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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):83





1. 熟練掌握各類電子商務(wù)平臺(tái)的操作,包括但不限于亞馬遜、淘寶、京東等。

2. 具備數(shù)據(jù)分析能力,能運(yùn)用google analytics、shopify或其他相關(guān)工具進(jìn)行銷售數(shù)據(jù)監(jiān)控和市場趨勢分析。

3. 精通seo和sem策略,提升產(chǎn)品在線搜索排名和廣告效果。

4. 對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷有深入理解,包括社交媒體營銷、電子郵件營銷等多渠道推廣。

5. 良好的項(xiàng)目管理能力,能夠協(xié)調(diào)跨部門資源,確保電商項(xiàng)目的順利執(zhí)行。

6. 了解消費(fèi)者行為和市場動(dòng)態(tài),定期調(diào)整和優(yōu)化銷售策略。

7. 具備良好的溝通技巧,能有效處理客戶咨詢和投訴,維護(hù)企業(yè)形象。




1. 平臺(tái)管理:負(fù)責(zé)電商平臺(tái)的日常運(yùn)營,包括商品上傳、價(jià)格調(diào)整、庫存管理等。

2. 市場研究:跟蹤市場動(dòng)態(tài),分析競爭對(duì)手策略,為公司制定差異化競爭策略。

3. 營銷活動(dòng):策劃并執(zhí)行各種線上促銷活動(dòng),如限時(shí)折扣、滿減、贈(zèng)品等,提高銷售業(yè)績。

4. 數(shù)據(jù)分析:定期生成銷售報(bào)告,分析流量來源、轉(zhuǎn)化率、用戶行為等關(guān)鍵指標(biāo)。

5. seo與sem:優(yōu)化產(chǎn)品頁面關(guān)鍵詞,提高搜索引擎排名,同時(shí)管理付費(fèi)廣告投放,提升roi。

6. 社交媒體管理:利用社交媒體平臺(tái)進(jìn)行品牌推廣,增加粉絲互動(dòng),擴(kuò)大品牌影響力。

7. 客戶服務(wù):處理在線訂單問題,解答客戶疑問,處理退貨和退款事宜。

8. 合作協(xié)調(diào):與供應(yīng)鏈、物流、設(shè)計(jì)等部門緊密協(xié)作,確保電商平臺(tái)的高效運(yùn)行。



第1篇 senior consultant - pmo (securities / funds)崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



- manage and drive the securities service or funds project e_ecution using kpmg’s programme management methodologies

- develop project structure and project work plan to effectively implement new set-up and ensure smooth change management process

- work closely with client and understand the business requirement / plan to effectively manage the stakeholders and properly leverage the interests of different parties

- co-ordinate the project meetings and workshops

- track and manage the statuses of project milestones and deliverables

- monitor and manage the project risk and issue

- co-ordinate the regular project / program level reporting

- manage and own the relevant project documentation

- work with the relevant internal teams / smes to understand and advise kpmg’s best practice / solutions to the client

e_perience / qualification

- candidates with the relevant fintech domain background is very preferred: eg. big data, cloud computing, ai, blockchain…etc.

- familiar with securities company’s business operating model by focusing in one or more of following areas: asset management, brokerage, research, proprietary trading, underwriting&sponsorship. relevant working e_perience from securities company or consulting company is preferred

- good understanding of security system architecture by focusing on one or more of following technology areas: trading application, asset management application, (funds) transfer agent (ta) application, user frontend platform...etc. project e_perience of security company’s core application implementation is preferred

- candidates with e_perience setting up new local security company in terms of regulatory fulfilment is very preferred

- 3-8 years’ e_perience in securities area and with 2-5 years’ project management e_perience

- e_ecuted at least 2-3 projects with client facing roles

- large scale program/project e_perience at securities company is a plus

- familiar with the project management tools

- good business analysis, problem solving and communication skills

- bachelor or master degree from it, finance or other relevant areas

- e_cellent verbal and written skills in english and mandarin

- fle_ibility to travel

第2篇 technical manager-cloud職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


job summary:

according to the business changes and needs, provide a proper system functional solution with estimation by assessing and analyzing those changes, capture and document requirements as functional specification, support the communication and delivery of these requirements with relevant parties and conduct system briefing and user training while needed.

work as mentor of intermediate technical manager.


