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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):63



cip,全稱為continuous improvement professional,即持續(xù)改進(jìn)專業(yè)人員,是一個(gè)專注于提升組織效率和效果的關(guān)鍵角色。他們致力于識(shí)別并解決業(yè)務(wù)流程中的瓶頸和問(wèn)題,以實(shí)現(xiàn)持續(xù)優(yōu)化和增長(zhǎng)。



1. 熟悉業(yè)務(wù)流程,能夠深入理解各部門運(yùn)作。

2. 具備數(shù)據(jù)分析能力,能從大量數(shù)據(jù)中提煉關(guān)鍵信息。

3. 掌握改善工具和技術(shù),如六西格瑪、精益生產(chǎn)等。

4. 強(qiáng)烈的責(zé)任心和創(chuàng)新精神,不斷尋求改進(jìn)機(jī)會(huì)。

5. 良好的溝通技巧,能夠有效協(xié)調(diào)各方資源和意見。


cip的工作日常涉及: - 對(duì)現(xiàn)有業(yè)務(wù)流程進(jìn)行深入分析,識(shí)別潛在的改進(jìn)點(diǎn)。 - 設(shè)計(jì)并實(shí)施改進(jìn)項(xiàng)目,包括優(yōu)化流程、減少浪費(fèi)、提高效率等。 - 制定和執(zhí)行數(shù)據(jù)驅(qū)動(dòng)的決策,確保改進(jìn)措施的有效性。 - 搭建和維護(hù)持續(xù)改進(jìn)的文化,培訓(xùn)團(tuán)隊(duì)成員掌握改善工具和方法。 - 與管理層緊密合作,報(bào)告改進(jìn)成果,為戰(zhàn)略決策提供依據(jù)。



1. 項(xiàng)目管理:負(fù)責(zé)持續(xù)改進(jìn)項(xiàng)目的規(guī)劃、執(zhí)行和跟蹤,確保項(xiàng)目按時(shí)完成并達(dá)成預(yù)期目標(biāo)。

2. 流程審計(jì):定期審查業(yè)務(wù)流程,識(shí)別效率低下、資源浪費(fèi)等問(wèn)題,并提出改進(jìn)建議。

3. 數(shù)據(jù)分析:收集并分析業(yè)務(wù)數(shù)據(jù),通過(guò)數(shù)據(jù)洞察問(wèn)題,為改進(jìn)提供事實(shí)依據(jù)。

4. 培訓(xùn)與指導(dǎo):為員工提供持續(xù)改進(jìn)的培訓(xùn),培養(yǎng)團(tuán)隊(duì)的改善意識(shí)和能力。

5. 跨部門協(xié)作:與各部門領(lǐng)導(dǎo)溝通,協(xié)調(diào)資源,推動(dòng)跨部門的改進(jìn)活動(dòng)。

6. 報(bào)告與呈現(xiàn):定期向管理層匯報(bào)改進(jìn)進(jìn)度和成果,為決策提供信息支持。



第1篇 principal(senior director-研究總監(jiān).醫(yī)藥行業(yè))崗位職責(zé)要求
















第2篇 senior/ principle hcm顧問(wèn)崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求




?study, analyze and create simple and effective solutions for implementation of human capital management (hcm) cloud for sizeable customers.

?effectively guide projects and manage customers e_pectations.

?ability to provide vision and business solution to customers and project team.

?analyze and resolve issues independently.

relevant e_perience:

?degree holder in related discipline

?subject matter e_pertise in the area of oracle hcm cloud

?7 years of hcm application implementation e_perience

?e_perience in the development of client-specific solutions, including design of business process flows and of application e_tensions.

?e_cellent communication and facilitation skills required to lead client stakeholders and consulting team in the development of solutions.

?e_posure or e_perience in global delivery and offshore outsourcing is desired

?mature, confident, presentable, good team spirit and willing to take up challenges

?strong communication skill in english

第3篇 it principal system analyst系統(tǒng)分析專家職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


duties and responsibilities:

1.understanding of users’ business requirement for the consumer finance;

2.meets with business stakeholders to discuss possible solution for the requirement;

3.describe technical solution in functional specification enriched by process and uml diagrams;

4.prepare all information needed to clarify the data structure and provides specification for the programmers;

5.responsible for overall system documentation of appointed systems;

6.work in agreed company project as team member based on nomination to the project team;

7.close cooperation with development center in china (hcc);

8.close cooperation with development center in czech republic (hci);

9.responsible for delivering work and document on time and in demanded quality;

10.e_pected to be updated with the current it market trends;

11.accurately foresee and understand the software limitation against the upcoming business requirements;

12.ensure that new requirements are properly integrated with e_isting, processes/components /functionalities etc;

13.responsible for ensure the continuous improvement of document quality;

14.responsible for providing ideas of good practices;

15.is up to date with the latest modeling languages/concepts/methodologies/tools;

16.ensure knowledge assets of system analysis be well enriched and secured.


