understanding of the enabling elements of data, sourcing, and cash management

?proven e_perience in project delivery – pmp certification is a plus.

?proven e_perienced in working with global teams, cross functionally & across cultures

?demonstrated ability to lead a regional team, including with e_ternal suppliers / partners

?proven ability to manage comple_ business projects given multiple competing priorities or perspectives.




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