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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):55



ir(investor relations,投資者關(guān)系)崗位是企業(yè)與投資者之間的重要橋梁,負(fù)責(zé)管理和協(xié)調(diào)企業(yè)與股東、潛在投資者以及其他金融市場(chǎng)參與者的關(guān)系,確保信息的透明度和及時(shí)性,以維護(hù)公司的市場(chǎng)聲譽(yù)和資本市場(chǎng)的信心。


1. 深入理解公司戰(zhàn)略、業(yè)務(wù)模式和財(cái)務(wù)狀況,能夠向投資者準(zhǔn)確傳達(dá)企業(yè)價(jià)值。

2. 具備良好的溝通技巧,能有效與各種類(lèi)型的投資者建立和維護(hù)良好關(guān)系。

3. 熟悉金融法規(guī)和證券市場(chǎng)規(guī)則,確保企業(yè)信息披露合規(guī)。

4. 具備數(shù)據(jù)分析能力,能解讀財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表,分析市場(chǎng)動(dòng)態(tài)。

5. 有危機(jī)處理經(jīng)驗(yàn),能在股價(jià)波動(dòng)或市場(chǎng)不確定性時(shí)穩(wěn)定投資者情緒。

6. 能夠策劃和執(zhí)行投資者路演、會(huì)議及年度股東大會(huì)等活動(dòng)。



1. 定期編制和發(fā)布公司業(yè)績(jī)報(bào)告、公告和新聞稿,確保信息準(zhǔn)確無(wú)誤。

2. 監(jiān)測(cè)市場(chǎng)動(dòng)態(tài),分析投資者情緒,為管理層提供決策建議。

3. 組織和參與投資者電話會(huì)議、一對(duì)一會(huì)議,解答投資者疑問(wèn)。

4. 協(xié)助處理股東查詢(xún),提供及時(shí)的投資者服務(wù)。

5. 與分析師保持緊密聯(lián)系,確保他們對(duì)公司有深入的理解。

6. 參與資本市場(chǎng)的融資活動(dòng),如股票發(fā)行、債券發(fā)行等。

7. 參與企業(yè)并購(gòu)、重組等重大事項(xiàng)的投資者溝通工作。


1. 信息管理:定期更新和維護(hù)投資者關(guān)系網(wǎng)站,發(fā)布公司最新動(dòng)態(tài)。

2. 投資者分析:分析投資者結(jié)構(gòu),識(shí)別關(guān)鍵投資者,制定相應(yīng)的溝通策略。

3. 資本市場(chǎng)研究:跟蹤股市表現(xiàn),評(píng)估公司股價(jià)與內(nèi)在價(jià)值的一致性。

4. 路演和會(huì)議:組織和參加國(guó)內(nèi)外路演,參與重要投資者會(huì)議的籌備和執(zhí)行。

5. 法規(guī)遵守:確保公司遵循所有適用的證券法規(guī)和披露要求。

6. 危機(jī)公關(guān):在面臨負(fù)面新聞或市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)時(shí),制定并執(zhí)行有效的投資者溝通計(jì)劃。

7. 教育與培訓(xùn):定期為管理層提供投資者關(guān)系培訓(xùn),提高其與投資者溝通的能力。

8. 關(guān)系維護(hù):通過(guò)定期的電話會(huì)議、郵件交流和面對(duì)面會(huì)議,保持與投資者的持續(xù)互動(dòng)。



第1篇 engineerdirector崗位職責(zé)職位要求


job description.

this position will work with customer design teams and local operation team from an early stage, ensure the customer to have professional engineering services from npi stage to mp for all new product, with cost advantage

1. set up innovative and technical roadmaps and strategy; develop fpc new product, new technology, new materials, new equipment, keeping ahead of market competition. study advanced management practices and new manufacturing technology, in order to improve the

manufacturing capability

2. manage the product development cycle on new products from concept to launch, including specification, design, validation, and certification testing using the phase gate review process.

3. provide guideline to the product quality & productivity

4. improvement, cost reduction and process definition; drive continuous improvement by implementing value add/value engineering (va/ve) projects to achieve annual cost reduction goals.

5. work with r&d, marketing and operation team to ensure the consistently achieve or e_ceed product kpis

6. lead continuous improvement e_ercises particularly regarding engineering processes or equipment improvement & automation.

7. develop qualification processes to determine site capabilities; identify gaps vs. requirements for specific projects, develop qualification plans for customer specific certification requirements

8. responsible for all personnel issues and performance evaluation of subordinates as well as training, developing and mentoring

9. build organizational capability through coaching and mentoring of e_isting engineering team and via the selective recruitment of top talent.

desired skills and e_perience

1. master or doctor in chemistry, electronics, or some other relatedmajor.

2. more than 15 years japanese fpc factory’s work e_periences asprocess design, process improvement, and equipment updating director, skilled inmanaging comple_ work environment.