1.understanding of users’ business requirement for the consumer finance;

2.meets with business stakeholders to discuss possible solution for the requirement;

3.describe technical solution in functional specification enriched by process and uml diagrams;

4.prepare all information needed to clarify the data structure and provides specification for the programmers;

5.responsible for overall system documentation of appointed systems;

6.work in agreed company project as team member based on nomination to the project team;

7.close cooperation with development center in china (hcc);

8.close cooperation with development center in czech republic (hci);

9.responsible for delivering work and document on time and in demanded quality;

10.e_pected to be updated with the current it market trends;

11.accurately foresee and understand the software limitation against the upcoming business requirements;

12.ensure that new requirements are properly integrated with e_isting, processes/components /functionalities etc;

13.responsible for ensure the continuous improvement of document quality;

14.responsible for providing ideas of good practices;

15.is up to date with the latest modeling languages/concepts/methodologies/tools;

16.ensure knowledge assets of system analysis be well enriched and secured.

staff welfare:

1.after on boarding, providing supplementary commercial insurance besides the state-stipulated insurance and housing fund;

2.fast and transparent promotion channel and broad development opportunities;

3.5-15 days paid annual leave and 5 days paid sick leave. free annual physical check-up;

4.attractive employee activities.

第4篇 principal software engineer-java security職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


preferred qualifications

principal software engineer

product development

location: beijing, china


member of team that designs and implments security infrastructure technology and products. the team is responsible for the security infrastructure component which provides common security services,

including authentication, authorization, auditing, and secret management, to all oracle product family including both oracle cloud services and on-prem products. detailed responsibilities include:

- write functional and technical specifications for product features

- code and unit test product features

- review product documentation

- diagnose and fi_ product problems/bugs from customers and testers

- support relying products/applications/services


education: ms/bs in computer science or engineering, or equivalent

- 3+ years of commercial software e_perience

- proficient in java programming or go programming

- familiar with linu_/uni_ environment

- master popular development tools

- good communication skill and team work spirit

- fluent in english communication

desirable knowledge or skills:

- internet security standards and products, e.g. oauth 2.0, open id connect, uma, scim, ssl, saml, pki, etc

- container related technologies/products, docker, kubernetes, etc

- java security technologies (j2se security, jaas, jacc)

- machine learning related e_perience/skills

detailed description and job requirements

design, develop, troubleshoot and debug software programs for databases, applications, tools, networks etc.

as a member of the software engineering division, you will take an active role in the definition and evolution of standard practices and procedures. you will be responsible for defining and developing software for tasks associated with the developing, designing and debugging of software applications or operating systems.

work is non-routine and very comple_, involving the application of advanced technical/business skills in area of specialization. leading contributor individually and as a team member, providing direction and mentoring to others. bs or ms degree or equivalent e_perience relevant to functional area. 7 years of software engineering or related e_perience.

job: product development

location: cn-cn,china-beijing

job type: regular employee hire

organization: oracle

第5篇 principal front engineer職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


coupang is one of the largest and fastest growing e-commerce platforms on the planet. our mission is to create a world in which customers ask “how did i ever live without coupang” we are looking for passionate builders to help us get there. powered by world-class technology and operations, we have set out to transform the end-to-end customer e_perience -- from revolutionizing last-mile delivery to rethinking how customers search and discover on a truly mobile-first platform. we have been named one of the “50 smartest companies in the world” by mit technology review and “30 global game changers” by forbes.

coupang is a global company with offices in beijing, los angeles, seattle, seoul, shanghai, and silicon valley.

principal engineers manage all phases of technical projects. they oversee the products or project’s conception, design and initial product specifications and manage scheduling, estimating and securing materials. they draft and e_ecute construction contracts, track project progress. principal engineers also conduct engineering studies and investigations, and prepare reports for company leadership. they also provide engineering guidance to other departments, help to train new engineers and keep abreast of industry trends and issues.

you will be engaged in the entire agile development process from participating in story estimation, feature design discussions and planning, implementation and releasing. you will design and implement system architecture, and have primary responsibility for code quality. your focus is not only on functionality, but on performance, security and data validation. you should provide the final recommendation to a technical trade-off.

who we are:

product engineering is responsible for building coupang customer facing products,we are in charge of 10+ mission critical applications which handles millions customer transactions every day, from customer open coupang home page, until customer finishes her e_traordinary shopping e_perience with an order, we are taking care every single part of this journey.


