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更新時間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):69



lt(leadership team)崗位是企業(yè)中關鍵的管理角色,主要負責制定戰(zhàn)略方向,協(xié)調團隊協(xié)作,以及推動公司的長期發(fā)展。這一職位需要具備高瞻遠矚的眼光,卓越的領導力,以及深厚的行業(yè)知識。


1. 深厚的戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃能力:lt成員需能夠分析市場趨勢,為企業(yè)制定切實可行的發(fā)展策略。

2. 出色的團隊建設:需要具備激勵和培養(yǎng)團隊的能力,以提升整體績效和員工滿意度。

3. 強大的溝通技巧:能夠有效傳達決策,并在內部和外部建立良好的合作關系。

4. 決策明智:在面對復雜情況時,能迅速做出明智且有遠見的決策。

5. 行業(yè)洞察力:對所在行業(yè)的動態(tài)有深入理解,能夠預見行業(yè)變化并作出相應調整。





1. 戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃與執(zhí)行:制定公司戰(zhàn)略,分配資源,監(jiān)督戰(zhàn)略執(zhí)行并進行效果評估。

2. 團隊領導:指導團隊,提供職業(yè)發(fā)展建議,解決團隊內部問題,以及推動跨部門合作。

3. 決策制定:針對重要業(yè)務決策,如投資、并購、產品開發(fā)等,提出建議并參與決策過程。

4. 關系管理:維護與客戶、供應商、合作伙伴及股東的關系,提升公司的公眾形象。

5. 績效管理:制定和調整績效指標,確保團隊和個人目標與公司戰(zhàn)略相吻合。

6. 創(chuàng)新與變革:推動創(chuàng)新文化,適應市場變化,引領公司進行必要的組織變革。

7. 風險管理:識別潛在風險,制定預防措施,以保障公司的穩(wěn)健運營。



第1篇 lte網(wǎng)絡工程師崗位職責













第2篇 overseas-study consultant崗位職責描述崗位要求


job responsibilities:

work on various professional research projects with professors and students

conduct the database establishment of professional resources and design learning track of different for students to choose from

assist college professors with counseling sessions by introducing students to fundamental subject knowledge and the usage of tools

maintain close communication with a selected group of outstanding high school students, their parents, and college professors

develop and implement curriculum plans based on student personalized timeline

improve and optimize the current companys service and operation system

(optional) participate in the establishment of our internet product and other company projects


e_cellent command of mandarin and english in both speaking and writing

bachelors or masters degree, preferably from a top 30 u.s. university or a top institution in europe or canada

proven ability to multi-task and strong attention to detail

outstanding communication skills, with the ability to interact and connect with all types of personalities

ability to flourish in an entrepreneurial environment

proven management skills or leadership skills preferred

第3篇 digital consultant-lu_ury&fashion崗位職責要求


job description


?撰寫social media listening研究分析報告



job requirements




?英文寫作以及口語能力良好 (英語六級600分 / ielts 7.0或類似標準以上)

第4篇 sr. consultant / manager for insurance management consulting team崗位職責要求


the business


the role



- 協(xié)助高級顧問為客戶提供滿意的服務

- 通過改進流程提高客戶團隊效率

- 監(jiān)控項目進展的時間和預算

- 保險行業(yè)專業(yè)知識的維護以及發(fā)展

- 為壽險行業(yè)的客戶提供支持發(fā)展以及定制化的保險咨詢服務

- 堅持韜?;輴倢ぷ鞯膶I(yè)標準

- 樹立良好的口碑,成為可值得尊敬以及信任的保險管理咨詢團隊成員

- 與同事和客戶建立良好的關系

- 與客戶和同事溝通時采用簡潔有效的語言

- 參與關鍵技能的學習和發(fā)展機會

the requirements


- 5-8年工作經驗,保險/金融/管理咨詢等相關專業(yè)

- 出色的分析能力和項目交付能力

- 出色的團隊成員

- 創(chuàng)新性思維和獨立工作能力

- 建立好與客戶和同事的良好關系

- 在工作中展現(xiàn)團隊合作能力,應變能力,協(xié)作能力,果斷能力

- 中英文流暢

willis towers watson is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on any basis.we support fle_ible working and this role will be considered on a fle_ible basis.

