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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):61



tes崗位,全稱technology and engineering support,是企業(yè)內(nèi)部一個關(guān)鍵的技術(shù)支撐與工程服務(wù)部門。這個崗位的核心在于為公司的技術(shù)發(fā)展和運(yùn)營提供強(qiáng)有力的支持,確保各項(xiàng)工程項(xiàng)目的順利進(jìn)行。


1. 熟練掌握相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)技術(shù)知識,包括但不限于軟件開發(fā)、硬件維護(hù)、網(wǎng)絡(luò)架構(gòu)等。

2. 具備優(yōu)秀的分析和解決問題的能力,能迅速定位并解決技術(shù)難題。

3. 對新技術(shù)保持敏銳的洞察力,持續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)并引入創(chuàng)新解決方案。

4. 良好的團(tuán)隊(duì)協(xié)作精神,能夠有效地與跨部門團(tuán)隊(duì)溝通協(xié)作。

5. 強(qiáng)烈的責(zé)任心和執(zhí)行力,能夠在壓力下高效完成任務(wù)。




1. 系統(tǒng)管理:負(fù)責(zé)公司內(nèi)部系統(tǒng)的監(jiān)控、更新和優(yōu)化,確保其安全性和性能。

2. 項(xiàng)目參與:作為技術(shù)專家參與各類工程項(xiàng)目,提供技術(shù)咨詢,協(xié)助制定項(xiàng)目計(jì)劃和執(zhí)行策略。

3. 故障排查:及時響應(yīng)技術(shù)問題,通過診斷和修復(fù),減少系統(tǒng)中斷和業(yè)務(wù)影響。

4. 技術(shù)創(chuàng)新:研究新的技術(shù)趨勢,評估其對公司的影響,推動技術(shù)升級和創(chuàng)新應(yīng)用。

5. 協(xié)作與培訓(xùn):與各部門建立良好的工作關(guān)系,提供技術(shù)支持和培訓(xùn),提升整個組織的技術(shù)能力。

6. 文檔編制:編寫和維護(hù)技術(shù)文檔,以便團(tuán)隊(duì)成員和其他部門參考和使用。



第1篇 testassistant測試技術(shù)員/助理工程師崗位職責(zé)職位要求



support in the dvt testing of led driver power supply-electrical visual/auval & technical test



1.graduate of electrical/electronics;

2.at least 1 years working erperience in elactrical /electronics relate products

3.know cros of officein micros of office-work e_cel,ppt;

4.preference for hand on-need to perform soldering &desoldering electrical/electronic components;

5.willingness to do overtime

6.can speak/write basic english






第2篇 sr.testengineer崗位職責(zé)

高級圖像算法工程師 neuronbasic technologhy inc. neuronbasic technologhy inc. 1職位描述:











第3篇 testing/ lab manager- footwear崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



responsible for the whole management of lab testing and field testing, mainly in strategic perspective.

serving as a global testing center for the whole group and leading new testing projects.

client details

my client is a well-known international footwear materials company with its own footwear brands, whose products have high technology and industry barrier.

steady growth platform with international environment and attracting benefits.


taking responsible for the lab testing and field testing;

lead daily lab test tasks to provide sufficient support to formulation and prototype shop;

monitor all equipment status and calibration on time;

conducting test related strategy and leading global projects.


e_perience: at least 8 years working e_perience with both 3 rd party lab management & footwear company lab managements e_perience.

technical related: familiar with testing protocols, testing standards, and footwear mechanical equipments.

know the functions and characteristics of shoes very well.

fluent english and good communication skills.

team managements skills.

job offer

industry pioneer company

great career development space

page group china is acting as an employment agency in relation to this vacancy.


taking responsible for the lab testing and field testing;

lead daily lab test tasks to provide sufficient support to formulation and prototype shop;

第4篇 seniortestengineer崗位職責(zé)

銷售工程師-北京 synergy world limited synergy world limited 技能要求:

1、 熱動、熱力工程、化工、化工機(jī)械、環(huán)境工程、自動化、暖通等理工類相關(guān)專業(yè)本科以上;

2、 熱衷于高級銷售工作,對項(xiàng)目銷售流程有一定的認(rèn)識,具有很好的溝通技巧和學(xué)習(xí)能力;

3、 具有較好的協(xié)調(diào)、配合工作能力,生活態(tài)度積極,工作勤懇,能承受一定的工作壓力和外地出差。

4、 有較好的英語聽、說、讀、寫能力;

5、 計(jì)算機(jī)及常規(guī)辦公軟件能熟練應(yīng)用;


1、 利用公司資源平臺,建立信息渠道和關(guān)系渠道;

2、 收集和尋找項(xiàng)目信息;

3、 項(xiàng)目跟進(jìn)、參與招投標(biāo)、合同談判及項(xiàng)目執(zhí)行的協(xié)調(diào);

4、 其它相關(guān)工作。

第5篇 云平臺(kubernetes)資深工程師/專家職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求















第6篇 sr.testengineer崗位職責(zé)sr.testengineer職責(zé)任職要求


hr specialist (人力資源專員) 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd key accountabilities(關(guān)鍵職責(zé)):

1. conduct annual training needs assessment; consider individual performance plans, business needs and talent development needs, and then develop annual training plan.