?deliver new it services, e_ploiting current infrastructure technologies

?manage and participate in the entire development lifecycle, including requirement analysis, system design, development, quality assurance, testing and deployment

?contribute to the project success in terms of schedule, budget and deliverable quality

?cultivate effective working relationships with business users and other it teams

?migrate applications to iaas / paas platforms on internal and e_ternal cloud

?drive a greater utilization of virtualization & lower cost storage

?manage relationships across aia it architecture, it infrastructure delivery and operations & cyber security application development team areas on an on-going basis

?use knowledge of the business, applications and infrastructure to make pro-active recommendations where improvements can be made

?determine business requirement and influence solution towards infrastructure future state model

?gauge strategic impact to business function, impacted upstream and downstream services.

?ensure logical design contributes to technology objectives

?delivering end to end technical infrastructure designs, ensuring non-functional requirements are realized and validated

?verify impact to adjacent services/systems and validate deployment and support model

?qualify technical acceptance of all components

key measuring parameters:

?cloud technologies: (google gcp / amazon aws / microsoft azure, apis, mulesoft, docker, kubernetes)

?container technologies (docker, kubernetes)

?databases (oracle rac, sybase, apache hadoop & hbase, mongodb)

?continuous integration / continuous delivery (jenkins, github, ne_us)

?middleware (websphere, tomcat, java, messaging, application server, web server)

?networking (cisco, tcp/udp, broadcast/multicast, lan/wan, sdn)

?server operating systems internals, benchmarking and performance tuning (linu_, windows, solaris),

?server virtualization (vmware, _en, hyper-v, kvm)

?storage (emc san – fc, fcoe, iscsi, srdf; netapp nas - cifs, nfs; object storage)

?infrastructure as code

?mobile (ios and android)

?passion for technology & understanding how things work

?people coaching skill

第3篇 chineselanguagecoach對(duì)外漢語教師崗位職責(zé)

intelligence and commom sense

at least bachelors degree

fluency in both written and spoken english

standard mandarin

strong team player

minimum one year working e_perience

as a mandarin teaching consultant (prior e_perience not required).

as our internal e_pert on product development, it, finance,marketing or hr, with a career path towards management.

warm and e_trovert personality

quick learner

creative and energetic

after initial two months training in beijing, your workplace will be in shanghai

第4篇 courseconsultant(課程銷售顧問)崗位職責(zé)職位要求


we offer我們提供:

full social welfare and complimentary medical insurance完備的社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)及補(bǔ)充商業(yè)保險(xiǎn)

highly professional training for the position完善的培訓(xùn)機(jī)制

free wse english training course 免費(fèi)華爾街英語培訓(xùn)

paid annual vacation and award trips帶薪年假及旅游

careers plan職業(yè)發(fā)展空間:course consultant(課程銷售顧問)--course consultant manager(課程顧問經(jīng)理)--deputy center director trainee(儲(chǔ)備副中心總監(jiān))--deputy center director(副中心總監(jiān))--center director trainee(儲(chǔ)備中心總監(jiān))--center director(中心總監(jiān))


1. introduce wsi courses to potential customers (including new prospects and old contacts, individual clients and companies)


2. design suitable courses for potential customers and minimize the refund of the course


3. follow up payment installment and guarantee the installment is paid on time and minimize the cancellation.


4. student follow-up


5. complete consultants diary and working agenda on time and build up prospect, corporate and student database


6. attend regular meetings and training sessions and complete daily sales report, contract modification and so on.



1. sales e_perience or e_perience on possessing an international sales and service mentality in high-end companies.


2. good communications abilities, such as listening and speaking, asking questions, e_pressing ideas, mirroring and so on.


3. high level problem solving skills


4. be a team player with optimistic attitude, service-orientation, high responsibility, trustworthy and ability to work under pressure.


5. have professional, neat, tidy, modern/urban appearance, a sense of own style and conduct with absolute integrity and honesty.

儀表整潔,談吐得體,具有專業(yè)精神和個(gè)人風(fēng)格, 誠實(shí)守信

6. be able to demonstrate 2-3 years same job or at least a trend of stability.


7. college diploma or above, direct sales or hospitality or real estate or education


8. good at using windows office software, e.g. windows words, ppt, e_cel and etc.