3. must be a strong leader, team builder and strategic thinker with a

broad social network in apac industry, also owned enoughe_periences in multinational company;advanced methodology inproject management. good communication and coordination skills;

4. skillful at 6 sigma, dfmea, pfmea, tpm, apqp, fpc rtr process, familiar with advanced design software, minitab, ecrs, doe.

5. fluent in english both written and oral;






第2篇 consulting director – talent line of business – talent & rewards崗位職責(zé)要求



overview of the role:

as a senior manager in talent, you will be responsible for leading project teams, managing

e_perienced talent, and facilitating the development of less e_perienced associates through

coaching and mentoring. you will also be responsible for initiating business development

opportunities, generating revenue and managing client relationships on a day to day basis.

performance objectives:


﹒meet or e_ceed willis towers watson performance standards for financial management, client

relationship management and work quality.

﹒project manage the work of other associates in a way that ensures profitable revenue for willis

towers watson, associate engagement and development, and high client satisfaction

﹒contribute to building an employer of choice culture and teams that consist of top performing

associates committed to client satisfaction, teamwork & e_cellence in all that is done

﹒be a positive role model of willis towers watson values


﹒lead project team of associates, managing e_perienced talent, and facilitating the development of

less e_perienced associates through coaching and mentoring.

﹒contribute to building an employer of choice culture that consists of top performing associates

committed to client satisfaction, teamwork & e_cellence in all that is done


﹒think strategically in partnering with clients to form unique approaches to solving their business


﹒personally provide high quality consulting advice and deliverables to senior leaders in client

companies in the areas listed above

﹒develop and manage selected key accounts in a way that results in long term client relationships

with multiple lines of service across practices


﹒make a contribution to china initiatives which support regional business results

﹒work closely with line of business leaders to create, then implement business plans that

achieve profit and revenue goals

﹒initiate business development opportunities, generate revenue and lead projects in the area of

reward change

﹒assess the marketplace for client opportunities, then nurture qualified leads into profitable new

business wins

﹒work closely with segment, lob and practice leaders and other senior consultants to create,

then implement business plans that achieve profit and revenue goals


??minimum 7-10 years of successful e_perience in adding value to client business results (ideally in a

consulting role). the e_perience with financial industry especially bank and securities industry or

telecom industry is preferred.

??strong market knowledge and established local network

??skilled at establishing credibility with management teams or boards and in discussing comple_ client

business issues and potential solutions

?? e_pertise in either reward, talent management or communication and change management

?? track record of helping clients achieve their business goals through targeted human capital initiatives

?? demonstrated ability to build strong client and associate working relationships

?? proven project management skills

?? proven ability to lead and develop a team of high performing consulting professionals.

???self-driven achiever with a value for teamwork, collaboration, decisiveness, integrity in all that is done

?? strong presentation skills

?? good command of both written and oral english and mandarin

第3篇 directoroftransportationandcustoms崗位職責(zé)職位要求


job description

director of transportation and customs – aldo group international (agi)


the aldo group supply chain is comple_ and is in transition. the company is implementing sap across all their channels and banners (brands). during this transition and while the various banners adopt sap, there are parallel activities within legacy systems for those brands which are not yet live with sap. the supply chain has several logistics partners including distribution centers, transportation providers and custom brokers. these logistics partners have their own systems and the aldo it systems are integrated with the partner systems. this integration has its own comple_ity.

the aldo supply chain services global markets. the predominant markets are in canada and the usa. the international markets are spread across latin americas, europe, middle east, asia and africa. the company has evolved from being montreal centric to being multi-national with a global presence.

the agi director of transportation and customs is a new role which has been crafted to serve the needs of the international markets. the goal is to strengthen and streamline the flow of goods and ensure adherence to service level agreements, lead times and operating procedures.

key responsibilities:

reports to the senior director of agi supply chain.

the role will be based within the logistics partner facilities.

the role will oversee the transportation operations from the vendor booking stage through delivery to the markets/stores.

on a daily basis, the role will interact and liaise with the sourcing teams, transportation providers, free trade zone authorities, franchisees to support customs regulations in their respective countries, customs and regulatory authorities to ensure goods flow across borders to our retail stores and with the distribution centers.

engage hands-on and e_ecute to the domain key capabilities;

continuous network planning and redesign.

partner accountability: sla and kpi management.

strategic logistics management.

strong budget control and cost savings ability.

tms technology implementation knowledge and user e_perience.

logistics partner development e_pertise.

inbound volume planning and dc alignment including freight planning, freight consol/deconsol.

outbound volume planning including outbound route/load planning for line hauls versus last mile, parcel optimization.

mode and volume optimization e_perience.

invoice management and chargebacks for non-compliance.

lead time optimization between nodes and operational e_pertise with time compression from possession to market delivery.

customs regulatory controls, customs compliance and customs broker management.

carbon footprint and sustainability management.

proactive escalation, early warning process enforcement and e_ception reporting capabilities.

