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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-17 查看人數(shù):90





1. 深厚的藝術(shù)功底:具備優(yōu)秀的審美觀,能夠理解和運(yùn)用色彩、構(gòu)圖、動(dòng)態(tài)等設(shè)計(jì)原理。

2. 技術(shù)熟練:精通各類設(shè)計(jì)軟件如photoshop、illustrator、after effects等,熟悉多媒體制作流程。

3. 創(chuàng)新思維:持續(xù)關(guān)注設(shè)計(jì)趨勢(shì),有能力創(chuàng)造獨(dú)特且引人入勝的多媒體內(nèi)容。

4. 項(xiàng)目管理:能夠按時(shí)完成項(xiàng)目,合理安排工作優(yōu)先級(jí),確保質(zhì)量與效率。

5. 溝通能力:與團(tuán)隊(duì)成員、客戶及跨部門協(xié)作,理解并滿足他們的需求。




1. 視覺設(shè)計(jì):制作廣告、宣傳海報(bào)、社交媒體圖像、網(wǎng)站圖形等,確保品牌一致性。

2. 動(dòng)畫制作:創(chuàng)建2d/3d動(dòng)畫,用于產(chǎn)品演示、教育內(nèi)容、營(yíng)銷視頻等。

3. 視頻編輯:剪輯、合成、特效處理,為視頻內(nèi)容增添價(jià)值。

4. 響應(yīng)式設(shè)計(jì):設(shè)計(jì)適應(yīng)不同設(shè)備和平臺(tái)的多媒體內(nèi)容,保證用戶體驗(yàn)。

5. 內(nèi)容創(chuàng)新:研發(fā)新的多媒體形式,如交互式內(nèi)容、虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)體驗(yàn)等。

6. 文件管理:整理和保存設(shè)計(jì)資產(chǎn),便于未來項(xiàng)目復(fù)用和迭代。

7. 反饋與優(yōu)化:根據(jù)用戶反饋和數(shù)據(jù)分析,持續(xù)改進(jìn)設(shè)計(jì),提高轉(zhuǎn)化率。



第1篇 多媒體設(shè)計(jì)師崗位職責(zé)

多媒體設(shè)計(jì)師 招聯(lián)金融 招聯(lián)消費(fèi)金融有限公司,招聯(lián)消費(fèi)金融,招聯(lián)金融,招聯(lián) 崗位職責(zé):

1. 負(fù)責(zé)公司產(chǎn)品的宣傳片、微電影、mg動(dòng)畫的創(chuàng)意、特效、拍攝、剪輯、制作等工作;

2. 根據(jù)公司內(nèi)部企業(yè)文化的對(duì)外對(duì)外宣傳需求,制作宣傳視頻;

3. 參與一定程度的視覺設(shè)計(jì)任務(wù)支持。


1. 本科級(jí)以上學(xué)歷,新媒體數(shù)字藝術(shù)、多媒體設(shè)計(jì)、 視覺傳達(dá)、工業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)、動(dòng)畫設(shè)計(jì)等專業(yè);

2. 兩年或以上相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn);

3. 熟練應(yīng)用c4d、ma_、ae、ps、ai等制作軟件,精通三維、特效、能配合和成人員、提供高質(zhì)量的三維場(chǎng)景;

4. 具有良好的美術(shù)功底,在動(dòng)畫造型、創(chuàng)意質(zhì)感、運(yùn)動(dòng)、色彩、音樂上達(dá)到良好效果;

5. 工作細(xì)心謹(jǐn)慎,學(xué)習(xí)能力和溝通能力強(qiáng),較好的適應(yīng)能力,具有手繪能力和視覺設(shè)計(jì)優(yōu)先。

第2篇 多媒體設(shè)計(jì)師助理崗位職責(zé)

助理設(shè)計(jì)師 (多媒體方向) 畢馬威中國(guó) kpmg china 畢馬威華振會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所(特殊普通合伙)上海分所,上海畢馬威華振,畢馬威中國(guó) kpmg china,畢馬威華振,畢馬威華振會(huì)計(jì)師 responsibility

- build and consolidate the kpmg brand through designing internal and e_ternal electronic marketing and communications collateral

task list

- design e-communications materials such as e-vite, e-announcement, e-newsletter, e-alert, presentation, website and animated banners, video wall

- design user interfaces for different types of multimedia projects

- check the brand central website regularly to be up to date on guidelines and raise any question to the senior designer

- provide e-templates and simple user tool kits on our intranet website

- produce graphics, animation, audio, tactile, video contents

- creating prototypes, simulations or virtual environments with various multimedia technologies

- solve the technical problems on e-communication related materials across the firm. work closely with the it department for testing and training support to the firm. co-ordinate users’ acceptance tests

- work closely with the internet and intranet team to support that electronic materials are brand compliant

- assist design team members with brand and design projects

e_perience required to perform the role

- fresh graduates in multimedia design or related qualification is good, but 1-2 years’ e_perience in web design or multimedia design within a corporate environment or within an advertising agency is a plus

professional qualifications preferred

- degree in multimedia design, or equivalent qualifications from recognised institutions are required

technical skills & know-how

- strong e_perience with html, css is required

- proficiency in using software including dreamweaver, flash, photoshop, freehand / illustrator, adobe acrobat professional

- well versed in pc and macintosh

- familiarity with both pc and mac environment is essential

- proficient in pc skills & chinese word processing would be an advantage

- basic knowledge on the print production and graphic software, such as in-design

- good command of written and spoken english & chinese

- knowledge of industry standards for human interface designs

- knowledge of printing production processes will be an absolute advantage

critical competencies

- quality focus and professionalism: to be able to deliver high quality services

- time management: to be able to manage own time

personal attributes

- ability to communicate with internal clients through understanding their requirements and proposing creative web solutions

- able to work independently

- e_cellent organisation and communication skills

- creative mind

- team player

- imaginative flair - integrating the ideas into visual design layout

- efficient, multi-tasking, hard-working and responsible




  • 多媒體設(shè)計(jì)師崗位職責(zé)匯編(2篇)
  • 多媒體設(shè)計(jì)師崗位職責(zé)匯編(2篇)90人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么多媒體設(shè)計(jì)師是一個(gè)融合藝術(shù)、技術(shù)與創(chuàng)新的角色,他們負(fù)責(zé)創(chuàng)建和設(shè)計(jì)各種多媒體元素,包括圖像、視頻、音頻、動(dòng)畫等,以提升品牌形象、傳達(dá)信息、吸引受 ...[更多]