熟練操作windows 辦公軟件,例如:windows _p, ppt, e_cel 等等

9. good if once be a wsi student







第5篇 騰訊ec銷售崗位職責(zé)

騰訊ec銷售經(jīng)理 金潤 上海金潤信息技術(shù)有限公司,上海金潤,金潤,金潤信息,上海金潤 崗位職責(zé):











第6篇 technical support engineer, hatch cover崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


macgregor global lifecycle support division is looking for a technical support specialist to join our team. this position will provide technical support for all our hatch covers such as lift off, hydraulic driven as well as electric driven hatch covers. support is given directly to our branch offices, spares sales as well as directly to our end users. a big part of the job is to collect information about the problem and then with the help of supporting documents provide online help. this requires strong organization skills and good problem solving skills.

main tasks and responsibilities:

-support our service organisation and customers with: technical service, special technical surveys, technical information and technical advice

-support gpsc spares sales in identifying and recommending spares

-support with technical information in?creating technical instructions

-support new sales design department with old references designs and general view

-development of methods for: measuring, inspections and repair

-responsible for securing own and co-workers’ safety and health with all possible means.

-onsible for the technical documentation, technical service and support.

we are looking for a self-motivated, energetic team player to our world wide support team. the position will play an important part in our after sales support and to our internal and e_ternal customers. the ideal candidate would have knowledge in the design of steel structures, automation and electric machinery applications.

ideally you have:

-commercial or technical background

-bachelor degree

-at least 3 years of relevant business/product e_perience

-good technical knowledge in hydraulic and mechanical

-good product knowledge of hatch covers or similar

-good communication skills

-fluent in english both spoken and written

-3-5 years of relevant e_perience in automation and electric systems is an advantage but not a must.

by joining macgregor, you will be able to work closely with leading industry professionals, developing and implementing new concepts that set the standards in the maritime transportation and offshore industries. we offer our employees the opportunity to be part of a truly global organization leveraged upon our shared values of integrity, quality and safety. with us you will be part of a collaborative working culture with challenges and opportunities to further develop yourself professionally.

第7篇 外資醫(yī)藥化工集團(tuán)tradecompliancespecialist崗位職責(zé)職位要求



manage application of related business license for regulatory goods, e.g. drug precursor chemical, harzardous chemical, etc.

monitor gts operation and release blocked orders on timely manner by closely collaborating with other stakeholders

manage customs masterdata (e.g. hts, declaration element, etc.) and control catrgory masterdata (e.g. control class, pur group and plant setting, etc.)

prepare kpi report to track response & settlement for requests from i/e and gts release per global requirement

support on other matters assigned by trade compliance manager


bachelor degree of application chemical, bio chemical or international trade

5 years above working e_perience in trade compliance or import & e_port function

familiar with office sofrware (e_cel, word, access,etc.)

knowledge of sap ecc and sap gts would be advantaneous








第8篇 direct3d/opengl研發(fā)工程師職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求







掌握c++、stl、windows api開發(fā)、多線程編程;

熟悉direct3d/opengl編程,opengl 3年以上使用經(jīng)驗(yàn)



了解2d/3d 相關(guān)圖像原理及知識(shí);





第9篇 digital project leader職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


as a digital project leader, you will drive the development, provision and operation of our digital products and services in countries through the use of new and e_isting technology and agile delivery methods to deliver at pace.

you will maintain a standardised product deployment process across different product launches in the country. you will collaborate closely with group digital product teams & deployment support team to perform gap assessment of products prior to launch.

you need to ensure readiness of deployment work packages in line with standard structure and that they are updated when required within stipulated timelines.

you will also train subsequent countries to ensure an e_ponential rollout of product launches going forward.

you will:

?responsible for assembling the relevant cross-functional participants in the digital countries deployment team

?plan manage and monitor digital initiatives/ activities required to ensure a successful launch

?lead gap assessment from the countries with product teams—identifying key dependencies for countries, and ensuring country readiness for the launch

?ensure work package components with technical dependencies are ready to e_ecute for the launch by working closely with the country digital deployment team

?inform digital portfolio and deployment leader of any issues/challenges to e_ecution of a work package for a launch in the countries

?orchestrate across relevant product teams to resolve major incidents in flow, keep track of status and progress and communicate the progress to affected stakeholders

?transfer knowledge gained from group digital deployment support team to teams from subsequent countries

?responsible for planning, managing and delivering other assigned projects e.g. it e_pansion, including time, cost, scope and quality. identify, mitigate, monitor and control risks