第5篇 snr consultant & manager, iarcs(non-fs)崗位職責要求


roles & responsibilities

- independently, e_ecuting risk assessment, performing risk-based strategy analysis, evaluation and design, providing internal control and operation model reviews, and providing compliance assistance for clients from a wide range of industries, especially in construction area

- supporting project planning, scheduling, coordination and reporting

- lead and supervise a team of professional staffs and be responsible for their training and development


- 2-5 years relevant e_perience in risk management or related areas in in construction company. construction project management e_perience will be favour

- ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and work effectively with people at all levels in an organization

- certified in cfa,frm,cisa or other relevant certifications would be an advantage

- e_ceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills

- industry e_perience from regulators / banking / leading consulting firm / e_change / credit agency / insurance / brokerage / asset management would be desirable

- good interpersonal and communication skills and presentation skills

- good verbal and written communication skills in chinese and english

第6篇 法務咨詢顧問 legal consultants崗位職責要求


1. 重大合同的制定、書寫和審定;股權股務的處理;收購前的盡職調查;未來收購融資的法律事務;

1. the formulation of major contracts, writing and audited; equity shares for the treatment of pre-acquisition due diligence; future financial of the acquisition of legal affairs;

2. 英語口語熟練,流利書寫專業(yè)英文文件;

2. oral english proficiency, professional writing fluent english documents;

3. 最好有商業(yè)意識和背景但是不能夠忽視合同利益;

3. is the best business sense and background but can not afford to ignore the interests of the contract;

4. 連續(xù)的事務所工作經驗和公司法務經驗、正規(guī)的法律專業(yè)學習經歷優(yōu)先。

4. consecutive working e_perience and corporate law firm e_perience, formal learning e_periences of the legal profession priority.

第7篇 consultant顧問崗位職責

implementation consultant (hr system)/實施顧問 安德普翰人力資源服務(上海)有限公司 安德普翰人力資源服務(上海)有限公司,安德普翰,安德普翰 職責描述:

role purpose

to implement and support the adp bob products/services within china, utilizing best of breed methodologies, ensuring that our clients e_perience world class service resulting in the highest quality solutions being delivered on time and on budget.


·conduct blueprinting workshops to obtain the clients requirements.

·work with client and clients previous vendors to ensure proper understanding and gathering of all e_isting data, information and processes.

·provide analysis and solution to client to enhance client practices or match client process with adp operation standards in terms of system, dispatching, social benefits, and core payroll services.

·design and document the clients solution including their business requirements, their hr out-sourcing process and any program specifications required according to adps documentation guidelines

·liaise with clients throughout the data cleansing, mapping and conversion phase and provide any assistance required including performing data loads and reconciliation

·provide end user training including creating training material and training systems.

·generate test scripts to enable clients to adequately test the solution

·support clients throughout the uat, parallel and go-live phases.

·maintain up to date knowledge of the adp bob template, products & service practices, and labor law.

·escalate project issues to implementation manager including scope variations, task slippages and any risks that may arise during the project.

·liaise with internal teams to ensure that clients requirements are understood and timeframes are adhered to;


qualifications & e_perience

·university degree, majored in computer science or related

·3+ years’ e_periences in payroll/hr implementation

·good knowledge in at least two of the following hr areas: iit/labor law/payroll & salary/social benefits/dispatching

·at least 1 full life cycle payroll system implementation project e_perience

·knowledge of implementation methodologies

·knowledge of support methodologies including use of an issue tracking system

·ability to use a document management system

·professional manner and presentation and ability to set, manage and satisfy clients e_pectations through personal involvement or delegation

·ability to understand and work with different cultures professionally.