?design and develop the coupang web platform strategy and architecture.

?key reviewer for web based design, architecture and projects

?tech leader for organization and company-wide project and drive that to success

?key contributor for critical and complicated area troubleshooting

?design coupang mobile web strategy and create a fle_ible and efficient pc / mobile web architecture.

?key driver for the wed design and development quality and productivity

?mentor and develop web developers in organization

basic qualifications:

?7 years+ of e_perience with java/js development and worked on distributed system.

?5 years+ of e_periences in web design and develop medium to large scale enterprise and mvc web applications.

?2 years + of e_periences in web architecture, hands-on working on design systems

?solid knowledge and e_periences in web framework like react, vue and angularjs,

?solid e_periences in web design and development quality

?solid e_periences in design and build architecture based on the business need and platform scalability

?tracked record in successfully launch the web project at scale

?solid e_perience in mobile web solution

?tracked record in performance and productivity improvement

?follow the web framework, technologies and architecture trend and be able to make the trade off

preferred qualifications:

?e_periences in e-commerce industry

?design and implement the fle_ible mobile web solution from scratch

?e_periences in native / hybrid development

?e_periences with typescript and successfully applied into projects

?e_cellent communication skills with english.

第6篇 it principal developer 資深java開發(fā)專家職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



role mission

the it application developer provides e_pertise in delivering software detailed design development and unit testing services that support business requirements.

the unique combination of technical skills and understanding of business requirements allows the it application developer to build software applications that are tailored to customer specific needs in a fle_ible way.

key responsibilities

?performs coding, unit testing and documentation of software units defined by the design document

?participates in software modification during integration testing

?makes commitments that fall within the tasks given by authorized personnel. participates in proposing changes that make the system more efficient and/or reduce operation or maintenance cost

?develops efficient software within given time frame

additional responsibilities at e_pert level

?responsible for resolve comple_ technical difficulty

?wise or skillful for at least on one technical domain and can give some constructive advice to team lead and architect

?responsible for help team lead and architect practice road map

?responsible for training team and help team promote technical skill

additional responsibilities at principal level

?a senior e_pert in a field

?impact on the planning and future direction of a particular area of e_pertise

?partner with development team lead and architect practice road map

?share with team and lead technical evolution

additional responsibilities at chief level

?be regarded as an e_pert in a certain field or have popularity and influence in the domestic industry.

?partner with chief architect and delivery lead to practice road map

?responsible for leading and practice e_clusive technical developing and with leading edge in industry and marketing




?985 or 211 education

?computer science related major

?bachelor at least

?overseas universities must be the top 20 at least on local country or top 50 in the world


?e_pert as java technical, full stack technical developer, familiar for some original code, such as spring, jdk

?in-depth understanding for the code design, and good with different view, such as oop, pop, fp, etc.

?strong sense and knowledge for the program refactor design

?at least 10+ years development e_perience, 5+years at least for the core coding design and development

?3+years head internet company, such as alibaba, tencent, jd, meituan, etc, and acting as the core technical working, such as alibaba technical p7+ level

?e_perience for the high concurrency development, such as million level qps scenario

?passion for the development working, join some open source project is more good, such as join some github open project

?good communication skill with technical and none-technical scenario

?strong troubleshooting and problem solving sill, like the challenge for the high press

?have some computer industry contribution is more good, such as core developer for the familiar system or application, such as java community contribution

?other development language, such as .net. python, is more good

c.英語(yǔ)要: english request

?literacy for english


第7篇 principal business analyst-search and discovery analytics職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求


principal, business analyst (search and discovery analytics)

coupang is one of the largest and fastest growing e-commerce platforms on the planet. we are on a mission to revolutionize everyday lives for our customers, employees and partners. we solve problems no one has solved before to create a world where people ask, “how did we ever live without coupang” coupang is a global company with offices in beijing, los angeles, seattle, seoul, shanghai, and silicon valley.

job overview:

as our?principal, business analysis for search and discovery analytics, you will be responsible for?operational reporting and insights to make our consumer e_perience world-class.?millions of customers shop in coupang, generating billions of data points. the business analytics team brings this data together to generate actionable insights, answer comple_ business questions, and help us deepen our understanding of customers.

key responsibilities:

?proposing and generating new customer e_perience metrics and insights that will help us create the best shopping e_perience

?collaborating with product owners, designers, program managers, engineers, and business stakeholders to make data-driven decisions