?perform project reporting, through providing digital project office manager with key milestones updates and content for measuring and following up project quality and performance. drive continuous improvement of project quality and performance in assigned projects

?work across initiatives within ingka group, contributing to a successful digital product deployment that drives ikea business results

第10篇 regional erp & s/4 hana solutions architect職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


cvs must be submitted in english, and english language capability is required.


sephora asia is looking for a solutions architect to successfully design and deliver erp solutions for sephora asia it. we are looking for a highly motivated strategic thinker and an e_cellent collaborator who can influence stakeholders in transforming the organization with cutting edge technologies in a high paced environment.


sephora, a division of lvmh – mo?t hennessy louis vuitton, is the global leader in omni-channel beauty retailing. we successfully operate more than two thousand points of sale across americas, europe, middle east and asia. our aim is to animate the most loved beauty community in the world.

sephora asia’s omni channel business encompasses 11 markets in the region, with more than 300 retail stores and an integrated online presence. the business is e_periencing rapid growth with store openings and e_pansion into new markets. we currently have close to 6000 employees with cross-regional presence in singapore, hong kong and shanghai as well as local hqs in each market.

we are now transforming our regional it organization and hiring for a number of e_citing new positions in our team to build the capacity and capabilities needed to support the future size of our rapidly e_panding business.

do you want to take part in shaping our future it organization please check out this and other postings and apply if you have the relevant skills and e_perience!


in this role you will be accountable for the design and delivery of erp solutions for sephora asia it, primarily focusing on implementation of sap s/4 hana and integration with applications across the system landscape.

the role requires you to work as individual contributor in developing strategy and roadmap for erp landscape by collaborating with architects across the organization, identifying emerging technologies, defining solution architecture and owning the design authority.

you will also acts as a project lead architect for erp projects.

you will be based either in shanghai or singapore, and travel as required – sometimes e_tensively.

key accountabilities:

?own the logical architecture, assess the baseline and set direction and govern the evolution of roadmap

?work with process and data owners to define the target reference / solution architecture

?deliver solution architecture for projects and platforms focusing on use of industry reference architectures

?provide sap functional e_pertise (including future sap strategy) to process owners, and projects as required.

?own the design authority on projects acting as project lead architect

?e_perience and willingness to adopt new methods of working such as devops, agile, kanban

?build compelling cases for change and achieve buy in across architecture, security, it operations, and business teams

?frame architectural decisions including total costs for e_pected lifetime of solution.

?contribute to the strategy for business

?contribute to strategy architecture and planning profession

?engage with digital & security team to assess solution design and plan changes to accommodate business requirements

?engage with other architects as necessary to ensure that the appropriate architectural stakeholder input is taken into account or concern addressed

?organize architecture design reviews to ensure wider architecture peer group input is sought for robust design

?conduct proof of concept e_ercises for emerging solutions and prove out potential enhancements to the design

?ensure designs are implemented with target architecture and key design decisions are clearly communicated to leadership and all key stakeholders

?review and consider prospective changes to the baseline solution that have been raised by process owners, projects, production support, continuous improvement initiatives and the business for architectural impact

?participate in the change request boards of projects and programs where there is the likelihood of potential change to the solution

?discuss emerging technologies and applications with vendors to assess options


?generates enthusiasm among team members

?proactively seeks opportunities to serve in leadership roles

?challenges others to develop as leaders while serving as a role model

?manages the process of innovative change

?collaborates with and influences others not in direct line


?facilitates effective team interaction

?acknowledges and appreciates each team members contributions

?works effectively with distributed team members

?strong third-party vendor management capabilities

skill-set requirements:

professional e_perience and knowledge requirements:

?bachelor’s degree or relevant e_perience (mandatory)

?minimum of 5 years of relevant work e_perience with retail & fashion sap solutions in more than one of the following: (afs, fms, is-retail, s/4 fashion, s/4 retail)

?e_perienced with s/4 hana and/or s/4 hana merchandising is a plus

?e_perience with cloud solutions

?good knowledge of other sap modules, migration processes and integrations

?knowledge of sap’s s/4 hana overall landscape and emerging trends

?ability to document business processes and system architectures

?an understanding of best practice sap erp designs and an understanding of financial and industry regulations impacting the financial solution

?e_perience of acting in a solution governance role

key characteristics:

?e_cellent collaboration skills, evidence of building highly effective partnerships with projects, vendors, peer architects, security teams and operational service lines and engagement with senior stakeholders

?provide technical coaching and mentoring, actively keeps current with developments

?strong organizational skills, customer service focus, attention to detail, and process orientation

?ability to distil and present information to a broad audience

?fle_ibility to adapt to a changing environment

第11篇 technology leader職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



? communicate with customers to understand business requirement

? maintain good relationship with business and it customers

? prepare project technical design and monitor implementation

? manage multi-projects internally

? lead the team to develop software applications

? report to team leader about development status


? bachelor’s degree (or above) with major in computer science or related discipline.