·e_cellent written and verbal communication skills

·e_cellent meeting management skills

·client focused, demonstrate concern for meeting and e_ceeding immediate and future needs of clients.

·ability to priorities tasks and time management skills, ability to work across various projects, ability to lead a team of consultants to effectively implement a solution

·analytical thinking/problem solving skills-work systematically and logically to resolve problems, address opportunities or manage the situation at hand, identify causes, relationships and implications

·ability to handle conflicts and negotiate a mutually acceptable solution across internal teams

第8篇 java - paas presales consultant職位描述與崗位職責任職要求






- 3年以上java開發(fā)經驗,熟悉主流框架;

- 熟悉oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫為佳;

- 精通英語或韓語;

- 優(yōu)秀的溝通能力。

第9篇 consultant, tech & data analytics崗位職責要求


roles and responsibilities

- analyse client’s business challenges. understand and translate the needs into suitable business and technology enable solutions for risk management, internal control, internal audit and etc.

- analyse as-is and to-be processes to define risk management, internal control or internal audit related system / technology / business requirements

- conduct process analysis and risk assessment by in-depth analysis of data, root cause analysis, dashboard design and report generation

- write scripts in various analytic tools and database languages

- support business development activities, including proposals, presentation and etc.


- bachelor degree or above in computer science, information management, mathematics, statistics or equivalent disciplines

- new graduate or 1-2 years working e_perience in data analytics, business intelligence, it consulting, it delivery or related topics

- knowledge of sql, vba or java programming

- knowledge of data visualization tools such as tableau or power bi

- knowledge of market trends and emerging technologies such as big data, block chain, internet of things, fintech, artificial intelligence, etc.

- good communication skills

- good team player and willingness to work under pressure

- ability to work efficiently and deliver high-quality outcomes

- mature, proactive and committed

- willing to travel

第10篇 recruitment consultant-top british firm崗位職責描述崗位要求



recruiting consultant working in top british recruiting firm, covering procurement and supply chain function.

client details

as a market leading international consultancy firm, michael page has a track record of taking people from industry, and transitioning them to a sales / business development focused role, through their comprehensive training development programs.

with more than 35 years e_perience in the industry, and 20 years in china our client have established themselves as the market leader and are looking to further grow their business. in this role you will develop a rewarding and successful career with strong opportunities for you to progress quickly. all you need is the ability, desire, drive and determination to succeed.


job description

this rewarding role will see you control an individual business within this large organisation. you will immerse yourself in this market through driving effective engagements with mnc clients, including pitching, meetings, presentations, hosting events and delivery of specific job briefs. key to your success will be your ability to source high quality opportunities within the market through advertising and networking, in addition to leveraging the e_isting internal infrastructure and market leading position of the organisation.

the role demands a high performing individual with the ability to communicate and influence a broad range of stakeholders in both english and mandarin. further, this role involve the delivery of multiple key deliverable whilst quality service to both clients and candidates to ensure a premium e_perience.


the successful applicant

the most successful consultants and leaders within this business have transitioned from professional careers, including engineering, procurement, supply chain, finance, legal and sales backgrounds. the common theme is the interest in working in an environment that facilitates accelerated career growth based on performance, and a role that has significant interaction with people. if you are looking for a change, and are focused on developing a sustainable and rewarding career path within a market leader, apply now.

job offer

whats on offer

_ annual income of rmb 300,000 to 500,000

_ quarterly bonus program based on team and individual performance

_ structured learning and development program to help you transition your career quickly

_ work in a dynamic and fun environment with a strong team culture

_ international career progression opportunities are available for high performers

_ work for a market leading company that services the leading mncs and fortune 500 companies

第11篇 implementation consultant崗位職責描述崗位要求


role purpose:

to implement and support the adp products/services within china, utilizing best of breed methodologies, ensuring that our clients e_perience world class service resulting in the highest quality solutions being delivered on time and on budget.


conduct blueprinting workshops to obtain the client’s requirements.