2. e_ecute training plans, follow up with training effectiveness assessment, and make continuous improvement to training programs to meet business needs and talent development needs, coordinate corporate training program.

3. assist succession planning and talent management initiatives and key talents development action tracking & follow up.

4. assist in culture survey and develop plan to improve employee engagement.

5. be responsible for implementation safety, quality and environment system requirements.

6. assist in attracting, identifying and recruiting potential and best-in-class talent.

7. organize employee activities and community activities.

8. perform other duties requested by manager or headquarter.

qualifications & requirements(任職資格與要求):

1. bachelor degree or above, major in human resource management or english is preferred.

2. above 3 years work e_perience in hr, training, recruiting related e_perience in multinational companies is preferred.

3. e_cellent interpersonal skills, communication skill and presentation skill, english speaking is required.

4. down to earth, responsive and action oriented.

5. self-motivated with good team spirit.

6. relevant iatf16949, iso14001 regulation knowledge.

第7篇 qa tester游戲測試員崗位職責(zé)范本


第8篇 testengineer崗位職責(zé)

技術(shù)支持工程師 synergy world limited synergy world limited 工作職責(zé):


2、制作項(xiàng)目方案及標(biāo)書, 繪制圖紙;








第9篇 test engineer崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


main responsibilities:

1.- independent testing and problem solving responsibility.

test object are mainly vehicle interior trim parts;

test items are mainly focus on physical property.

2.- documentation and evaluation of results, complete report as requested;

3.- work as a link between development and the customer as well as supplier;

4.- participation in internal and e_ternal testing meetings;

5.- planning and maintenance of test devices;

6.– creating or updating required specifications for all e_perimental setups;

7.– other tasks defined by the line manager.

main qualifications:

- bachelor degree or above majored in engineering/material/chemical;

- at least 3 years’ e_perience in the test department of automotive industry or testing company.

- voc/oder test e_perience is preferred;

- ehs e_perience is preferred;

- fluent english;

- quick learning ability, self-confident, team spirit, negotiating, target-oriented in timely;

- good ms office knowledge;

business interfaces:

internal: all departments of sh office and plants

e_ternal: customers, suppliers etc.

function kpis

?professional skills

?business orientation


?personal behavior – willing to do / learn / make things better, team player

?communication skill

?management skill – inter-personnel / timing

第10篇 seniortestengineer崗位職責(zé)seniortestengineer職責(zé)任職要求


hr specialist (人力資源專員) 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd key accountabilities(關(guān)鍵職責(zé)):

1. conduct annual training needs assessment; consider individual performance plans, business needs and talent development needs, and then develop annual training plan.

2. e_ecute training plans, follow up with training effectiveness assessment, and make continuous improvement to training programs to meet business needs and talent development needs, coordinate corporate training program.

3. assist succession planning and talent management initiatives and key talents development action tracking & follow up.

4. assist in culture survey and develop plan to improve employee engagement.

5. be responsible for implementation safety, quality and environment system requirements.

6. assist in attracting, identifying and recruiting potential and best-in-class talent.

7. organize employee activities and community activities.

8. perform other duties requested by manager or headquarter.

qualifications & requirements(任職資格與要求):

1. bachelor degree or above, major in human resource management or english is preferred.

2. above 3 years work e_perience in hr, training, recruiting related e_perience in multinational companies is preferred.

3. e_cellent interpersonal skills, communication skill and presentation skill, english speaking is required.

4. down to earth, responsive and action oriented.

5. self-motivated with good team spirit.

6. relevant iatf16949, iso14001 regulation knowledge.

第11篇 testbench operation engineer測功機(jī)臺架測試工程師崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求


main objectives

zf is developing hybrid modules and electric drives for passenger cars for the chinese market at our r&d center in shanghai with support from our german r&d facilities. for our activities in shanghai we are looking for a test bench operation engineer who e_ecutes all activities for specification, implementation and running the test field under the given restrictions in time, quality and cost.

key responsibilities:

specification, implementation and running the test field

?specification and implementation of new test benches including testing- and measuring technology for production validation of electric drives.

?support the test bench activities for the electric drive testing. (error diagnostics,

?-analysis, -rectification of test facilities)

?support the measurement data analysis.

?daily inspection and regular maintenance of test bench

?responsible for the test sample fi_ture assembly, coordinate workshop activity both on mechanical and electrical

?other duties as related to this position.

depending on the final job definition not all responsibilities have to be taken at the same time.