requirements for the role:

atleast 12-15 years of domain e_pertise and e_perience.

e_perience with atleast 80% of the domain key capabilities.

ability to provide guidance for dynamic operational changes.

strong financial planning and simulation capabilities.

continuous improvement methods and efficiency focus.

good communications skills to collaborate and manage cross functional needs.

people development aptitude – results driven approach.

highly solution oriented leadership style – high sense of urgency.

strong team player with alignment to our core values: love, respect and integrity.

self driven with the goal of making a difference and to deliver on corporate goals.

reasonable knowledge of dc operations to review and report on anomalies to agreed upon sla’s, kpi. be available as the go-to-person for supply chain matters including dc operations as needed for the yantian dc. the role will be the eyes of the director of dc operations who will be based on out netherlands.

the role requires supply chain leadership with greater focus on transportation and secondary focus on distribution.

technology savvy and data driven to support operational effectiveness; e_perience with e_cel, microsoft powerpoint, word, visio and tms tools.

work location and travel:

50-60% based in yantian, china at the partner forwarding and distribution center.

20-30% based in netherlands at the partner distribution center.

10-20% in montreal at the head office.






第4篇 study director(專(zhuān)項(xiàng)負(fù)責(zé)人)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



1. 協(xié)助cro事業(yè)部bd與委托方進(jìn)行溝通,制定可行的研究方案。

2. 全面負(fù)責(zé)研究工作的運(yùn)行管理,確認(rèn)研究實(shí)驗(yàn)專(zhuān)題的實(shí)施是否符合方案要求。執(zhí)行sop的規(guī)定,及時(shí)提出修訂或補(bǔ)充相應(yīng)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)操作規(guī)程的建議。

3. 對(duì)參與研究的工作人員進(jìn)行培訓(xùn),使其明確所承擔(dān)的工作,并掌握相應(yīng)的sop。

4. 與技術(shù)部門(mén)協(xié)調(diào),嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行實(shí)驗(yàn)方案,分析研究結(jié)果,撰寫(xiě)總結(jié)報(bào)告。









第5篇 associate director, advisory, m&c崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



associate directors are responsible for managing the deliverables of multiple engagements and contributing to business development working on prospective clients and actively selling in the market place. they ensure client satisfaction and quality deliverables consistent with kpmg methodology and standards, as well as developing and supporting the team assigned to the engagements.

delivery of client engagements

- work with a team of professionals to perform high quality advisory projects and help identify performance / process improvement opportunities for clients

- effectively manage multiple / simultaneous engagements / tasks

- work with / supervise staff on assigned engagements/tasks

- working within the budget and overall financial target of the project to ensure goals are met

- managing single projects to achieve project goals and ensure that deliverables are met on time, accurately and within scope

- identifying and proposing relevant solutions for client projects

- providing the infrastructure support to ensure that client invoicing is done accurately and timely

- monitoring client satisfaction and find ways to improve as needed

business development

- participate in identification, qualifying, selling and materializing new engagements

- lead development of proposals based on specific client requirements

- seeking opportunities to present kpmg services to up sell within current and potential clients

- maintain up-to-date knowledge of latest developments and methods in procurement, both locally in china and glob

- assist partners in organizing and delivering procurement advisory related marketing events

practice development

- establish and enhance internal and e_ternal relationships

- managing staff and creating a positive work environment as well as the performance culture, through goal setting, regular performance review, coaching and mentoring

- role model kpmg values, maintain the high standard on all the disciplines of advisory practice and hold the others the same

- support the further development of the procurement team

e_perience and knowledge

- procurement knowledge and project management e_perience

- a minimum of 8 years’ e_perience in management consultancy or with a blue chip company with demonstrable e_perience in at least four of the following:

- procurement process optimization

- run / implement category management

- procurement technology implementation ( ariba, coupa, ivalua, sap mm, etc )

- conduct cost reduction projects

- procurement transformation / organizational improvement work

- financial supply chain management solutions ( e.g. hedging, rating of supply chain partners, supply chain financing )

- supply chain / supplier risk analysis

- set-up / improve supplier management systems

- industry e_perience should include manufacturing industries, banking, finance, insurance, and telecommunications

- we require all candidates to have a fle_ible, creative and innovative approach to problem solving and possess strong interpersonal and communication skill

- 2-3 years project management e_perience is required in order to lead a team towards a common target

- the ideal candidate should be self-confident and should have e_perience in business development. associate directors are e_pected to follow-up business opportunity independently

overall qualities

- have a fle_ible, creative and innovative approach to problem solving and possess strong interpersonal and communication skill as well as strong analytical and consulting skills

- proven business development skills and strong leadership skills

- ability to lead client, internal and e_ternal organizations through comple_ transformation analysis and implementation

- ability to communicate with both e_ecutives and staff in an effective and timely manner

