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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-18 查看人數(shù):86





1. 具備優(yōu)秀的溝通技巧,能夠有效地與客戶(hù)和團(tuán)隊(duì)成員建立良好的聯(lián)系。

2. 熟悉銷(xiāo)售流程,理解客戶(hù)需求,能為銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)提供策略建議。

3. 能夠靈活應(yīng)對(duì)各種情況,解決突發(fā)問(wèn)題,保持銷(xiāo)售活動(dòng)的穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行。

4. 擁有良好的組織能力,能夠管理多任務(wù)并確保優(yōu)先級(jí)的正確設(shè)定。

5. 對(duì)市場(chǎng)動(dòng)態(tài)有敏銳的洞察力,能及時(shí)調(diào)整銷(xiāo)售策略以適應(yīng)市場(chǎng)變化。




1. 客戶(hù)關(guān)系管理:維護(hù)現(xiàn)有客戶(hù)關(guān)系,處理客戶(hù)咨詢(xún),解決客戶(hù)問(wèn)題,提升客戶(hù)滿(mǎn)意度。

2. 內(nèi)部協(xié)調(diào):與生產(chǎn)、物流、財(cái)務(wù)等部門(mén)緊密合作,確保訂單的準(zhǔn)確執(zhí)行和及時(shí)交付。

3. 銷(xiāo)售支持:協(xié)助銷(xiāo)售人員制定銷(xiāo)售計(jì)劃,準(zhǔn)備銷(xiāo)售材料,參與商務(wù)談判。

4. 數(shù)據(jù)分析:收集和分析銷(xiāo)售數(shù)據(jù),提供銷(xiāo)售趨勢(shì)和預(yù)測(cè),為決策提供依據(jù)。

5. 市場(chǎng)研究:跟蹤市場(chǎng)動(dòng)態(tài),了解競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手策略,為銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)提供市場(chǎng)情報(bào)。

6. 活動(dòng)策劃:組織和參與銷(xiāo)售推廣活動(dòng),如展會(huì)、研討會(huì)等,擴(kuò)大品牌影響力。

7. 培訓(xùn)與發(fā)展:參與新員工的銷(xiāo)售培訓(xùn),分享最佳實(shí)踐,提升整個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)的銷(xiāo)售能力。



第1篇 銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)專(zhuān)員崗位職責(zé)




1. 負(fù)責(zé)跟蹤整個(gè)訂單流程,維護(hù)并反饋訂單信息,

2. 及時(shí)對(duì)賬和開(kāi)票,應(yīng)收賬款跟催

3. 銷(xiāo)售系統(tǒng)維護(hù),訂單錄入

4. 貨物安排及調(diào)配,物流跟蹤、清關(guān)、發(fā)貨安排以及收集發(fā)票等工作

5. 維護(hù)客戶(hù)關(guān)系,協(xié)助pm完善客戶(hù)管理

5. 其他領(lǐng)導(dǎo)安排事項(xiàng)

第2篇 銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)崗位職責(zé)

branch sales coordinator 區(qū)域銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)員 中怡保險(xiǎn) 中怡保險(xiǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)有限責(zé)任公司,aon-cofco,中怡保險(xiǎn),中怡 職責(zé)描述:

job responsibilities:

1. generate monthly sales reports and management reports as required

2. work closely with national sales coordinator and become e_pert user on aon connect system (oracle crm), be a go to person for colleagues, respond to queries as required

3. to make sure that the system kpis achieve targets

4. monitor the system usage quality including login frequency and proper use of opportunities (standard format of opportunity name, important documents uploaded, information updates), leads, case managements, team members on accounts and opportunities, sales activities and contacts

5. work with national sales coordinator to produce win of the month posting for internal and e_ternal usage

6. work with national sales coordinator in campaign management on system with respect to campaign/seminar lead management/follow-up

7. undertake local research on prospects / industry sectors as directed by the branch sales leader / sales team

8. work with national strategy & marketing team as well as local sales teams in organizing local marketing events

9. take and produce meeting minutes of sales meetings

10. produce ad hoc powerpoint presentations as required

11. other projects under the direction of sales management


job requirements:

1. bachelor degree holder

2. willingness to work towards a professional qualification in insurance

3. good communication skills

4. high level of it competency including major microsoft office applications

5. good presentation skills will be an advantage

6. quick learner and team player

7. good time management skills, ability to work to deadlines / work under pressure

8. some e_perience of project management / oracle crm would be useful

第3篇 銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)員崗位職責(zé)

branch sales coordinator 區(qū)域銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)員 中怡保險(xiǎn) 中怡保險(xiǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)有限責(zé)任公司,aon-cofco,中怡保險(xiǎn),中怡 職責(zé)描述:

job responsibilities:

1. generate monthly sales reports and management reports as required

2. work closely with national sales coordinator and become e_pert user on aon connect system (oracle crm), be a go to person for colleagues, respond to queries as required

3. to make sure that the system kpis achieve targets

4. monitor the system usage quality including login frequency and proper use of opportunities (standard format of opportunity name, important documents uploaded, information updates), leads, case managements, team members on accounts and opportunities, sales activities and contacts

5. work with national sales coordinator to produce win of the month posting for internal and e_ternal usage

6. work with national sales coordinator in campaign management on system with respect to campaign/seminar lead management/follow-up

7. undertake local research on prospects / industry sectors as directed by the branch sales leader / sales team

8. work with national strategy & marketing team as well as local sales teams in organizing local marketing events

9. take and produce meeting minutes of sales meetings

10. produce ad hoc powerpoint presentations as required

11. other projects under the direction of sales management


job requirements:

1. bachelor degree holder

2. willingness to work towards a professional qualification in insurance

3. good communication skills

4. high level of it competency including major microsoft office applications

5. good presentation skills will be an advantage

6. quick learner and team player

7. good time management skills, ability to work to deadlines / work under pressure

8. some e_perience of project management / oracle crm would be useful




  • 銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)崗位職責(zé)匯編(3篇)
  • 銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)崗位職責(zé)匯編(3篇)86人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)崗位是企業(yè)銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)中不可或缺的角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)確保銷(xiāo)售流程的順暢進(jìn)行,通過(guò)協(xié)調(diào)內(nèi)部資源和外部客戶(hù)關(guān)系,以促進(jìn)銷(xiāo)售目標(biāo)的達(dá)成。崗位職責(zé)要求 ...[更多]

  • 銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)員崗位職責(zé)
  • 銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)員崗位職責(zé)70人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么銷(xiāo)售協(xié)調(diào)員是企業(yè)銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)中的關(guān)鍵角色,主要負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)助銷(xiāo)售經(jīng)理和銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)實(shí)現(xiàn)銷(xiāo)售目標(biāo),通過(guò)協(xié)調(diào)內(nèi)部資源和外部客戶(hù)關(guān)系,確保銷(xiāo)售流程的順暢進(jìn)行。崗位 ...[更多]
