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發(fā)布時間:2023-03-27 10:15:19 查看人數(shù):3


第1篇 寫英文邀請函步驟講解


hosting a dinner party can involve a lot of preparation, depending on how many people it is for and how elaborate the proceedings will be. one of the first jobs of hosting a dinner is to write the invitations for each of your guests. these invitations should contain all the important information about the dinner party that your guests need to know. how formal your invitation is ultimately depends on the type of dinner party you intend on having.

一封完整的邀請函要包括晚會的所有重要信息,包括時間、地點(diǎn)、人員、著裝要求(有些晚會主人會確定dressing code,通常是一個主題元素,比如polka dots波點(diǎn),大家的身上都要有一個波點(diǎn)的元素)。邀請函要多正式是根據(jù)晚會的正式程度定的。下面就向大家介紹寫作晚會邀請函的步驟。

1 .state the request and the purpose of the dinner in your first line. for example, 'james and natalie invite you to join them for dinner to celebrate their first wedding anniversary.' a more formal invitation might read, 'mr and mrs smith request the pleasure of your company at a dinner to celebrate their first wedding anniversary.'


2. write the date and time that the dinner party will be held. for example, 'tuesday, 5th july 2022, 7:30 p.m.'


3 .inform your guests where the dinner is taking place. for example, 'at home,' or 'at two chefs restaurant.' be sure to include the address of the venue.


4 .provide details concerning the dress code. black tie or smart casual are typical dinner party choices.


5 .place an rsvp at the base of the invitation with contact details such as a phone number or email address. the rsvp requests that recipients

inform you whether they will attend or not. with a more formal invitation, you can include a reply card and a self-addressed envelope for responses.在邀請函下方附上回執(zhí)。(rsvp是回執(zhí)的意思,來自法語 répondez s'il vous pla?t, 意思是 'respond, if you please.”)回執(zhí)可以通過電話或者郵箱回復(fù)?;貓?zhí)是讓對方告知你愿不愿意出席。更正式的回執(zhí)通常會有一張卡片和一個用來答復(fù)的信封,方便客人回復(fù)。


第2篇 如何寫英文商務(wù)邀請函



dear sir/madam:

im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in [city] on [date].

as we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic from [time] to [time]. there will be an additional minutes for questions.

would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. if you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

thank you again for agreeing to speak.

i look forward to hearing from you.

sincerely yours,




第3篇 怎么寫英文邀請函


jiefang road

oct. 16, 2003

dear mike,

i'm going to the cinema next sunday morning to see “ a dream of red ” , and i have two tickets. would you like to come?

the film starts at 9:00. maybe we can meet at the gateway of the department store and have breakfast before the film starts.

please give me a call if you can come. i'm at home in the evening.

looking forward to seeing you.


li lei




  • 寫英文邀請函(3篇)
  • 寫英文邀請函(3篇)3人關(guān)注

    準(zhǔn)備晚會是一個繁瑣而開心的過程,當(dāng)你訂好菜單,重新布置了客廳,購置了全新的餐具,還差什么呢?邀請朋友們來晚會!打電話當(dāng)然簡單可取,但寫一封誠懇的英文邀請函會顯得更加 ...[更多]