? at least 8 years proven industrial web application development (j2ee) e_perience

? at least 5 years’ e_perience in webpage development (javascripts/jquery/html5)

? e_perience with aem development is a big plus

? e_perience with system design and development (object orientated design).

? strong time management skills

? e_perience with j2ee technologies is preferred, such as websphere or jboss

? e_cellent communication skills (good english in reading/writing/speaking)

? good understanding of sdlc -software development life cycle in software development is big plus

? hard and efficient worker

? good to have insurance business analysis skills

? able to learn new technologies and apply them quickly

第12篇 data solution architect職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


taking bi technical presales role, providing oracle adw (oracle autonomic datawarehouse) solution, support the volumn cloud business in mainland china.


?5+ years of proven e_perience in design and development of data warehouse solutions, etl, software development and system integration projects.

?data migration in large and comple_ environments

?a technical, hands-on role for enterprise data warehousing and data integration initiatives.

?good e_perience in data modeling and data architecture.

?strong understanding of dw concepts / design and implementation.

?understanding of conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling.

?good understanding of service oriented architectures , application frameworks and system integration methods.

?e_perience of full lifecycle development projects.

?development e_perience with oracle database technologies, strong pl / sql skills.

?building of operational data stores ( ods ), data marts, enterprise data business and technical metadata management.

?data analysis and data model development ( i.e. logical and physical models )

?working knowledge of data quality management practices using commercially available tools.

?familiarity with data governance concepts and processes.

?enterprise data integration e_perience in leading eai / etl tools and olap tools.

?familiarity with master data management concepts.

?business intelligence e_pertise and technical skills to successfully deliver solutions.

?good communication skills and technical documentation)

?ability to organize prioritizes work, meet deadlines and work independently.

?ability to handle multiple projects and activities in a timely, organized manner

第13篇 salessupportspecialist崗位職責(zé)職位要求


position: sales support specialist (contractor)

reporting to: sales support associate manager

key responsibilities:主要職責(zé)













?精通微軟辦公產(chǎn)品,包括ms e_cel、powerpoint。






第14篇 itdirector崗位職責(zé)

commodity buyer-汽車內(nèi)飾 ? manage cross commodity buying deck for interiors products, includes plastic parts, rolled goods, cut and sew parts and materials, resin, comple_ plastic assemblies and associated value streams.

? support achievement of annual scm direct material cost targets

? meet/e_ceed individual cost savings target

? nominate qualified new suppliers to cross-functional team for review and consideration

? quote and source all responsible components to meet/e_ceed product line business case and timing requirements utilizing the total acquisition cost model

? monitor and track supplier performance and initiate actions to improve supplier performance

? schedule and participate in vave workshops to generate cost savings projects

? develop commodity strategies within commodity organization

? act as market specialist for his/her commodities

? make commercial agreements with suppliers

? resolve commercial issues with suppliers

? other tasks as assigned

? manage cross commodity buying deck for interiors products, includes plastic parts, rolled goods, cut and sew parts and materials, resin, comple_ plastic assemblies and associated value streams.

? support achievement of annual scm direct material cost targets

? meet/e_ceed individual cost savings target

? nominate qualified new suppliers to cross-functional team for review and consideration

? quote and source all responsible components to meet/e_ceed product line business case and timing requirements utilizing the total acquisition cost model

? monitor and track supplier performance and initiate actions to improve supplier performance

? schedule and participate in vave workshops to generate cost savings projects

? develop commodity strategies within commodity organization

? act as market specialist for his/her commodities

? make commercial agreements with suppliers

? resolve commercial issues with suppliers

? other tasks as assigned

第15篇 dynamic 365 architect職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



?develop, test, and deploy dynamics crm and other applications on the dynamics 365 platform

?research, evaluate and implement new technologies related to microsoft crm applications (dynamics365, and the broader suite of microsoft productivity applications)

?create technical documentation as required. documenting ‘a(chǎn)s-is’ and ‘to-be’ within accurate and detailed scoping documents.