work with client and client’s previous vendors to ensure proper understanding and gathering of all e_isting data, information and processes.

provide analysis and solution to client to enhance client practices or match client process with adp operation standards in terms of system, dispatching, social benefits, and core payroll services.

design and document the client’s solution including their business requirements, their hr out-sourcing process and any program specifications required according to adp’s documentation guidelines

liaise with clients throughout the data cleansing, mapping and conversion phase and provide any assistance required including performing data loads and reconciliation

provide end user training including creating training material and training systems.

generate test scripts to enable clients to adequately test the solution

support clients throughout the uat, parallel and go-live phases.

maintain up to date knowledge of the adp bob template, products & service practices, and labour law.

escalate project issues to implementation manager including scope variations, task slippages and any risks that may arise during the project.

liaise with internal teams to ensure that client’s requirements are understood and timeframes are adhered to.

qualifications & e_perience:

university degree, majored in computer science or related

3+ years e_perience in payroll/hr implementation

good knowledge in at least two of the following hr areas: iit/labour law/payroll & salary/social benefits/dispatching

at least 1 full life cycle payroll system implementation project e_perience

knowledge of implementation methodologies

knowledge of support methodologies including use of an issue tracking system

ability to use a document management system

professional manner and presentation and ability to set, manage and satisfy client’s e_pectations through personal involvement or delegation

ability to understand and work with different cultures professionally.

e_cellent written and verbal communication skills

e_cellent meeting management skills

client focused, demonstrate concern for meeting and e_ceeding immediate and future needs of clients.

ability to priorities tasks and time management skills, ability to work across various projects, ability to lead a team of consultants to effectively implement a solution

analytical thinking/problem solving skills-work systematically and logically to resolve problems, address opportunities or manage the situation at hand, identify causes, relationships and implications

ability to handle conflicts and negotiate a mutually acceptable solution across internal teams.

第12篇 學習服務顧問service consultant id-33029崗位職責要求


position/職位: service consultant/服務顧問

product/產品線: ef english centers/英孚成人英語中心



responsible for creating a welcoming center atmosphere for customers, providing customers with quality service; support com and liaise with the other functional team to ensure three primary targets can be met:

1) create high level service and e_cellent customer e_perience;

2) control center cost and optimize operating process;

3) contribute to the growth of center net internal revenue.

負責營造一個以客戶服務為導向的中心環(huán)境,為客戶提供優(yōu)質的服務;支持服務運營經理并與其他職能 部門協(xié)作確保以下三項目標的達成:

1) 打造高標準的服務, 優(yōu)化客戶體驗;

2) 控制中心成本和優(yōu)化 運營流程;

3) 促進中心凈內部收入的良性增長。



education: bachelor degree or above.


e_perience: 1 year or above service relevant working e_perience/6 months or above education relevant working e_perience are preferred.


language ability: e_cellent communication skills in english, cet-6 or above, tem-8 would be a plus.


key responsibilities ?主要職責

assist com to drive center operational and service e_cellence, creating a customer-focused service organization, where customer can enjoy their e_perience at an ef center.

協(xié)助服務運營經理提高運營效率和服務質量、營造一個以客戶服務為導向的工作環(huán)境,從而提 高客戶在 ef 中心的體驗滿意度。

create pleasant physical environment and e_cellent english learning atmosphere. ensure english is the major language in center.


responsible for student’s satisfaction and service coverage. accurately e_ecute company standard student lifecycle system for assigned students, eg: set up student’s personal study plan (psp), and follow up with student on an on-going basis through multiple communication channels, handle e_ceptional case.

負責中心學生滿意度以及完成學生跟進覆蓋率。按照公司標準的學生學習周期管理服務流程, 對自己所負責的學生進行相應的跟進。例如:制定學生個人學習計劃,并能通過多種溝通渠道 持續(xù)地跟進學生,處理學生投訴。

improve customer’s e_perience by delivering relevant service programs targeted at different customer segmentation to satisfy their service needs; and be able to adjust service program delivery per student’s study progress.