- ability to work independently in a self-managed, virtual environment

- ability to understand underlying business issues and influence client’s thinking and decision-making

- strong initiative and results oriented

education and professional certifications

- bachelor’s degree ( or above ), preference in engineering, mechanical, electrical, chemical or logistics, supply chain management background

- preferably: master’s degree in management related subjects

other requirements

- fluent in both written and oral english and mandarin ( putonghua )

第6篇 associate director / senior manager, industrial research, china崗位職責(zé)要求



key responsibility:

_ work together with head of research, china to formulate standards and strategies for industrial property research in china

_ become an e_port in china industrial and logistics property market, closely follow and analyze latest and future trends in this sector, and take lead in delivering regular and topical research papers, and customized presentations in superior quality and timely

_ review local industrial property database and other routine submissions, and maintain national industrial property database to ensure consistency, accuracy and comprehensiveness of data, and being updated timely

_ work closely with industrial and other related business lines and provide research support including property data and information, customized research materials and reports, and attending client meetings

_ collaborate with regional and local research teams closely on joint projects, and coordinate during the process

_ other duties may be assigned

qualification | skills | attributes:

_ at least 5-7 years of research e_perience preferably within industrial and logistics property, supply chain, e-commerce sectors.

_ at least a first degree in economics, real estate or a related major is required. a higher degree in a relevant discipline would significantly enhance the candidate’s qualifications.

_ sound business and real estate knowledge of china

_ strong statistical and analytical skills

_ capable of presenting and communicating ideas and views clearly

_ native fluency in mandarin and e_cellent english speaking and writing skills

_ proficiency in ms e_cel, ppt and word. gis will be a plus

_ highly organised and with rigorous attention to detail

_ ability to multi-task, work/succeed under pressure, and prioritize and co-ordinate tasks efficiently ensuring all deadlines

_ positive, enquiring, collaborative attitude

_ motivated and self-starting with a desire to succeed and contribute to the success of a team



第7篇 服務(wù)器電源經(jīng)理(firmware方向)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求




? 熟悉i2c等通信協(xié)議的機(jī)制及實(shí)現(xiàn)

? 掌握ti、microchip等主控芯片的編碼

? 對(duì)于數(shù)字電源內(nèi)部控制流程、保護(hù)機(jī)制、保護(hù)邏輯及功能實(shí)現(xiàn)

? 對(duì)于電源fw的代碼框架有全面理解


? 必備經(jīng)歷:


? 業(yè)務(wù)知識(shí):




第8篇 director崗位職責(zé)

工程總監(jiān) 深圳市盈超房地產(chǎn)開(kāi)發(fā)集團(tuán)有限公司 深圳市盈超房地產(chǎn)開(kāi)發(fā)集團(tuán)有限公司,盈超 任職資格:




第9篇 director , cbre research, china崗位職責(zé)要求


key responsibilities:

oresponsible for on time delivery and quality of all regular reports, topical reports, and customized materials across office, retail, industrial, capital markets sectors produced by china research team.

owork closely with national sector specialists and local research teams to form views regarding all property sectors, ensure the standard and consistency of data and outputs across cities and sectors, and take lead in various thought leadership research projects in national research.

oa leading role in national research team as a trustworthy business partner of business lines, present market insights to key e_ternal and internal clients, and provide support to important pitches to drive outstanding business outcomes.

oa key opinion leader and speaker of china research team, and proactive role in various industry events and in front of media.

oensure close collaboration, and alignment with apac and global research initiatives on data harmonization, system and platform integration to ensure the full power of cbre’s intellectual capital is realized.

osupport head of research, china to develop and implement the research strategy and business plan.

osupport head of research, china to continuously drive the operational e_cellence, l&d initiatives and innovation of china research team.

qualifications | skills | attributes:

education & e_perience

oat least 8-10 years of property research e_perience in china, preferably across different regions and cities.

oat least a first degree in economics, finance, real estate or a related major is required. a higher degree in a relevant discipline would significantly enhance the candidate’s qualifications.

osound economic and real estate knowledge of china

oproven e_perience and track record of managing a team, or research project team (i.e. thought leadership paper, client assignment, etc.) with collaboration across multiple team members and locations.

reasoning ability

ostrong numerical skills including the ability to handle and manipulate large amounts of numerical data. quantitative and statistical analysis skills are advantageous but not essential.

ostrong ability to analyze information and summarize results graphically and in writing

oa well-established reputation for analytical thinking at the most senior levels of the organization

orequires in-depth knowledge of financial terms and principles. reviews comple_ financial/business analysis and reports prepared by subordinates.

oability to analyze the most comple_ business/financial data and develop innovative solutions.


ogood presentation skill, ability to clearly e_plain cbre’s views and opinions to audiences with varying levels of knowledge of the subject.

oan effective and e_perienced communicator with a high degree of comfort presenting both within and outside the organization, at all levels and across all functions using multiple media.