?bachelor’s degree (four-year college or university) in business or related it discipline preferred

?3+ years’ professional it e_perience designing, building and implementing enterprise applications with focus on crm, psa, and erp on microsoft platforms

?microsoft dynamics crm and online; e_perience with plugins and web resource development

?active certifications in microsoft dynamics 365 / crm, office 365, sharepoint a plus

?e_pertise implementing business applications as a billable consultant including sales, customer service, project services automation, and other dynamics 365 solutions

?strong javascript and c# e_perience including developing dynamics crm plug-ins as well as a strong sql server understanding

?e_perience with configuring microsoft dynamics crm including security, organizations and business units’ entities, forms, workflows, reports, customizations, and integrations preferable

?knowledge of functional aspects of crm applications including sales, service, and marketing

?strong e_perience with integration and automation into crm and other business platforms. e_perience creating integrations of dynamics crm with erp a strong plus

?e_perience with technology agnostic business functions with sales operations, marketing operations, customer service, field service management, project services, and foundational erp concepts

?e_perience with needs analysis, software evaluation and selection, customization, and implementation

preferred technical skills

?crm 2011/2015/2016/dynamics 365 or equivalent crm product e_perience.

?proficient in minimum 2 modules (sales, service and marketing)

?good understanding of crm entity & object model

?hands on e_perience in writing crm plugins, custom workflows, integration, client-side custom code.

?e_perience in designing crm data models to implement comple_ business requirements.

?e_tending dynamics365 using powerapps, microsoft flow, logic apps & azure functions.

?implement scalable integrations & workflows in the cloud using logic apps.

?integration with dynamics 365 using azure logic apps & api apps.


?dynamics 365 portals/ ad_ studio portal

?biztalk or other middleware technologies used for integrations

?azure or other cloud solutions

?dynamics crm isv solutions

?ssis, ssas and power bi

第16篇 行業(yè)總監(jiān) industry director職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



?assume responsibility for project management, developing deliverables, writing reports, and presentations

?participate in key business demand analysis, process consulting, make project plan, e_ecution and delivery etc

?stay abreast of industry trends, new regulations and reporting requirements that may have an impact on our clients

?drive business development through leading pursuits and developing long-standing client relationships

?lead a team or participate in a team to e_ecute the enterprise information planning, management consulting, erp application implementation, responsible for the full lifecycle.

?helping to grow and develop our team through hands on training and coaching









s degree and above

?6 years+ e_perience with a minimum of 4 years of project management;

?ability to work in teams, guide and support team members.

?ability to negotiate and coordinate;

?communication and presentation skills;

?strong consulting ability, information planning ability, management consulting ability, erp implementation ability, familiar with the application of new technology and knowledge system;

?prefer to have industry business consulting e_perience








第17篇 projectsupervisor崗位職責(zé)projectsupervisor職責(zé)任職要求


director,talent head general description

to develop, engage and retain the right talent, at the right time, for the right cost to ensure company operates as a high performing organization and attains its business objectives. the individual will engage with business and hr leadership across their jurisdiction to analyze talent needs, design and develop products to meet that need, e_ecute on the product and evaluate its performance.


1. work with the hr head and asia talent lead to develop talent strategy for the company that supports business strategy whilst being aligned to the global talent strategy and agenda

2. understand all talent issues within the company and accountable to build up local talent capabilities

3. provide thought leadership across all areas of leadership and professional development, talent identification, succession and talent processes delivering a unified talent e_perience across the array of talent processes and solutions

4. facilitate integration of talent objectives into strategic plans

5. member of global communities of practice to provide input from businesses and to understand the e_ternal market for talent

6. identify & assess high potential and high performing talent for development & succession.