?3 years or more working e_perience in planning, organizing and operation of electric motor test benches is necessary

?professional manipulation for selecting measurement systems and mastering of their implementation is necessary.

solid e_perience and practice in ev r&d testing would be a big plus

?e_perience in automotive, transmission and powertrain technology and manual skills are required

?bachelor degree in major of mechatronics, electrical engineering or related areas

?be familiar with project management

?good knowledge in measurement and automation tools for testing

(e.g. morphee from d2t, programming language c, famo

第12篇 testingengineer崗位職責(zé)

技術(shù)支持工程師 synergy world limited synergy world limited 工作職責(zé):


2、制作項(xiàng)目方案及標(biāo)書, 繪制圖紙;








第13篇 機(jī)械電子測試工程師test leader職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求







? 你將負(fù)責(zé)實(shí)驗(yàn)室普通樣品、開發(fā)樣品及量產(chǎn)樣品等的質(zhì)量測試的安排并主導(dǎo)操作各項(xiàng)測試;

? 你將與我們的產(chǎn)品工程師、內(nèi)外部實(shí)驗(yàn)室人員緊密合作,尋找、選擇并管理本地實(shí)驗(yàn)室體系;

? 你將參與談判并控制實(shí)驗(yàn)室測試的費(fèi)用;

? 你將幫助供應(yīng)商進(jìn)行持續(xù)改善;

? 你會參與負(fù)責(zé)外部實(shí)驗(yàn)室的管理;

? 你需要以5s和持續(xù)改善的方式來工作,參與可視化管理等。



? 你是一名體育愛好者;

? 你具有本科或以上學(xué)歷,理工類專業(yè),對實(shí)驗(yàn)室及質(zhì)量管理工作充滿熱情;

? 你善于溝通和組織協(xié)調(diào),具有強(qiáng)烈責(zé)任感及全局觀,能不斷激勵你的同事和供應(yīng)商,確保其持續(xù)進(jìn)步;

? 你誠實(shí)負(fù)責(zé),以堅(jiān)定的信念和決心面對挑戰(zhàn)并推動你的工作進(jìn)展;

? 基于樂于助人的態(tài)度以及對工作的熱愛,你能夠不斷主動地尋求解決問題的方法.

? 你腳踏實(shí)地并充滿激情,能夠達(dá)到自己的預(yù)期目標(biāo).

? 你的中文口語流利,英語四級以上,讀寫流利,聽說良好,敢于表達(dá)。



? 根據(jù)個人能力和意愿可以嘗挑戰(zhàn)公司內(nèi)部不同的工作崗位。

? 有機(jī)會在不同國家或城市工作。

? 可以加入各類運(yùn)動俱樂部,參與和體驗(yàn)各項(xiàng)不同的運(yùn)動。

? 基于責(zé)任和績效的靈活辦公時間。

? 每年可享受12-20天的公司年假。

? 額外的商業(yè)醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)。

? 迪卡儂門店折扣。



第14篇 tester軟件測試工程師崗位職責(zé)

軟件測試工程師(tester) 3 years of overall it testing e_perience.

e_perience of preparing test plans and test cases.

e_perience in writing test cases and e_ecuting them.

good communication and presentation skills.

oral english will be required.

3 years of overall it testing e_perience.

e_perience of preparing test plans and test cases.

e_perience in writing test cases and e_ecuting them.

good communication and presentation skills.

oral english will be required.

第15篇 testengineer崗位職責(zé)testengineer職責(zé)任職要求


hr specialist (人力資源專員) 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd 華納圣龍(寧波)有限公司 borgwarner shenglong (ningbo) co., ltd key accountabilities(關(guān)鍵職責(zé)):

1. conduct annual training needs assessment; consider individual performance plans, business needs and talent development needs, and then develop annual training plan.

2. e_ecute training plans, follow up with training effectiveness assessment, and make continuous improvement to training programs to meet business needs and talent development needs, coordinate corporate training program.

3. assist succession planning and talent management initiatives and key talents development action tracking & follow up.

4. assist in culture survey and develop plan to improve employee engagement.

5. be responsible for implementation safety, quality and environment system requirements.

6. assist in attracting, identifying and recruiting potential and best-in-class talent.

7. organize employee activities and community activities.

8. perform other duties requested by manager or headquarter.

qualifications & requirements(任職資格與要求):

1. bachelor degree or above, major in human resource management or english is preferred.

2. above 3 years work e_perience in hr, training, recruiting related e_perience in multinational companies is preferred.

3. e_cellent interpersonal skills, communication skill and presentation skill, english speaking is required.

4. down to earth, responsive and action oriented.

5. self-motivated with good team spirit.

6. relevant iatf16949, iso14001 regulation knowledge.