other attributes

oproficient in mandarin and english, both written and spoken;

oproficient in ms office, i.e. word, e_cel and powerpoint, skills of database and gis software will be an advantage but not essential.

opositive, enquiring, collaborative attitude

ohighly organised and with rigorous attention to detail

oability to prioritize and co-ordinate tasks efficiently ensuring all deadlines are met

第10篇 客戶總監(jiān)(account director/新零售的數(shù)字營(yíng)銷(xiāo))職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求






4.與客戶建立良好的合作關(guān)系 ,不斷優(yōu)化大客戶的開(kāi)發(fā)及運(yùn)營(yíng)管理;












第11篇 quality engineer-isir/質(zhì)量工程師崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


1.initial sample parts inspection and record and release


2.measuring report preparation


3.do the usage decision for initial sample in sap


4.different inspecting-position change when urgent job required


崗位要求/ position requirements:

1. bachelor degree or above;


2. automotive/electrical major;


3. 2~3 years working e_perience in quality function;


4. auto industry working background preferred.


5. cet-4


第12篇 regional operations director崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



this role will be in charge of all the retail stores of east china.

client details

big mnc, top 5 lu_ury group.


_ the regional operations director will be responsible of full sales and gtm responsibility including the preparation of budgets, forecasts and kpi targets

_ the regional operations director will be in charge of managing sales force to achieve sales & distribution growth targets. responsible for achieving all sales related kpi targets

_ the regional operations director will be in charge of managing portfolio selling to all channels to ma_imize scale & synergy

_ set and develop strategies, identify and develop positive and compelling visions of future potential

_ set clearly defined objectives, plan activities and projects well in advance and take account of possible changing circumstances

_ identify and organize resources needed to accomplish tasks, manage time effectively and monitor performance against deadlines and milestones

_ lead initiatives to achieve consistent operating practices in sales management across all brands

_ review, analyze and evaluate sales performance against plans and standards. implement changes to plans as necessary to ensure ma_imum sales growth and profitability.

_ coach sales team on company programs, territory management, account planning, call planning, selling process e_ecution and tool utilization

_ work closely with commercial, retail, sales development, marketing, and other cross functional teams for required support & alignment

_ operate as a key member of the leadership team and provide clear direction, motivate and empower others, set appropriate standards of behavior.


_ outstanding development, coaching and motivating capabilities

_ strategic vision and commercial acumen plus financial management e_perience

_ energy, character, result oriented

_ ability to focus quickly on the essential

_ top flight negotiator and relationship builder (both internal and e_ternal)

_ e_cellent communication and interpersonal skills, strong persuasive skills

_ structured disciplined thinking and understanding of how sales and marketing actions affect the p&l

_ make clear decisions which may include tough choices or considered risks

_ must demonstrate a strong business awareness while understanding the bigger picture; thinks of result, efficiency, performance and quality, suggest solutions and drive initiatives

_ bse in shanghai.

job offer

competitive salary, supportive line manager, warm working culture.

page group china is acting as an employment agency in relation to this vacancy.

第13篇 body repair field support車(chē)身維修技術(shù)支持崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


a. responsibilities (essential to the position)

1. 確保經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商按照byton標(biāo)準(zhǔn)維修及使用專(zhuān)用工具設(shè)備,確保維修品質(zhì)

2. 協(xié)助網(wǎng)發(fā)部門(mén)執(zhí)行新經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商建店及設(shè)施評(píng)估、開(kāi)業(yè)審計(jì)、人員評(píng)估、流程審核

3. 協(xié)助跨部門(mén)內(nèi)部日常交流及技術(shù)支持

4. 現(xiàn)場(chǎng)支持及輔導(dǎo)經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商對(duì)于事故車(chē)維修的方法,流程及工藝

5. 跟進(jìn)經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商技師培訓(xùn)后應(yīng)用質(zhì)量及針對(duì)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)問(wèn)題進(jìn)行收集分析并反饋到內(nèi)部團(tuán)隊(duì)

6. 根據(jù)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商問(wèn)題及時(shí)進(jìn)行介入并提供技術(shù)解決方案,確保維修時(shí)效性及交付質(zhì)量

7. 結(jié)合經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商問(wèn)題和現(xiàn)有技術(shù)及培訓(xùn)相關(guān)體系提出改善及改進(jìn)性建議和意見(jiàn)

8. 針對(duì)重大事故問(wèn)題給予經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商現(xiàn)場(chǎng)支持和協(xié)助處理相關(guān)事宜


10. 對(duì)于特殊事故案件定損問(wèn)題協(xié)助經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商和保險(xiǎn)公司進(jìn)行技術(shù)上的商討和確認(rèn)

11. 根據(jù)業(yè)務(wù)需要提供事故車(chē)維修相關(guān)的技術(shù)支持

12. 協(xié)助技術(shù)培訓(xùn)開(kāi)發(fā)及維修工藝驗(yàn)證

13. 協(xié)助鈑噴維修設(shè)備驗(yàn)證及培訓(xùn)

b. requirements:

? 5年以上中高端車(chē)系鈑金維修經(jīng)驗(yàn)

? 鈑金培訓(xùn)講師及課程開(kāi)發(fā)經(jīng)驗(yàn)

? 擔(dān)任過(guò)鈑噴競(jìng)賽評(píng)審裁判經(jīng)驗(yàn)

? 有中高端車(chē)系講師培訓(xùn)認(rèn)證

? 良好的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)維修及工具設(shè)備使用能力

? 高職相關(guān)學(xué)歷文憑

? 良好的溝通協(xié)調(diào)及團(tuán)隊(duì)合作能力

? 具有良好的問(wèn)題處理應(yīng)變能力

? 能適應(yīng)長(zhǎng)時(shí)間出差

第14篇 manager / associate director - sap implementation崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



- assist in the development and e_ecution of a business development plan for the sap advisory service offerings, leveraging the e_isting client base and delivering new accounts

- lead or support customer engagement sales cycles, by identifyingsaas cloud service opportunity and promoting the value proposition of erp solutions

- identify prospective engagements, respond to bid cycles and customer requests, develop proposals and lead project contract negotiations

- lead a team or participate in a team to e_ecute the cloud erp application implementation with high quality delivery, responsible for the full lifecycle and customer success

- identify and control the project risk effectively


- bachelors degree and above

- english: intermediate

- more than 7 years sap implementation e_periences

- project e_periences and management of 2 full cycle implementation of s/4 hana cloud edition

- have the cloud mindset, be familiar with the latest sap version s4hana cloud editions, and methodology of implementation and integration

- be familiar with at least one module of fico/ sd/pp/mm; or have good knowledge in any of tr/bpc/ssf/cf/sac

- implementation of sap model company or e_perience on design and implementation of pre-buildsap package solutions is a plus

- good communication skill, collaboration and teaming up spirit

- prefer to have industry business consulting e_perience and project management e_perience

- have a sap s/4 hana cloud edition certification

第15篇 associate director, strategy崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


kpmg’s strategy group is recruiting. we are seeking e_ceptional individuals who have a passion for identifying and creating solutions for clients. kpmg’s strategy group works with c-level e_ecutives to identify, structure and help solve their most critical strategic issues across the economic and transaction cycles.

it is an e_citing time to join the strategy group as we are growing rapidly owing to our unique propositions and strength of client relationships.


- build client relationships to be seen as the ‘go to’ person and a trusted advisor by senior e_ecutives

- lead, design and finalise client deliverables, including shaping the overall problem solving approach

- undertake scoping and fee negotiation on standard engagements

- actively develop own knowledge and e_pertise in chosen propositions / sectors

- motivate, coach and develop project team member

- provide constructive upwards feedback

e_perience & background

- degree from a leading institution, mba preferred

- a minimum of eight years of relevant e_perience

- track record of leading comple_, international projects in a consulting or corporate environment

- demonstrate ability to build and commercialize relationships with senior e_ecutives

- demonstrate an analytical mindset, intellectual curiosity, structured thinking, and creativity

- demonstrate confidence, people skills, ambition and pragmatism

- strong written and verbal communication skills in english, fluency in putonghua is highly desirable

第16篇 associate director - sap implementation崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


associate directors are responsible for managing the deliverables of multiple engagements and contributing to business development working on prospective clients and actively selling in the market place. they ensure client satisfaction and quality deliverables consistent with kpmg methodology and standards, as well as developing and supporting the team assigned to the engagements.

delivery of client engagements

- work with a team of professionals to perform high quality advisory projects and help identify performance / process improvement opportunities for clients

- effectively manage multiple / simultaneous engagements / tasks

- work with / supervise staff on assigned engagements / tasks

- working within the budget and overall financial target of the project to ensure goals are met

- managing single projects to achieve project goals and ensure that deliverables are met on time, accurately and within scope

- identifying and proposing relevant solutions for client projects

- providing the infrastructure support to ensure that client invoicing is done accurately and timely

- monitoring client satisfaction and find ways to improve as needed

- end to end project management e_perience is required in order to lead entire project delivery towards customer success

business development

- participate in identification, qualifying, selling and materializing new engagements

- lead development of proposals based on specific client requirements

- seeking opportunities to present kpmg services to up sell within current and potential clients

- assist partners in organizing and delivering sap advisory related marketing events


- assist in the development and e_ecution of a business development plan for the sap advisory service offerings, leveraging the e_isting client base and delivering new accounts

- lead or support customer engagement sales cycles, by identifying saas cloud service opportunity and promoting the value proposition of erp solutions

- identify prospective engagements, respond to bid cycles and customer requests, develop proposals and lead project contract negotiations

- lead a team or participate in a team to e_ecute the cloud erp application implementation with high quality delivery, responsible for the full lifecycle and customer success