?creating and managing weekly, monthly, and quarterly business reporting, working across multiple teams to identify and present high-level insights to key stakeholders and e_ecutives

?providing thought leadership and be the subject matter e_pert on customer analytics


?one who has demonstrated e_perience translating data and insights into concrete and actionable recommendations

?one who has ability to write and communicate comple_ analysis in a clear and concise way

?one who is self-starter who takes ownership and has the ability to think and react quickly in a high-energy, fast-paced environment

?one who has strong critical thinking and detail-oriented with an aptitude for solving unstructured problems

?one who has 5+ years of e_perience in data analysis

?one who has e_perience with sql, e_cel, python, and r/sas or any statistical package

?one who has e_perience that working with big data technologies like hadoop, spark, and presto

?one who has bachelor’s degree in statistics, engineering, business, or equivalent e_perience


?one who has master’s degree in statistics, engineering, business, or equivalent e_perience

?one who has e_perience in e-commerce product analytics

?one who has fluent in english and korean (verbal and written) is a plus but not required

第8篇 senior/ principle hcm顧問(wèn)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求




?study, analyze and create simple and effective solutions for implementation of human capital management (hcm) cloud for sizeable customers.

?effectively guide projects and manage customers e_pectations.

?ability to provide vision and business solution to customers and project team.

?analyze and resolve issues independently.

relevant e_perience:

?degree holder in related discipline

?subject matter e_pertise in the area of oracle hcm cloud

?7 years of hcm application implementation e_perience

?e_perience in the development of client-specific solutions, including design of business process flows and of application e_tensions.

?e_cellent communication and facilitation skills required to lead client stakeholders and consulting team in the development of solutions.

?e_posure or e_perience in global delivery and offshore outsourcing is desired

?mature, confident, presentable, good team spirit and willing to take up challenges

?strong communication skill in english

第9篇 principal engineer embedded swengineer崗位職責(zé)描述崗位要求



?requirements analysis

?requirements decomposition

?software design

?software architecture, design, and coding

?software integration

?software validation & verification

?customer interaction

?project oversight

?project coordination

?budget/schedule responsibility

?strategy development


?bachelors’ degree in engineering or computer science, master degree preferred

?minimum of 15 years of sw development e_perience

?platform software development e_perience, preferred e_perience with platform software solution on the different platforms (for e_ample, _ilin_’s ultrascale? family, n_p t1024 and mpc5777 family)

?knowledge of software configuration management and change management practices

?strong hands-on design e_perience with firmware (bootloader, device driver, etc.) and hardware level software development, including use of timers, interrupts, hardware peripherals such as spi controllers and adcs, bootloaders and debug tools

?strong hands-on design e_perience with rtos (deos?, heartos?, linu_ scheduler) and good understanding of operating system fundamentals, including schedulers, network stack, file system, memory management

?solid hardware debug e_perience, including familiarity with tools such as the oscilloscope, logic analyzer, protocol analyzer (spi, can, ethernet or similar)

?familiar with common electronic components and comfortable reading circuit design schematics and contributing to hardware design discussions

?effective communicator with e_cellent chinese and english spoken and written english to drive diverse and global teaming and collaboration

第10篇 disciplinefieldsuperintendent崗位職責(zé)

financial analyst responsibilities:

1. work closely with subsidiaries and teams for finance analyses &planning.

2. build analyses reports under management requirement.

3. consolidate different financial reports which need to be submitted to hq on the quarterly/monthly/weekly basis.

4. identify variance driven factors &improvements suggestion, write comments and provide e_planations to those figures showing large variances.

5. financial data management and development, annual planning &processing, monitoring.

6. related reports that be required by marketing departments.

7. other responsibilities assigned.


1.bachelor degree or above, cpa or acca preferred.

2. 3+ years e_periences in fp&a area.

3.good e_cel &ppt skills.

4. e_cellent interpersonal communication skills.

5. working precisely, good reconciliation skill. strong sense of urgency, ensure on time delivery.

5. good command of both spoken and written english.

6. familiar with erp system, sap/jed preferred. responsibilities:

1. work closely with subsidiaries and teams for finance analyses &planning.

2. build analyses reports under management requirement.

3. consolidate different financial reports which need to be submitted to hq on the quarterly/monthly/weekly basis.

4. identify variance driven factors &improvements suggestion, write comments and provide e_planations to those figures showing large variances.

5. financial data management and development, annual planning &processing, monitoring.

6. related reports that be required by marketing departments.

7. other responsibilities assigned.


1.bachelor degree or above, cpa or acca preferred.

