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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-02-27 17:30:10 查看人數(shù):3


第1篇 2022應(yīng)用英語(yǔ)學(xué)生求職信范文











第2篇 商務(wù)英語(yǔ)學(xué)生求職信樣文

您正在瀏覽的求 職 信是商務(wù)英語(yǔ)學(xué)生求職信樣文



很高興地在網(wǎng)上看到你們的 招聘 廣告,想應(yīng)聘貴公司業(yè)務(wù)員一職。

我是xx學(xué)院商務(wù) 英語(yǔ) 的畢業(yè)生,即將走出學(xué)校,走向社會(huì),隨時(shí)可以到崗。在校期間我學(xué)到了許多專業(yè)知識(shí),如 國(guó)際貿(mào)易 實(shí)務(wù),國(guó)際商務(wù)談判 英語(yǔ) ,國(guó)際商法, 外貿(mào) 英語(yǔ) 函電、國(guó)際商務(wù) 單證 制作、經(jīng)貿(mào)口譯、經(jīng)貿(mào)筆譯、高級(jí)英語(yǔ)、 日語(yǔ) 等課程。本人熟練商務(wù)談判英語(yǔ),熟練英語(yǔ)商務(wù)函電寫作,在校期間,我們老師也曾多次安排了談判的實(shí)訓(xùn)。本人具備一定的管理和策劃能力,熟悉各種辦公軟件的操作,英語(yǔ)精通,也選修過 日語(yǔ) ,達(dá)國(guó)際 日語(yǔ) 二級(jí)水平。本著我做事的認(rèn)真,負(fù)責(zé)的精神,以及自己所學(xué)的專業(yè)知識(shí)。我深信可以勝任貴公司 外貿(mào) 人員之職。個(gè)人 簡(jiǎn)歷 表一并附上,希望您認(rèn)為我是該職位上適合的員工,并期盼能盡快收到 面試 通知。



第3篇 商務(wù)英語(yǔ)學(xué)生的英文求職信范文



thank you for reading my cover letter and resume. i study in fujian civil technical secondary school, business english majors in xx.6 month graduation.

multiple times in social work, cause me to understand when you need personal defying hardships to strive, cannot escape from any, brave to face it.

i have enough courage and confidence to face the challenge, complete the boss gave me each work.

for career and the future, i will pursue; for failure and setbacks, i'll embrace. i have enough courage and perseverance to embrace life every challenge! i dare not assert that i was the best, but please believe that i will surely is the most hard! the most active! if huina, i will take every care. stepping into the 21st century china, the competition will be more and more intense, large quantities of outstanding talented person's demand, enable the human resources management talent facing severe tests and will take 'strives hard took aim at will attack, firm the confidence move ahead in defiance of difficulties' continue to work hard

the past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning, the practical work, i believe i can adapt themselves to the working environment, familiar with the business in the practical work, and keep learning, and constantly improve themselves, completes the work.

thank you


dear sir/madam:

thank you very much for skimming my letter in your busy time. and i am very appreciate than your esteemed company would give me an opportunity.

first please allow me to introduce myself. my english name is cathy. i am the graduate student in foreign college of jingsu university of science and technology. i learn that your company is recruiting now. i am confident that four years of university study and the social practice can help me to apply for the position in your company.

i have had a solid theoretical foundation because of the four years of english learning. the annual internship experience make me from theory to practice, although i have no formal work experience. however i am sure that i have a certain degree of understanding of the foreign trade posts and the translation work. and i believe that i have a strong learning ability, and ican completely adapt to the new work in a short time.

under the teacher's strict teaching and my personal efforts, i have formed a solid foundation of professional knowledge, mastered the business english knowledge. at the the spare time i also actively read the professional knowledge of the relevant newspapers and magazines, understing the new economic situation, and initially have a good command of english basic communication and translation ability. in addition, i also actively participate in community activities and volunteer service activities, take part in the english speech contest, translation contest, english tongue twisters and english about the game, also involve in the strawberry music festival, better xijin ferry and other large activities of the volunteer activities. these practice allow me to chece my knowledge, and also make me to have the strong ability of analysis and solving problems, and make me more confident and mature.

self-confidence and perseverance is my principle,and calm and optimism is the attitude of my way. i have the confidence and hope to get the opportunity to work in your company. attach a brief resume. thank you again for your concern for me. look foraward to your reply.




dear miss chen,

first,sincerely thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read this letter , i hope to find a suitable job in your company and for the company to create better value.

i was in the newspaper that your company's job posting, i am considering the conditions of their own, i feel that my own condition is consistent with the requirements of your company, so i am very interested in your work. i believe i can make your company to provide jobs for me.

i am ** economic and trade career college of information technology e-commerce professional, a student, is about to face the internship. as an e-commerce professional college student, i like my profession and devote a great enthusiasm and energy.

in these two years, i completed all courses by my hard learning , and achieved good results. courses mainly related to: web marketing basics and practice, web production, ps image processing, word processing,basic accounting, computer applications, vb program design, ims business english, international trade practice.trying to learn professional knowledge, i often use a lot of spare time to study marketing books, such as marketing planning practices, internet marketing, etc., to improve my professional knowledge structure.college learning and living that i trained a sense of responsibility and a sense of spirit.

of course ,in the study of these theories knowledge, not a lack of practice. i registered taobao and shop in the above when freshman year, although some did not sell anything, but also learned a lot of content in the process, such as communication with

others, purchase channels. in this practice and learning, so i have a deeper understanding of e-commerce. i will make every effort to work and i believe that through my own hard work and effort, it will certainly make due contributions.

i believe, chance favors the prepared mind, and i was ready. i hope to give me such an opportunity. thank you!

enclosed please find a resume.

yours faithfully




  • 英語(yǔ)學(xué)生求職信(3篇)
  • 英語(yǔ)學(xué)生求職信(3篇)3人關(guān)注

    尊敬的領(lǐng)導(dǎo):您好!感謝您在百忙之中能抽空審閱我的求職信。我是xxx大學(xué)應(yīng)用英語(yǔ)專業(yè)的應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生,大學(xué)的專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)生活,讓我具備了較好地英語(yǔ)聽、說、讀、寫、譯的能力 ...[更多]