- identify and control the project risk effectively


- bachelors degree and above

- english: intermediate

- more than 8 years sap implementation e_periences

- project e_periences and management of 2 full cycle implementation of s/4 hana cloud edition

- have the cloud mindset, be familiar with the latest sap version s4hana cloud editions, and methodology of implementation and integration

- be familiar with at least one module of sd/pp/mm/fico

- implementation of sap model company or e_perience on design and implementation of pre-build sap package solutions is a plus

- good communication skill, collaboration and teaming up spirit

- prefer to have industry business consulting e_perience and project management e_perience

- have a sap s/4 hana cloud edition certification

第17篇 noc ms wireless team leader職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


job description:

1.overall manager of wireless team in back office;

2.manage all wireless back office activities;

3.ensure management reporting on noc and participate in management meetings;

4.conduct or participate in recruitment interviews for selection of personnel;

5.identify training needs and make provisioning arrangements;

6.maintain compliance to all the processes related to noc;

7.improve skill of wireless team by training and e_perience sharing;

8.be on standby 24/7 for remote support as required;

9.perform second line maintenance support for all wireless nes and associated elements;

10.solve the problems within sla based on the contract between huawei and customers;

11.able to summarize, e_plain and upload troubleshooting cases;

12. co-ordinate with tac for the resolution of critical issue. escalate sr ticket on icare at all times, whether he/she is able to solve or not, and monitor it until solved. close the ticket within sla;

13.performance management, monitor network and provide kpi reports using n.m.s system;

14.ensure all agreed contractual and non-contractual performance kpis are reported and delivered as per the hu business model;

15.setup up and ensure conducting weekly governance management setup with customer and addressing all issues in issue log as per agreed timelines;

16. proactively making improvement / handling plans for 1).all kpis not meeting the sla/wlas; 2).handling of special events; 3). regulatory performance and guideline adherence; 4.network security implementation;

17.daily monitoring of the networks;

18.taking corrective action accordingly;

19.ensure preventive maintenance;

20.checking repeated outages;

21.implementation of audit tracker;

22.ensure standardization of processes and changes as agreed with the customer incorporated, educated and complied to by wireless team;

23.sharing findings of other critical issue;

24. provide support to circle team and ensure getting timely kpi outage, sla and site signoff;

25.ensure spare parts availability through customer and spms department;

technical skills:

§?? e_cellent knowledge of huawei wireless equipment(bts3900, bsc6900,bsc6910,u2000-mbb);

§??e_cellent knowledge of ?gsm/umts/lte-fdd principle;

§?? know network elements of huawei vender in one or more non-wireless domain; continue to develop

e_pertise with current and emerging technologies;

§?? good knowledge of wireless skill for one or more non-huawei vender;

§?? demonstrated team leading and management ability;

§?? ability to multi-task and work in a high pressure environment;

§?? e_perience with huawei nms system(like ows);

§?? powerful data analysis and problem analysis capabilities to find out cause and provide solution.

qualification and e_perience:

1、 6 or more years of e_perience in mobile communications industry or managed service environment,

majority of that within noc function

2、an engineering degree in telecommunications/demonstrated relevant e_perience.

other professional skills

?customer oriented approach and good negotiation skills

?good verbal and communication skills

?english and an additional language (either chinese or local language)

?powerful problem-solving capabilities;

第18篇 sourcingdirector崗位職責(zé)

亞太區(qū)物流分銷(xiāo)經(jīng)理 the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

the asia-pacific (“apac”) region logistics & distribution manager will have responsibility for regional processes and programs to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of materials and finished goods for the business. this role will ensure that processes and programs enable the business to ma_imize customer service performance while minimizing costs and working capital.


? develop, implement and monitor the performance of regional programs & processes to ensure the efficient and cost-effective movement of raw materials, work in-process and finished goods

? develop programs and manage relationships with transportation and third-party logistics suppliers to optimize the movement of finished goods to warehouses and distribution networks

? develop transportation and distribution policies, business practices, and programs to support the short term and long-range business needs

? align with regional operations and business leaders to optimize transportation and distribution needs to support various operations, replenishment, and customer delivery models

? align with global materials, logistics & distribution organizations to drive overall cost savings and on-time metrics through optimizing logistics programs

? ensure the development and e_ecution of trade compliant processes for e_port and import shipments, incorporating steps to drive cost effective and timely delivery to regional customers

? ensure compliance with regulatory and company standards for cost control, ehs and e_ternal agencies inventory policies and initiatives

? negotiate transportation, distribution and services agreements and monitor trends in shipping patterns and to minimize overall net freight costs

? process claims with freight carriers as required for damaged goods

? develop a logistics & distribution annual operating plan (aop)

? monitor actual e_pense, trends and impacts vs aop, and take the appropriate action(s) to mitigate unfavorable trends vs plan

? ensure proper invoicing allocation across each plant in the region

? collaborate with each plant’s materials management to improve the inbound flow and space optimization.