針對不同類型客戶的服務需求,提供相關的服務項目,從而提高客戶的整體體驗;根據(jù)學生的 學習進展及時地調整服務項目。

collaborate with course consultants and trainers to contribute to the growth of center net internal revenue, including course renewal, upgrade and referral.


carry out other administrative duties at this role, including reception and other relevant customer services, etc.


implement national policies and processes, ensuring center’s operations is compliance with national standards.


support com in optimizing center cost.


other duties and responsibilities assigned by the company when needed.







1. 有競爭力的薪資,極具誘惑力的獎金;

2. 完善的社會保險及商業(yè)保險,年度體檢;

3. 國家規(guī)定的法定節(jié)假日,帶薪年假(10-15天),海外旅游及豐富獎品獎勵;

4. 員工本人可享受免費的英孚英語培訓;

5. 快速及完善的晉升以及培訓體系,為你職業(yè)發(fā)展目標量身訂造在職培訓課程;

6. 工作地點均在市內地鐵沿線,交通便利.




第13篇 digitalization and cybersecurity consultant崗位職責要求


job responsibilities:

1. 與潛在客戶交流,準確理解客戶需求,基于對客戶以及行業(yè)的理解,協(xié)助客戶確定項目范圍、咨詢方案、估算成本、協(xié)助報價。

communicating with potential clients, grasping client needs, help build up project scope, consulting proposals, cost estimation, quotation based on the understanding of client situation and the business.

2. 參與項目的實施,為客戶提供數(shù)字化和信息安全相關的咨詢服務。

part of service delivery, providing digitalization and cybersecurity consulting service to the clients.


design cybersecurity strategy and remediation plan, provide assessment and analysis based on the internal data flow of an enterprise;


conduct inspections, gap analysis, remediation advices, management system building;


analytic work include: risk detection, risk management, compliance analysis(e.g. gdpr), security transformation, iam(identity and access management), cybersecurity, ctm(cybersecurity threat management), dlp(data loss prevention), incident management, cloud security;


client e_pectation management, help with the digitalization and security configuration of an enterprise.

3. 與集團位于德國、美國、英國、亞太等地的多個信息安全技術團隊保持密切溝通,不斷完善信息安全策略從而協(xié)助中國企業(yè)在數(shù)字化及信息安全方面對接國際先進標準。

close communication with german, us, uk, asia cybersecurity teams, help build up the cybersecurity strategy and launch within chinese enterprises.

job requirements:

1. 通信、計算機、信息安全或相關專業(yè)本科以上學歷;

majored in telecommunication technology, computer science, cybersecurity, or related fields, have a bachelor degree or above;

2. 掌握信息安全咨詢或安全體系制度的專業(yè)知識,了解信息安全方面的相關法律法規(guī);

understanding of cybersecurity consulting or security system, understanding of related legislations;

3. 了解身份和訪問管理(iam)解決方案咨詢和實施; 網(wǎng)絡威脅分析和管理; 滲透測試; 脆弱性管理;事件響應;數(shù)據(jù)保護和隱私咨詢; 移動安全; 云安全等安全相關領域;

understanding of fields like: iam consulting, ctm consulting, penetration test, vulnerability management, incident management, data protection and privacy consulting, mobile security, cloud security

4. 2年以上it服務管理/網(wǎng)絡安全/風險控制 /it運營等相關經驗;

2 year e_perience or above in it service management/ network security/ risk management/ it maintenance

5. 較強溝通能力和表達能力;

strong communicating and e_pressing skills

6. 熟悉操作系統(tǒng)(uni_, linu_, windows, mac os_)安全、數(shù)據(jù)庫管理系統(tǒng)(oracle, sql server, sybase)安全或網(wǎng)絡和安全設備(路由器、集線器、防火墻、交換機)的人員優(yōu)先;

good knowledge of os security (uni_, linu_, windows, mac os_), database system security (oracle, sql server, sybase) or device security (router, switch, firewall, etc) is preferred

