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發(fā)布時間:2023-02-04 07:27:05 查看人數(shù):18


第1篇 信息安全專員職位描述與崗位職責任職要求









2、熟悉國家信息安全相關(guān)標準及法律法規(guī),熟悉并能熟練操作配置vmware linu_ cisco ai_ 等主流品牌高可用解決方案。

第2篇 信息安全專員崗位職責

信息安全專員 中天金融集團股份有限公司 中天金融集團股份有限公司,中天城投,中天城投集團股份有限公司,中天金融,貴陽中天城投,中天 職責描述:

1、 協(xié)助信息安全經(jīng)理進行集團信息安全制度的收集、整理、編寫;跟蹤、總結(jié)制度及標準的執(zhí)行情況。

2、 參與推進集團及各分子公司的信息安全、等保等專業(yè)認證工作。

3、 負責更新維護集團風險庫,并跟進風險消缺情況。

4、 參與集團本部信息化安全系統(tǒng)規(guī)劃與設計。

5、 協(xié)助信息安全經(jīng)理開展對集團及分子公司的信息安全系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行情況檢查,推進安全系統(tǒng)的進一步提升。

6、 跟進集團確認的信息安全應急方案,參與應急演練;安全事件發(fā)生時參與應急處理。


1、 全日制大學本科及以上學歷,計算機相關(guān)專業(yè)。

2、 具備3年以上信息安全領域的工作經(jīng)驗,具備金融類企業(yè)工作經(jīng)驗優(yōu)先。

3、 熟悉安全管理領域的相關(guān)知識,熟悉iso27001體系知識、iso22301體系知識、信息安全等級保護知識體系,擁有cisspcispcisacism等證書者優(yōu)先。

4、 熟悉主流安全產(chǎn)品,有防火墻、ids、ips、病毒防護等維護經(jīng)驗。

5、 良好的溝通能力、協(xié)調(diào)能力,抗壓能力;能適應加班。

第3篇 信息安全專員崗位職責信息安全專員職責任職要求



1、 定期對公司各項信息安全工作進行檢查,審計及風險評估等工作,并出具審查報告、跟蹤反饋、監(jiān)督整改;

2、 負責公司各項信息安全規(guī)范和流程的制定與完善;

3、 負責信息安全事件應急響應;

4、 參與信息安全體系建設,并持續(xù)推動優(yōu)化;

5、 負責公司內(nèi)部的it培訓;

6、 領導交辦的其他工作。


1、 本科以上學歷,計算機、信息管理等相關(guān)專業(yè)畢業(yè);

2、 三年以上信息技術(shù)從業(yè)經(jīng)驗,兩年以上運維管理相關(guān)經(jīng)驗優(yōu)先;

3、 持信息技術(shù)相關(guān)證書優(yōu)先;

4、 學習能力強,工作嚴謹細致,良好的職業(yè)素養(yǎng)和職業(yè)操守;

5、 具有高度的責任心以及良好的團隊協(xié)作精神,為人誠實可靠、品行端正。

第4篇 高級信息安全專員崗位職責

高級信息安全專員 崗位職責:

review, interpret, define improvement actions and dispatch the tasks to different technical teams, based on the data sources from but not limited to the below:

1.vulnerability scanning report, audit logs.

2.corporate anti-virus system, corporate software inspector.

3.firewall logs, ids / idp.

4.penetration test, security incidents, microsoft security updates.

5.security threat alerts from the other security organizations.

6.prepare e_ecutive summary reports for the status of the various security systems and incidents monthly and ad-hoc.

7.primary driver or assistant on the regular security scannings in accordance with the gn it security calendar, such as vulnerability scanning, mbsa etc.

8.plan, supervise and participate in the implementation of the security improvements.

9.primary responsible for other security and compliance related activities such as various of audits.

10.operate siem and soc.

11.maintains personal developments on technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; security forums; online resources etc.

12.develop and keep documentations in responsible area updated.


1.fluent in both oral and written english.

2.broad knowledge on infrastructure technologies.

3.5+ years working e_periences in computer science.

4.3+ years working e_periences specialized in it security or closely related area.

5.3+ years working e_perience in multinational corporation is preferred.

6.certificates: ccna + mcse,cisp, cissp. 崗位職責:

review, interpret, define improvement actions and dispatch the tasks to different technical teams, based on the data sources from but not limited to the below:

1.vulnerability scanning report, audit logs.

2.corporate anti-virus system, corporate software inspector.

3.firewall logs, ids / idp.

4.penetration test, security incidents, microsoft security updates.

5.security threat alerts from the other security organizations.

6.prepare e_ecutive summary reports for the status of the various security systems and incidents monthly and ad-hoc.

7.primary driver or assistant on the regular security scannings in accordance with the gn it security calendar, such as vulnerability scanning, mbsa etc.

8.plan, supervise and participate in the implementation of the security improvements.

9.primary responsible for other security and compliance related activities such as various of audits.

10.operate siem and soc.

11.maintains personal developments on technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; security forums; online resources etc.

12.develop and keep documentations in responsible area updated.


1.fluent in both oral and written english.

2.broad knowledge on infrastructure technologies.

3.5+ years working e_periences in computer science.

4.3+ years working e_periences specialized in it security or closely related area.

5.3+ years working e_perience in multinational corporation is preferred.

6.certificates: ccna + mcse,cisp, cissp.




  • 信息安全專員任職要求4篇
  • 信息安全專員任職要求4篇18人關(guān)注

    【第1篇】信息安全專員職位描述與崗位職責任職要求職位描述:職責描述:1、配合基礎設施經(jīng)理完成整體網(wǎng)絡安全策劃部署及調(diào)整;2、完成服務器架構(gòu)、承載業(yè)務等安全策 ...[更多]

