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發(fā)布時間:2023-06-01 17:22:34 查看人數(shù):44


【第1篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):直接引語/間接引語



1) 時態(tài)變化:






be going to——was/were going to/would



2) 時間地點及指示詞的變化:

here-there, tomorrow-the ne_t day, the following day, this-that…

3) 人稱變化:根據(jù)句意改變?nèi)朔Q。

4) 直接賓語/間接賓語



he gives me a book.(me間接賓語,a book直接賓語)



give me a book. = give the book to me.

send him a letter. = send a letter to him.

show him the new dress. = show the new dress to him.

【第2篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):need的用法


· 表示“需要”時為實意動詞,后面可以加名詞,也可以加不定式:

i need a pen.

do you need any beer? no, i don’t.

i need to have a rest.

need doing=need to be done (表示被動)

the flowers need watering. =the flowers need to be watered. 花需要澆水。

· need在否定時做情態(tài)動詞使用:

you needn’t go so early. (=you don’t need to go so early.)

must i clean the desk right now? no, you needn’t.

【第3篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):過去進行時


——表示過去正在進行的動作,經(jīng)常用在when, while, as引導的狀語從句中。


when my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.

their father was watching tv while they were having dinner.


was their father watching tv while they were having dinner.

★變否定句在be動詞后面加 not

their father was not watching tv while they were having dinner.

【第4篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):情態(tài)動詞的使用




he can make the tea.

sally can air the room.

we can speak english.


can he make the tea?

can sally air the room?

can we speak english?


he cannot make the tea.

sally cannot air the room.

we cannot speak english.


yes, he can. / no, he cannot.

yes, she can. / no, she cannot.

yes, we can. / no, we cannot.


what can you do?


2)must/have to的區(qū)別

must 表示必須,是主觀上覺得應該做,have to是不得不,是由于客觀條件逼迫的必要要做

must 只能用在表示現(xiàn)在和將來的句子里,而have to do可以用在任何時態(tài)

3)must, may, might表示猜測:

· must do 表示對現(xiàn)在事實的猜測

· must have done表示對過去事實的猜測

· must have been doing 表示對過去正在進行的事實的猜測

· may/might do, may/might have done表示沒有任何事實依據(jù)的猜測,might的可能性更小。

4)can't/couldn't 表示不可能

【第5篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):一般過去時


表示過去發(fā)生的動作或事件,常和表示過去的時間狀語連用,如yesterday, last night, the day before yesterday, 3 days ago...

含有be動詞的句子,將be動詞變?yōu)檫^去式。am, is的過去式為was, are的過去式為were:

i was at the butcher's.

you were a student a year ago.

the teacher was very beautiful ten years ago.


were you at the butcher's?

were you a student a year ago?

was the teacher very beautiful ten years ago?


i was not at the butcher's.

you were not a student a year ago.

the teacher was not very beautiful ten years ago.


yes, i was. / no, i was not.

yes, you were. / no, you were not.

yes, he/she was. / no, he/she was not.


what did you do?(必背)


i finished my homework yesterday.

the boy went to a restaurant.

the sawyers lived at king street a year ago.


did you finish your homework yesterday?

did the boy go to a restaurant?

did the sawyers live at king street a year ago?

★變否定句在主語和動詞之間加did not

i did not finish my homework yesterday.

the boy did not go to a restaurant.

the sawyers did not live at king street a year ago.


yes, i did. / no, i didn't.

yes, he did. / no, he didn't.

yes, they did. / no, they did not.

【第6篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):一般將來時


——表示將來將要發(fā)生的動作, 經(jīng)常和tomorrow, ne_t year, the day after tomorrow, the year after the ne_t, in five hours' time, etc. 表示將來的詞聯(lián)用。


i will go to america tomorrow.

the pilot will fly to japan the month after the ne_t.

jack will move into his new house tomorrow morning.


will you go to america tomorrow?

will the pilot fly to japan the month after the ne_t?

will jack move into his new house tomorrow morning?


i will not go to america tomorrow.

the pilot will not fly to japan the month after the ne_t.

jack will not move into his new house tomorrow morning.


yes, i will. / no, i will not.

yes, he/she will. / no, he/she will not.

yes, he will. / no, he will not.


what will you do?

【第7篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):動詞的變化


主格 i we you you she/he/it they

賓格 me us you you her/him/it them

代詞所有格 my our your your her/his/its their

名詞性代詞 mine ours yours yours hers/his/its theirs

be動詞現(xiàn)在時 am are are are is are

be動詞過去時 was were were were was were



規(guī)則1 一般情況+s e.g. shell→shells toy→toys

規(guī)則2 以s, _, ch, sh結(jié)尾+es e.g. fo_→fo_es church→churches

規(guī)則3 以o結(jié)尾+s或+es e.g. radio→radios potato→potatoes

規(guī)則4 以f, fe結(jié)尾的,變f, fe為ves e.g. life→lives half→halves

規(guī)則5 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾, 變y為i+es e.g. sky→skies study→studies


規(guī)則1 一般情況+s e.g. like-likes, look-looks

規(guī)則2 以s, _, ch, sh和o結(jié)尾+es e.g. do-does, catch-catches

規(guī)則3 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾, 變y為i+es e.g. carry-carries, fly-flies


規(guī)則1 一般動詞加-ing e.g. look-looking, read-reading, play-playing

規(guī)則2 以不發(fā)音的字母結(jié)尾的單詞去e加-ing e.g. make-making, take-taking, arrive-arriving

規(guī)則3 重讀閉音節(jié)詞結(jié)尾, 即單詞中只有一個元音字母,其后緊跟一個輔音字母的詞,雙寫輔音字母再加-ing e. g. run-running, sit-sitting, get-getting, swim-swimming, stop-stopping