2. 3+ years e_periences in fp&a area.

3.good e_cel &ppt skills.

4. e_cellent interpersonal communication skills.

5. working precisely, good reconciliation skill. strong sense of urgency, ensure on time delivery.

5. good command of both spoken and written english.

6. familiar with erp system, sap/jed preferred.

第11篇 disciplinefieldsuperintendent崗位職責(zé)disciplinefieldsuperintendent職責(zé)任職要求


office manager our client is global top tier multinational company in financial service industry. currently we are looking for an office manager for shanghai office.

job responsibility:

- organize travel for employees in and out of the shanghai office, where necessary, including car transportation, flights and accommodations fully responsible for office renovation, relocation and other facility management

- purchasing, invoicing, and allocation of office supplies, mail services, pantry snacks, etc.

- manage all office-related invoices and payments

- liaise with third-party accounting firm to help manage corporate accounting and ta_ for the business

- assist general manager with invoice approval, e_pense tracking, and budgeting processes


- bachelor degree and above

- over 6 years of e_periences in office management/ admin function, with previous e_periences in financial service/professional service industry

- fluent english and mandarin

- good communication skills and interpersonal skills

our client is global top tier multinational company in financial service industry. currently we are looking for an office manager for shanghai office.

job responsibility:

- organize travel for employees in and out of the shanghai office, where necessary, including car transportation, flights and accommodations fully responsible for office renovation, relocation and other facility management

- purchasing, invoicing, and allocation of office supplies, mail services, pantry snacks, etc.

- manage all office-related invoices and payments

- liaise with third-party accounting firm to help manage corporate accounting and ta_ for the business

- assist general manager with invoice approval, e_pense tracking, and budgeting processes


- bachelor degree and above

- over 6 years of e_periences in office management/ admin function, with previous e_periences in financial service/professional service industry

- fluent english and mandarin

- good communication skills and interpersonal skills

第12篇 it principal developer資深java開發(fā)專家(異地職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求:工作地點(diǎn)在天津)職位描述與崗位職責(zé)任職要求



role mission

the it application developer provides e_pertise in delivering software detailed design development and unit testing services that support business requirements.

the unique combination of technical skills and understanding of business requirements allows the it application developer to build software applications that are tailored to customer specific needs in a fle_ible way.

key responsibilities

?performs coding, unit testing and documentation of software units defined by the design document

?participates in software modification during integration testing

?makes commitments that fall within the tasks given by authorized personnel. participates in proposing changes that make the system more efficient and/or reduce operation or maintenance cost

?develops efficient software within given time frame

additional responsibilities at e_pert level

?responsible for resolve comple_ technical difficulty

?wise or skillful for at least on one technical domain and can give some constructive advice to team lead and architect

?responsible for help team lead and architect practice road map

?responsible for training team and help team promote technical skill

additional responsibilities at principal level

?a senior e_pert in a field

?impact on the planning and future direction of a particular area of e_pertise

?partner with development team lead and architect practice road map

?share with team and lead technical evolution

additional responsibilities at chief level

?be regarded as an e_pert in a certain field or have popularity and influence in the domestic industry.

?partner with chief architect and delivery lead to practice road map

?responsible for leading and practice e_clusive technical developing and with leading edge in industry and marketing




?985 or 211 education

?computer science related major

?bachelor at least

?overseas universities must be the top 20 at least on local country or top 50 in the world


?e_pert as java technical, full stack technical developer, familiar for some original code, such as spring, jdk

?in-depth understanding for the code design, and good with different view, such as oop, pop, fp, etc.

?strong sense and knowledge for the program refactor design

?at least 10+ years development e_perience, 5+years at least for the core coding design and development

?3+years head internet company, such as alibaba, tencent, jd, meituan, etc, and acting as the core technical working, such as alibaba technical p7+ level

?e_perience for the high concurrency development, such as million level qps scenario

?passion for the development working, join some open source project is more good, such as join some github open project

?good communication skill with technical and none-technical scenario

?strong troubleshooting and problem solving sill, like the challenge for the high press

?have some computer industry contribution is more good, such as core developer for the familiar system or application, such as java community contribution

?other development language, such as .net. python, is more good

c.英語(yǔ)要: english request

?literacy for english




  • cip崗位職責(zé)12篇
  • cip崗位職責(zé)12篇63人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么cip,全稱為continuousimprovementprofessional,即持續(xù)改進(jìn)專業(yè)人員,是一個(gè)專注于提升組織效率和效果的關(guān)鍵角色。他們致力于識(shí)別并解決業(yè)務(wù)流程中的瓶 ...[更多]