7. 熟悉信息安全和it管理領域的相關標準(如iso27001,iso20000,itil,gdpr等)、隱私保護和漏洞評估等方面的人員優(yōu)先;

good knowledge of cybersecurity and it management standards(iso 27001, iso 27000, itil, gdpr), privacy protection, vulnerability assessment is preferred

8. 擁有cissp, cisa, cism, iso27001, cipt, ccnp/ccie,itil e_pert, pmp/prince2, 信息安全等級保護(mlps)等相關信息安全認證者優(yōu)先。

with certifications like cissp, cisa, cism, iso27001, cipt, ccnp/ccie, itil e_pert, pmp/prince2, mlps is preferred.

第14篇 ef成人 service consultant 服務顧問-上海 id-30973崗位職責描述崗位要求





1. ? ?你不愿意每天只面對電腦工作;

2. ? ?你不愿意墨守成規(guī),循規(guī)蹈矩;

3. ? ?你希望在廣闊的平臺找到很多的機會可以提高自己的能力;

4. ? ?你享受多元文化的工作環(huán)境;

5. ? ?你陽光開朗,希望在工作中結交各行各業(yè)的朋友;

6. ? ?你熱情善良,為人誠信,愿意幫助他人更好的學習英語;

7. ? ?你具備良好的溝通能力和技巧;

8. ? ?你擁有本科以上學歷;英語專業(yè)者優(yōu)先;

9. ? ?你擁有1年以上的服務行業(yè)或相關崗位經驗。

第15篇 analytic consulting-lead consultant/manager崗位職責描述崗位要求



this role based in beijing/shanghai would spearhead the analytics science across china region.

- be responsible for designing and developing state-of-the-art, data-driven e_ploratory analysis to build and evaluate predictive and decision models to solve business problems across financial, telco, insurance and other industries. end results include the design, development and deployment of statistical and decision models.

- manage the analytic components of the project, including project schedules, workflow, and direction to the analytic team and ensure the clients business objectives are incorporated into the analytic plan.

- communicate key analytic findings to client and are responsible for addressing clients analytic concerns.

- conceive, plan and conduct investigations and e_periments in uncharted areas, invent new methodologies or approaches to problems and translate them into improvements in ficos products or tools and represent the company at industry conferences, promoting the company to audiences of clients, regulators, legislators, or the media.

skills & e_perience

- bachelor’s degree or above, with over 6-8 years’ e_perience in sme business area

- specialized in sme banking industry and risk management

- e_pert in analytics and modeling, basel compliance

- strong communication, presentation and client facing skill sets

- quick problem-solving capabilities. lead project team to deliver projects on time with clients satisfaction.

- proven capabilities in people management and leadership

- e_pert in statistics software, especially sas, or other model development tools, and also the microsoft office suite of products including, word, powerpoint, e_cel and e_change.

- fle_ible in working time

- ability to travel significantly (>50%)

- fluent both in english and chinese skills.

++ 應聘者請在簡歷里附上近期一寸免冠照片++

第16篇 留學咨詢顧問-英國 educational consultant-uk崗位職責要求










































第17篇 solutions|senior consultant/consultant – organizational re-design崗位職責描述崗位要求


division: solutions division

vacant position:senior consultant/consultant – organizational re-design

we are looking for individuals who are passionate in the continual pursuit of betterment, bettering yourselves and that of the companies and brands that you work with.

whether you are an e_perienced change management consultant, human resources professionals or even a creative strategist, what matters most to us is your desire to re-invent the way companies are designed from an organizational and cultural perspective.


?manage organizational and corporate culture projects from initial planning to delivery.

?able to use data to drive insights and deliver smart, creative and inspiring work to clients.

?lead and inspire a small team of analysts and work with freelance partners.

?participate in new business development initiatives.

candidate requirements:

?personally driven by self-betterment and an avid reader

?minimum 4-5 years of e_perience in management consulting, strategy consulting, brand consulting.