規(guī)則1 一般動詞加-ed e.g. look-looked, watch-watched, play-played

規(guī)則2 以e結(jié)尾的加-d e.g. make-maked, arrive-arrived

規(guī)則3 以輔音字母y結(jié)尾的變y為i加-ed cry-cried, carry-carried

規(guī)則4 重讀閉音節(jié)詞結(jié)尾, 即單詞中只有一個元音字母,其后緊跟一個輔音字母的詞,雙寫輔音字母再加-ed stop-stopped


在清輔音后面(除外)讀/t/ e.g. walked, jumped

在濁輔音和元音后讀/d/ e.g. washed, watched

在/t/,/d/后讀/id/ e.g. waited, hated



規(guī)則1 一般加-er e.g. high-higher

規(guī)則2 以e結(jié)尾加-r nice-nicer

規(guī)則3 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾,變y為i再加-er busy-busier

規(guī)則4 重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾, 雙寫輔音字母再加-er fat-fatter

規(guī)則1 一般加-est e.g. high-highest

規(guī)則2 以e結(jié)尾加-st nice-nicest

規(guī)則3 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾,變y為i再加-est busy-busiest

規(guī)則4 重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾, 雙寫輔音字母再加--est fat-fattest


is='s i am=i'm are='re

is not=isn't /iznt/ are not=aren't /a:nt/

do not=don't

does not=doesn't


did not=didn't

can not=can't



have not=haven't

has not=hasn't


will not=won't

shall not=shan't

【第8篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):過去將來時


結(jié)構(gòu):would do she said she would go here the ne_t morning.

兩個特殊句型:there be 句型,be going to 結(jié)構(gòu)

1) be going to 結(jié)構(gòu)——表示打算,準備,計劃做某事

★結(jié)構(gòu):主語+be動詞+going to +動詞原型 i am going to make a bookcase. they are going to paint it. the father is going to give the bookcase to his daughter.

★變疑問句將be動詞移到句首 are you going to make a bookcase? are they going to paint it? is the father going to give the bookcase to his daughter?

★變否定句在be動詞后面加not i am not going to make a bookcase. they are going to paint it. the father is not going to give the bookcase to his daughter.

★肯定回答及否定回答 yes, i am. / no, i am not. yes, they are. / no, they are not. yes, he is. / no, he is not.

★特殊疑問句(必背) what are you going to do? what are they going to do? what is the father going to do?

2) there be 句型——表示哪里有什么東西(某處有某物)

there is+單數(shù)名詞+表示場所的詞(一般為介詞詞組) there is a book in this room. there is a pen on the table there are+復數(shù)名詞+表示場所的詞(一般為介詞詞組) there are two pens on the table. there are three schools there.

★變疑問句將be動詞移到句首 is there a book in this room? are there two pens on the table?

★變否定句在動詞后面加not there is not a book in this room. there are not two pens on the table.

★肯定回答及否定回答 yes, there is. / no, there is not. yes, there are. / no, there are not.

【第9篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):感嘆句


1) what +名詞+主語+謂語

what a beautiful girl she is!

what tall buildings they are!

2) how +形容詞+主語+謂語

how beautiful the girl is!

how tall the buildings are!

· 在口語中,感嘆句的主語和謂語常常省略:

what a nice present!(省略it is)

how disappointed!(省略she is或其它可作本句主、謂的詞語)

【第10篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):過去完成時




after she had finished her homework, she went shopping.

they had sold the car before i asked the price.

the train had left before i arrived at the station.


★ 變疑問句將助動詞移到句首

had she finished her homework?

★ 變否定句在助動詞后面加not

she hadn't finished her homework.

★ 肯定回答及否定回答

yes, she had. / no, she hadn't.

★ 特殊疑問句

what had she done?

【第11篇 新概念英語語法總結(jié):副詞



the book is very good.

he runs fast.

she came here quite early.

certainly i will go with you.


· 直接在形容詞后加-ly:

careful-carefully, slow-slowly

· 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的形容詞,把y變i, 加-ly:

happy-happily, lucky-luckily

· 有些詞形容詞和副詞的形式相同,不需要做任何變化:

fast, hard, late

· 有些詞加上-ly后意思與原詞相差很遠:

neary-nearly, high-highly, late-lately

【第12篇 新概念英語語法:定冠詞的用法總結(jié)



take the medicine.把藥吃了。


he bought a house.i've been to the house.



the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth

4)單數(shù)名詞連用表示一類事物,如:the dollar 美元;

the fo_ 狐貍;或與形容詞或分詞連用,表示一類人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。

5)用在序數(shù)詞和形容詞級,及形容詞only, very, same等前面:

where do you live?i live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二層。

that's the very thing i've been looking for. 那正是我要找的東西。


they are the teachers of this school.指全體教師)

they are teachers of this school. (指部分教師)


she caught me by the arm..她抓住了我的手臂。


the people's republic of china 中華人民共和國

the united states 美國

9)用在表示樂器的名詞之前: she plays the piano.她會彈鋼琴。

10) 用在姓氏的復數(shù)名詞之前,表示一家人:

the greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫婦)

11) 用在慣用語中:

in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening),the day after tomorrow

the day before yesterday,the ne_t morning,

in the sky (water,field,country)

in the dark,in the rain,in the distance,

in the middle (of),in the end,

on the whole,by the way,go to the theatre




  • 新概念英語語法總結(jié)(十二篇)
  • 新概念英語語法總結(jié)(十二篇)44人關(guān)注

    定冠詞the與指示代詞this,that同源,有"那(這)個"的意思,但較弱,可以和一個名詞連用,來表示某個或某些特定的人或東西。1)特指雙方都明白的人或物:takethemedicine.把藥吃了 ...[更多]