第16篇 test工程師崗位職責(zé)

硬件在環(huán)工程師/ hil test engineer altran 亞創(chuàng)(上海)工程技術(shù)有限公司,altran,亞創(chuàng),亞創(chuàng) responsibilities:

- participation during the development of test concepts / verifying test concepts

- analysis, verification, and assessment of user requirements, specifications and models with regards to testability

- development and creation of test specifications

- set-up and maintenance of test environment

- prepare and request test data

- implementation of tests on all levels, e_ecution of tests and the respective logging, evaluation of test results and documentation of deviations from e_pected results

- automatization of tests

- application of tools for test administration, test surveillance, test management and test automatization

- checking and verifying tests that were developed by others

- focus on automated tests


- university degree in the field of electrical engineering or related field

- several years of e_perience with hil (hardware-in-the-loop)-simulators and test automation required

- advanced proficiency of dspace tools (controldesk, automationdesk) and modeling in matlab/simulink

- advanced python skills

- fluent in spoken and written english

- ability to work independently, high attention to quality and proactiveness are mandatory

- several years of e_perience in the field of test management prefeered

- knowledge and proficiency in the automotive field required, in particular transmissions preferred

- knowledge of iso26262 preferred

- istqb certified tester certification preferred

第17篇 senior test engineer (auto oem oriented)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


with new coc of electrical vehicle charging setup in china, the business unit siemens low voltage & products has setup a dedicated global r&d team to develop ev charging portfolio, the new test engineer will be responsible for the solution development to meet car oem customer needs on testing requirements during the customer response and product development.

第18篇 as testing engineer/供風(fēng)系統(tǒng)測試工程師崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



1. bachelor or masters degree in mechanical/electrical engineering or similar

2. at least 3 years related working e_perience

3. e_perience with data acquisition systems and daq software (diadem, labview)

4. e_perience with the measurement of pressure and force

5. knowledge of chinese railway brake systems preferred

7. knowledge of electrical and electronic area

8. ms office

9. fluent in english (oral and written)


1. responsible for endurance test for asu and compressor set (piston and screw) and localized parts

2. responsible for type test of asu and compressor following requirement from requester testing documentation before and after testing

3. responsible for failure analysis and testing (lab testing and field test campaigns when required) of brake control systems and products to support customer complaint investigations

4. support for other departments and customers regarding detailed technical questions regarding the intended use of asu

5. condition and overhaul assessment of asu or components in co-operation with after-market service center or at customers site when required

6. support for crcc&curc related testing

第19篇 test工程師崗位職責(zé)test工程師職責(zé)任職要求










2.2年以上oled eac test工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),熟練掌握auto test設(shè)備的運(yùn)行原理,aoi算法調(diào)試經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富,




第20篇 tester工程師崗位職責(zé)


- assess and understand business requirements

- validate business requirements against the implementation through comprehensive testing

- produce client deliverables such as detailed test plans, test cases, test scripts, test reports and any other assets described in the sow

- ensure deliverables are of the highest quality to promote client satisfaction

- acting as an agile tester, fle_ible to play multiple roles in the team

- share knowledge with the team through training, documents, etc

- fle_ibility to learn new technologies as required by project

- fle_ibility to travel abroad as required by project

- independently manage assigned tasks

- be responsible for quality analysis


- hands on e_perience in at least one of the following testing activities: functionality testing, performance testing, automation testing, security testing

- familiar with at least one of the following languages: java/c#/c/c++/php/ruby/python/groovy/sql

- e_perience in at least one of the following databases: oracle database, ms sql server, db2

- e_perience in uni_/linu_/mac will be a plus

- e_perience in mobile testing will be a plus

- must be fle_ible to new situations and challenges

- passion for delivery

- good time management skills

- problem solving skills are required

- e_traordinary level of understanding for comple_ business requirements

- hands on e_perience in the following activities: test estimation, test planning and test reporting

- e_cellent oral and written communication skills

- strong interpersonal and teamwork skills

- abroad working/study e_perience will be a plus

- bachelor degree in computer science (or related field) is desired. candidates with significant relevant work e_perience may also be considered




  • tes崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • tes崗位職責(zé)20篇61人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么tes崗位,全稱technologyandengineeringsupport,是企業(yè)內(nèi)部一個關(guān)鍵的技術(shù)支撐與工程服務(wù)部門。這個崗位的核心在于為公司的技術(shù)發(fā)展和運(yùn)營提供強(qiáng)有力 ...[更多]

  • test崗位職責(zé)20篇
  • test崗位職責(zé)20篇56人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么test崗位是企業(yè)內(nèi)部至關(guān)重要的一個角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)確保產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)得以實(shí)現(xiàn),通過嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)臏y試流程,找出潛在問題并提供解決方案,以提升用戶體驗(yàn)和 ...[更多]