? collaborate with plant quality departments to manage reverse logistics

第19篇 senior wire installation design engineer/高級(jí)線束安裝工程師崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



position objective / 職位目標(biāo): (clearly define this position main objective for the company) / (詳細(xì)地定義本職位在公司的主要目標(biāo))

interface with e_ternal and internal customers to develop and maintain wire harness detail, installation, and bundle assembly. creates solutions for 2d and 3d wire harness installation designs and incorporates changes to design plan. / 與外部和內(nèi)部的客戶配合,對(duì)線束細(xì)節(jié)圖,安裝和線束裝配進(jìn)行開(kāi)發(fā)和維護(hù)。繪制線束安裝2d和3d設(shè)計(jì)圖,并對(duì)設(shè)計(jì)方案進(jìn)行修改完善。

responsibilities and activities /責(zé)任與活動(dòng): (clearly define main responsibilities and activities for this position) / (詳細(xì)地定義本職位的責(zé)任與活動(dòng))

main function responsibilities and activities / 本職位的主要責(zé)任以及職能 :

? develops and maintains wire harness physical design and installation through the use of 3d wire harness installation models, wire harness assembly models and 2d formboard drawings / 通過(guò)使用3d線束安裝模型,線束裝配模型與2d布線板圖紙,對(duì)線束的實(shí)際設(shè)計(jì)與安裝進(jìn)行開(kāi)發(fā)和維護(hù)

? supports analysis and design reviews / 為分析與設(shè)計(jì)審核提供支持

? perform assigned tasks meeting the organizations e_pectations for quality, schedule and process compliance / 完成分配的任務(wù),保證符合機(jī)構(gòu)的質(zhì)量預(yù)期,時(shí)間表和流程要求。

? applies program technical requirements to design work requirements, processes, and tasks / 將項(xiàng)目技術(shù)要求應(yīng)用到設(shè)計(jì)工作要求,工藝和任務(wù)當(dāng)中

? supports the development of processes, methods, and tools that support the design process / 對(duì)有助于設(shè)計(jì)流程的流程,方法和工具的開(kāi)發(fā)提供支持

? communicate and/or implement design solutions / 對(duì)設(shè)計(jì)解決方案進(jìn)行溝通和實(shí)施

? investigate and resolve design issues / 調(diào)查與解決設(shè)計(jì)相關(guān)問(wèn)題

? develops solutions to comple_ problems, which require ingenuity and innovation / 運(yùn)用獨(dú)創(chuàng)性與創(chuàng)新性,找到復(fù)雜問(wèn)題的解決方案

? other duties may be assigned / 其他可能分配到的任務(wù)

? ensure that the tasks assigned are done on time and according to the quality criteria / 保證按時(shí)完成分配到的任務(wù),并符合質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)


a. educational qualifications /教育資格

? bachelor’s degree in electrical, mechanical, or aerospace engineering, or equivalent / 電氣,機(jī)械或航空工程相關(guān)領(lǐng)域?qū)W士或同等學(xué)歷

b. work e_perience - technical knowledge / 工作經(jīng)歷 - 專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí)

? typically has at least 2 years of e_perience in harness design/ 通常需要至少2年以上線束設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)驗(yàn)

? e_perience in electrical installation design / cad / 具備電氣安裝設(shè)計(jì)/ cad經(jīng)驗(yàn)

? ability to learn and work with ms office computer applications / 學(xué)習(xí)能力,和使用微辦公軟件的能力

? fluent in english (written and verbal) / 流利的英文口語(yǔ)及書(shū)面表達(dá)能力

第20篇 regional quality director - jp facing崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



_ responsible for all quality functions including supplier development and quality management, incoming quality control, manufacturing management, customer quality manage, filed issue solution, project quality management and quality system.

_ japanese client facing

client details

our client is a well known german company, it provides a wide arrange of products in automotive powertrain.


_ jis and jiao system building and continuous improvement in line with corporate standard

_ cooperate with japanese oem clients and deal with quality issues

_ supplier development and quality management including potential supplier audit, supplier designation, supplier component development, supplier performance audit and mass production quality management.

_ incoming quality control and inspection room management.

_ manufacturing quality management including machining line and assembly line quality control.

_ customer quality management including quick response and issue solution, quality target improvement, design change management and field issue data base and warranty.

_ quality management in project development.

_ lean production and vave.

_ internal auditing in accordance to iso/iec 17025


_ bachelor or above in engineering

_ fluent japanese and english is a must, mandarin would be a plus

_ over 10 years e_perience in automotive industry in quality department

_ familiar with iso/ts/iatf 16949, iso/iec 17025, vda 6.1/6.3

job offer

good platform to achieve career success


_bachelor or above in engineering

_fluent japanese and english is a must, mandarin would be a plus

_over 10 years e_perience in automotive industry in quality department

_familiar with iso/ts/iatf




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