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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-19 查看人數(shù):10





1. 專業(yè)知識(shí):五官科醫(yī)生需要具備深厚的醫(yī)學(xué)理論基礎(chǔ),特別是耳鼻喉科的專業(yè)知識(shí),熟悉相關(guān)解剖學(xué)、生理學(xué)和病理學(xué)。

2. 技術(shù)熟練:掌握各種內(nèi)窺鏡檢查、手術(shù)技巧和治療手段,如聽力測(cè)試、聲帶評(píng)估和鼻腔手術(shù)。

3. 臨床決策:能夠準(zhǔn)確分析病史,做出正確的診斷,并制定有效的治療方案。

4. 溝通能力:與患者及其家屬建立良好的溝通,解釋病情和治療選項(xiàng),確保患者理解并參與決策。

5. 團(tuán)隊(duì)協(xié)作:與護(hù)士、放射科醫(yī)師、病理學(xué)家等其他醫(yī)療專業(yè)人員緊密合作,以提供全面的醫(yī)療服務(wù)。





1. 診斷與治療:識(shí)別并處理耳鼻喉的各種疾病,如中耳炎、過敏性鼻炎、慢性咽喉炎等。

2. 手術(shù)操作:執(zhí)行各類耳鼻喉手術(shù),包括但不限于鼻息肉摘除、耳膜修補(bǔ)、喉部腫瘤切除等。

3. 康復(fù)管理:監(jiān)控患者術(shù)后康復(fù),指導(dǎo)康復(fù)訓(xùn)練,如嗓音療法、呼吸訓(xùn)練等。

4. 疾病預(yù)防:教育患者預(yù)防措施,如正確清潔鼻腔、保護(hù)聽力等。

5. 病情咨詢:解答患者關(guān)于疾病、治療和預(yù)后的疑問,提供心理支持。

6. 教育與研究:參與醫(yī)學(xué)教育,培養(yǎng)實(shí)習(xí)生和進(jìn)修醫(yī)生;進(jìn)行臨床研究,推動(dòng)學(xué)科發(fā)展。



第1篇 五官科醫(yī)生崗位職責(zé)

physician, ent 五官科醫(yī)生 you will:

1. provide patient centered, up-to-date and evidence based medicine to patients in otolaryngology department

2. perform comprehensive e_ams and assessments and provide treatments to patients

3. respond to medical consultations in the hospital

4. receive patients from the physician going off duty

5. order and perform tests and procedures to augment physical findings

6. interpret data and diagnostic results for appropriate course of action

7. collect information and organize medical documents

8. promptly respond to any calls from the nursing staff , and er when jiahui international hospital opens

9. help with medical development programs of otolaryngology department , such as develop rules, training plans and qi monitoring systems for hospitalist programs etc

10. participate in community events coordinated by jiahui health

11. refer patient to other specialists if necessary

12. other responsibility signed by cheif of otolaryngology department.

you have:

1. medical doctor degree with at least 5 years of clinical otolaryngology training in a 3a hospital and with working e_perience in prestige private eye hospital in china or overseas equivalent

2. attending physician or above

3. fluent mandarin and english is required

4. with good interpersonal communication skills

we offer:

1. malpractice insurance, continuing medical education (cme) support, allowance and paid leave.

2. challenges to fulfill your ambition to advance career also to change the world.

3. competitive total rewards plan to support you and your family to live a better life.

you will:

1. provide patient centered, up-to-date and evidence based medicine to patients in otolaryngology department

2. perform comprehensive e_ams and assessments and provide treatments to patients

3. respond to medical consultations in the hospital

4. receive patients from the physician going off duty

5. order and perform tests and procedures to augment physical findings

6. interpret data and diagnostic results for appropriate course of action

7. collect information and organize medical documents

8. promptly respond to any calls from the nursing staff , and er when jiahui international hospital opens

9. help with medical development programs of otolaryngology department , such as develop rules, training plans and qi monitoring systems for hospitalist programs etc

10. participate in community events coordinated by jiahui health

11. refer patient to other specialists if necessary

12. other responsibility signed by cheif of otolaryngology department.

you have:

1. medical doctor degree with at least 5 years of clinical otolaryngology training in a 3a hospital and with working e_perience in prestige private eye hospital in china or overseas equivalent

2. attending physician or above

3. fluent mandarin and english is required

4. with good interpersonal communication skills

we offer:

1. malpractice insurance, continuing medical education (cme) support, allowance and paid leave.

2. challenges to fulfill your ambition to advance career also to change the world.

3. competitive total rewards plan to support you and your family to live a better life.