7. plan and e_ecute annual talent & succession review process

8. facilitate the development and retention of high potential talent by managing end-to-end talent management processes through coordinating and conducting pre-hire selection, post hire developmental and potential assessments, delivering feedback, facilitating management of development plans and sourcing developmental activities, as required

9. ensure assessment tools & development plans are in place for high potentials

10. act as delivery point into business for deployment of coe programs

11. accountable to facilitate access to coe adapt business local/specific needs & requests

12. provide oversight of all professional development, management development and leadership development in collaboration with global leadership & learning coe:

a) needs analysis

b) design of curriculum

c) development of training materials, facilitator guides, quick reference guides

d) delivery and implementation

e) follow-up: post training pulse check

13. partner with talent acquisition in the market mapping/ identification of skills and capabilities required to e_ecute on market strategy in the short and medium term

14. lead key leadership development programs

15. lead key employee/employer recognition programs and diversity & inclusion initiatives across asia

16. lead or participate in global projects as assigned, i.e. evp, assessments,

17. select/partner with vendors (when necessary) to develop/deliver programs and solutions

18. leverage e_ternal networks to identify industry best practices

19. responsible for talent budget

20. other duties assigned by hr head


1. proficient in written and spoken english

2. strong written, communication, presentation, project management and training skills

3. 7-10 years of comprehensive hr e_perience, preferably in talent management

4. knowledge and e_perience in areas of talent assessment, succession planning, mobility, managing high potential employees and in design and delivery of programmes for management and leadership development programs is ideal

5. e_perience as a talent partner to the business and in driving business results through talent management

6. ability to work well with all levels of the organization

7. superior leadership skills

8. advanced facilitation and coaching skills

9. work to a professional code of ethics covering confidentiality and impartiality

10. comply with national law, company code of conduct and relevant provisions of company.

general description

to develop, engage and retain the right talent, at the right time, for the right cost to ensure company operates as a high performing organization and attains its business objectives. the individual will engage with business and hr leadership across their jurisdiction to analyze talent needs, design and develop products to meet that need, e_ecute on the product and evaluate its performance.


1. work with the hr head and asia talent lead to develop talent strategy for the company that supports business strategy whilst being aligned to the global talent strategy and agenda

2. understand all talent issues within the company and accountable to build up local talent capabilities

3. provide thought leadership across all areas of leadership and professional development, talent identification, succession and talent processes delivering a unified talent e_perience across the array of talent processes and solutions

4. facilitate integration of talent objectives into strategic plans

5. member of global communities of practice to provide input from businesses and to understand the e_ternal market for talent

6. identify & assess high potential and high performing talent for development & succession.

7. plan and e_ecute annual talent & succession review process

8. facilitate the development and retention of high potential talent by managing end-to-end talent management processes through coordinating and conducting pre-hire selection, post hire developmental and potential assessments, delivering feedback, facilitating management of development plans and sourcing developmental activities, as required

9. ensure assessment tools & development plans are in place for high potentials

10. act as delivery point into business for deployment of coe programs

11. accountable to facilitate access to coe adapt business local/specific needs & requests

12. provide oversight of all professional development, management development and leadership development in collaboration with global leadership & learning coe:

a) needs analysis

b) design of curriculum

c) development of training materials, facilitator guides, quick reference guides

d) delivery and implementation

e) follow-up: post training pulse check

13. partner with talent acquisition in the market mapping/ identification of skills and capabilities required to e_ecute on market strategy in the short and medium term

14. lead key leadership development programs

15. lead key employee/employer recognition programs and diversity & inclusion initiatives across asia

16. lead or participate in global projects as assigned, i.e. evp, assessments,

17. select/partner with vendors (when necessary) to develop/deliver programs and solutions

18. leverage e_ternal networks to identify industry best practices

19. responsible for talent budget

20. other duties assigned by hr head


1. proficient in written and spoken english

2. strong written, communication, presentation, project management and training skills

3. 7-10 years of comprehensive hr e_perience, preferably in talent management

4. knowledge and e_perience in areas of talent assessment, succession planning, mobility, managing high potential employees and in design and delivery of programmes for management and leadership development programs is ideal

5. e_perience as a talent partner to the business and in driving business results through talent management

6. ability to work well with all levels of the organization

7. superior leadership skills

8. advanced facilitation and coaching skills

9. work to a professional code of ethics covering confidentiality and impartiality

10. comply with national law, company code of conduct and relevant provisions of company.

第18篇 cloud solution architect-software & platform consulting崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



software & platform professionals house individuals who help clients develop strategies and operating models that integrate product lifecycle, marketing & sales, customer service, and fulfillment functions within an organization, as well as co-innovate with clients from ideas to implementations.

a professional at this position has the following responsibilities:

?adapts e_isting methods and procedures to create possible alternative solutions to moderately comple_ problems.

