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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):63





1. 教育背景:電纜工程師通常需要擁有電氣工程或相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的學士學位,有時碩士或博士學歷也會被優(yōu)先考慮。

2. 技能要求熟悉電路設(shè)計、電磁理論、材料科學,以及相關(guān)的工程軟件如autocad和ansys等。此外,良好的數(shù)學和物理基礎(chǔ)也是必不可少的。

3. 認證:持有相關(guān)專業(yè)認證,如pe(專業(yè)工程師)證書,可以增加其專業(yè)可信度。

4. 經(jīng)驗:具有實際的電纜設(shè)計和制造經(jīng)驗,了解行業(yè)標準和法規(guī)。

5. 溝通能力:能夠有效地與團隊成員、供應商和客戶溝通,確保項目需求得到滿足。

6. 解決問題的能力:面對復雜的技術(shù)挑戰(zhàn),需要迅速找到解決方案。



1. 設(shè)計電纜系統(tǒng):根據(jù)項目需求,制定電纜規(guī)格,考慮電纜的承載能力、耐久性、環(huán)境適應性等因素。

2. 測試與驗證:進行實驗室測試以確保電纜性能符合設(shè)計標準和行業(yè)規(guī)范。

3. 協(xié)作與溝通:與項目經(jīng)理、設(shè)計師、制造商和安裝團隊緊密合作,確保電纜系統(tǒng)的集成順利。

4. 文檔編制:編寫技術(shù)報告、用戶手冊和維護指南,為其他團隊成員提供必要的指導。

5. 售后服務:參與故障排查和維修,為客戶提供技術(shù)支持。


1. 研究與開發(fā):持續(xù)關(guān)注新技術(shù)和材料,推動電纜設(shè)計的創(chuàng)新和優(yōu)化。

2. 項目管理:參與項目計劃,跟蹤進度,確保按時交付。

3. 安全合規(guī):確保電纜設(shè)計和生產(chǎn)符合安全標準,遵守行業(yè)法規(guī)。

4. 成本控制:評估材料成本和生產(chǎn)效率,提出降低成本和提高效益的建議。

5. 技術(shù)培訓:為團隊成員提供專業(yè)培訓,提升整體技術(shù)水平。

6. 客戶關(guān)系:維護與客戶的良好關(guān)系,了解客戶需求,提供定制化的電纜解決方案。



第1篇 電纜工程師崗位職責

電纜研發(fā)工程師 昆山興鴻蒙電子有限公司 昆山興鴻蒙電子有限公司,興鴻蒙


1. 3年以上工作經(jīng)驗

2. 電線電纜專業(yè)優(yōu)先

3. 熟悉iso9001或ts16949體系,具有內(nèi)審員資格證書更佳。

4. 熟悉ul等國際或國家標準

5. 對rohs, reach等環(huán)保法規(guī)有一定的了解

6. 精通計算各類電線電纜的結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸

7. 熟悉電線電纜所用的各種材料(導體/膠料)特性。

8. 熟悉電線電纜各工序所用的設(shè)備功能

9. 熟知高頻線纜知識,對sas,sfp,qsfp等高速線材。

10. 有汽車線纜,醫(yī)療線纜,機械手臂線纜,工控線纜的開發(fā)經(jīng)驗。

11. 精通word, e_cel, autocad等辦公軟件。

12. 良好的溝通能力及統(tǒng)籌協(xié)調(diào)能力

第2篇 電線電纜工程師崗位職責

認證項目工程師-電線電纜 ul中國 伍勒機電技術(shù)(上海)有限公司,伍勒

project engineer—wire &cable

job function:

under limited supervision, independently manages e_ecution and timely completion of engineering projects by analyzing project scope and determining project specifications, establishing test programs for product investigations, and preparing reports for clients. participates in the development of ul requirements, test methods, and test equipment. e_ercises project handler signature authority as project handler of record responsible for opening, maintenance, completion, and closing of assigned new work engineering projects. may e_ercise review signature authority as assigned as reviewer of record responsible for initial review, status review, and final technical review of all new work engineering projects.

job responsibilities:

1. independently determines project scope, develops a preliminary plan of investigation, and determines project specifications such as cost, time, and sample requirements by analyzing client input, available supplemental data, and product construction. projects may include frequent travel to conduct or witness tests at client sites

2. initiates communication with clients to promote and e_plain the benefits of new and e_isting services. follows up on contacts from clients. communicates with clients to discuss technical issues, e_plain ul procedures and requirements, convey project cost, and negotiate completion date and sample requirements. acts to address client concerns and to resolve client issues. provides technical assistance to clients in reference to product inspection and follow-up services

3. establishes appropriate test programs by reviewing files and manufacturers information, e_amining samples, and applying ul requirements. notifies client of any areas in which the product is not in compliance with ul requirements or of any changes in project scope or specifications

4. coordinates laboratory activities by preparing data sheets and instructions to technicians, scheduling and reviewing work of laboratory technicians and support staff and establishing completion dates. coordinates administrative aspects of project management. serves as project handler of record and may sign as reviewer of record as assigned

5. communicates project status and results to clients through frequent contact and by preparing reports. prepares follow-up service procedures and information pages

6. integrates continuous improvement concepts and techniques into all aspects of the job

7. resolves engineering issues associated with variation notices by analyzing and reporting on the acceptability of the variations.

8. proposes development of new and/or revised ul requirements. develops special test methods and test equipment. coordinates and/or performs file reviews. may represent ul at industry related functions such as seminars and trade shows.

9. may provide direction as a primary designated engineer or designated engineer for specific product categories.

10. may directs and review work of assigned staff. may train office, field, and/or laboratory staff and entry-level engineers. provides technical assistance to laboratory and/or field staff

11. performs other duties as directed.


1. university degree in engineering, engineering technology, industrial technology, manufacturing technology, or physics from an abet accredited program plus four years directly related work e_perience.

2. detailed knowledge of the technical vocabulary common to the appropriate discipline.

3. working knowledge of conformity standards in use in area of e_pertise.

4. demonstrated ability to apply project-handling concepts in use in area of e_pertise.




  • 電纜工程師崗位職責匯編(2篇)
  • 電纜工程師崗位職責匯編(2篇)63人關(guān)注

    崗位職責是什么電纜工程師是一種專業(yè)技術(shù)人員,他們專注于設(shè)計、開發(fā)、測試和維護電力、通信和數(shù)據(jù)傳輸系統(tǒng)所使用的電纜。他們的工作涉及到從最初的項目規(guī)劃到最終 ...[更多]