?challenger / thought provoking attitude, ready to intelligently challenge the status quo.

?logical and structured thinking

?direct e_perience in organization / cultural change related projects

第18篇 senior consultant - people & change崗位職責描述崗位要求



- 作為高級咨詢顧問,在項目經理的指揮下,獨立領導一個工作模塊,通過與客戶的溝通,幫助客戶解決問題

- 專業(yè)領域包括:戰(zhàn)略澄清,組織設計,人力資源管理(3p,能力等),人力資源職能優(yōu)化

- 優(yōu)先行業(yè):銀行,大金融,醫(yī)藥,汽車,大型國企集團

- 了解客戶需求,準備研討材料,并主持與客戶的研討會,根據(jù)會議共識,落實到交付件中

- 贏得客戶,項目經理,其他顧問的信任

- 指導初級顧問


- 全日制本科985或211,或全球排名前100

- 至少兩年相關工作經驗

- 對工作和生活充滿激情,有廣泛興趣愛好

- 不斤斤計較,干預行動,樂于合作

- 有領導力,善于施展個人影響力

- 堅持,有韌勁

第19篇 senior consultant - pmo (securities / funds)崗位職責描述崗位要求



- manage and drive the securities service or funds project e_ecution using kpmg’s programme management methodologies

- develop project structure and project work plan to effectively implement new set-up and ensure smooth change management process

- work closely with client and understand the business requirement / plan to effectively manage the stakeholders and properly leverage the interests of different parties

- co-ordinate the project meetings and workshops

- track and manage the statuses of project milestones and deliverables

- monitor and manage the project risk and issue

- co-ordinate the regular project / program level reporting

- manage and own the relevant project documentation

- work with the relevant internal teams / smes to understand and advise kpmg’s best practice / solutions to the client

e_perience / qualification

- candidates with the relevant fintech domain background is very preferred: eg. big data, cloud computing, ai, blockchain…etc.

- familiar with securities company’s business operating model by focusing in one or more of following areas: asset management, brokerage, research, proprietary trading, underwriting&sponsorship. relevant working e_perience from securities company or consulting company is preferred

- good understanding of security system architecture by focusing on one or more of following technology areas: trading application, asset management application, (funds) transfer agent (ta) application, user frontend platform...etc. project e_perience of security company’s core application implementation is preferred

- candidates with e_perience setting up new local security company in terms of regulatory fulfilment is very preferred

- 3-8 years’ e_perience in securities area and with 2-5 years’ project management e_perience

- e_ecuted at least 2-3 projects with client facing roles

- large scale program/project e_perience at securities company is a plus

- familiar with the project management tools

- good business analysis, problem solving and communication skills

- bachelor or master degree from it, finance or other relevant areas

- e_cellent verbal and written skills in english and mandarin

- fle_ibility to travel

第20篇 rpa deployment senior consultant崗位職責描述崗位要求



- work closely with subject matter e_perts and client resources to analyze, design business process and implement rpa solutions

- develop, test and implement in-scope automation processes based on rpa tools

- work closely with customers and business team during the rpa implementation and deployment

- poc implementation with business team to support rfi/rfp


- background in computer science or information management desired. basic programming skills and knowledge are a plus

- automation e_perience with rpa tool – uipath or blue prism or automation anywhere or workfusion is a plus but not a must

- 2-5 years it project working e_perience

- e_perience in working in a dynamic agile project delivery environment is a plus

- strong analytical, problem-solving and synthesizing skills

- strong communication and coordination skills

- travel at customer site is acceptable for the deployment

- base in shanghai




  • lt崗位職責20篇
  • lt崗位職責20篇69人關注

    崗位職責是什么lt(leadershipteam)崗位是企業(yè)中關鍵的管理角色,主要負責制定戰(zhàn)略方向,協(xié)調團隊協(xié)作,以及推動公司的長期發(fā)展。這一職位需要具備高瞻遠矚的眼光,卓越的領 ...[更多]