?understands the strategic direction set by senior management as it relates to team goals.

?uses considerable judgment to determine solution and seeks guidance on comple_ problems.

?primary upward interaction is with direct supervisor. may interact with peers and/or management levels at a client and/or within accenture.

?determines methods and procedures on new assignments with guidance.

?decisions often impact the team in which they reside.

?manages small teams and/or work efforts (if in an individual contributor role) at a client or within accenture.


?bachelor’s degree above;

?at least 8 years working e_perience in consulting firms or software & platform firms;

?ability to adapt the culture of software & platform companies, such as alibaba, tencent, etc.

?ability to meet travel requirements, when applicable

professional skill requirements

?strategic thinking and structural thinking.

?ability to have independent point-to-view and drive the client in a proper manner.

?ability to drive the idea to implement in an agile, fast way.

?proven ability to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment

?desire to work in a dynamics and fast-changing environment

?proven success in contributing to a team-oriented environment

?e_cellent leadership, communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills

?acquainted with cloud business is a plus, e.g. aws, aliyun, etc.

?e_perienced in product management, crm is a plus.

all of our consulting professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development.you’ll also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and e_pertise in an area of specialization.we offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at every level to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with teammates. the sheer variety of work we do, and the e_perience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to build a career.

第19篇 it project senior manager職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



duties and responsibilities

1. following the company pm approach to lead internal/e_ternal teams for internal/e_ternal projects.

2. manage the project plan and engage the team to work as the plan.

3. lead cross-team work to do business requirement analysis and business processes improvement.

4. project evaluation, initiation, planning, e_ecution and controlling.

5. project/program documentation management.

6. development/improvement of project methodology, functional & industry knowledge within it department.

7. take charge of the complicated project or several projects management.

8. lead several project manager to finish the one consolidated topic.



1. 6+ years working e_perience in project management, 2+ years working e_perience as project manager.

2. it, internet or financial industry background is preferable;

3. implementation / consulting e_perience in financial industry is a plus;

4. bachelors degree, majoring in computer science, financial management is preferable.

5. well versed at preparing and implementing change processes

6. pmp/princeii is a plus

skills and competencies

1. independent working capability and highly responsible, self-starter

2. e_cellent english speaking and writing skills

3. open-minded with e_cellent communication and presentation skill, fully able to communicate openly, clearly and accurately on all hierarchical levels

4. e_pert in project management.

5. high levels of professionalism, reliability, diligence, and taking initiative.

6. the large project/program management e_perience is preferred.

第20篇 potential recruitment consultant崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



are you in a sales and marketingrole and looking for a change of your career

client details

as a market leading international consultancy firm, michael page has a track record of taking people from industry, and transitioning them to a sales / business development focused role, through their comprehensive training development programs. with more than 40 years e_perience in the industry, and 20 years in china our client have established themselves as the market leader and are looking to further grow their business. in this role you will develop a rewarding and successful career with strong opportunities for you to progress quickly. all you need is the ability, desire, drive and determination to succeed.


- this rewarding role will see you control an individual business within this large organisation.

- you will immerse yourself in this market through driving effective engagements with mnc clients, including pitching, meetings, presentations, hosting events and delivery of specific job briefs.

- key to your success will be your ability to source high quality opportunities within the market through advertising and networking, in addition to leveraging the e_isting internal infrastructure and market leading position of the organisation.

- the role demands a high performing individual with the ability to communicate and influence a broad range of stakeholders in both english and mandarin.

-further, this role involve the delivery of multiple key deliverable whilst quality service to both clients and candidates to ensure a premium e_perience.


the most successful consultants and leaders within this business have transitioned from professional careers, including engineering, procurement, supply chain, finance, legal and sales backgrounds. the common theme is the interest in working in an environment that facilitates accelerated career growth based on performance, and a role that has significant interaction with people. if you are looking for a change, and are focused on developing a sustainable and rewarding career path within a market leader, apply now.

job offer

_ annual income of rmb 300,000 to 500,000

_ quarterly bonus program based on team and individual performance

_ structured learning and development program to help you transition your career quickly

_ work in a dynamic and fun environment with a strong team culture

_ international career progression opportunities are available for high performers

_ work for a market leading company that services the leading mncs and fortune 500 companies

page group china is acting as an employment agency in relation to this vacancy.




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