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更新時(shí)間:2024-05-18 查看人數(shù):66





1. 深入理解市場(chǎng)動(dòng)態(tài),保持對(duì)消費(fèi)者需求的敏銳洞察。

2. 具備優(yōu)秀的戰(zhàn)略思維,能制定并執(zhí)行有效的業(yè)務(wù)計(jì)劃。

3. 展現(xiàn)卓越的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力,激發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)潛力,推動(dòng)業(yè)績(jī)提升。

4. 強(qiáng)調(diào)誠(chéng)信和責(zé)任,確保所有行動(dòng)符合公司道德和法規(guī)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

5. 掌握財(cái)務(wù)分析技能,有效管理預(yù)算和資源。




1. 市場(chǎng)分析與策略制定:進(jìn)行市場(chǎng)研究,了解競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手,制定并實(shí)施產(chǎn)品推廣策略。

2. 團(tuán)隊(duì)管理與人才培養(yǎng):指導(dǎo)團(tuán)隊(duì)成員,設(shè)定并追蹤績(jī)效目標(biāo),提供反饋和發(fā)展機(jī)會(huì)。

3. 產(chǎn)品開發(fā)與創(chuàng)新:參與新產(chǎn)品開發(fā),從概念到上市的全過(guò)程管理,確保產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和消費(fèi)者滿意度。

4. 供應(yīng)鏈管理:協(xié)調(diào)供應(yīng)商關(guān)系,優(yōu)化庫(kù)存控制,確保生產(chǎn)和交付的順暢。

5. 財(cái)務(wù)管理與報(bào)告:監(jiān)控財(cái)務(wù)表現(xiàn),準(zhǔn)備預(yù)算和財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告,為決策提供數(shù)據(jù)支持。

6. 客戶關(guān)系管理:維護(hù)與關(guān)鍵客戶的良好關(guān)系,理解客戶需求,提供定制化的解決方案。



第1篇 寶潔銷售經(jīng)理崗位職責(zé)

1、負(fù)責(zé)貫徹落實(shí)公司的營(yíng)銷策略 、政策和計(jì)劃;





6、負(fù)責(zé)銷售計(jì)劃 的分解、落實(shí),并進(jìn)行跟蹤與評(píng)估。

第2篇 寶潔銷售代表崗位職責(zé)

寶潔產(chǎn)品(海飛絲飄柔碧浪護(hù)舒寶等)銷售代表 衛(wèi)爾康醫(yī)藥 黃岡市衛(wèi)爾康醫(yī)藥有限公司,衛(wèi)爾康醫(yī)藥,衛(wèi)爾康 職責(zé)描述:



第3篇 寶潔銷售崗位職責(zé)

寶潔產(chǎn)品(海飛絲飄柔碧浪護(hù)舒寶等)銷售代表 衛(wèi)爾康醫(yī)藥 黃岡市衛(wèi)爾康醫(yī)藥有限公司,衛(wèi)爾康醫(yī)藥,衛(wèi)爾康 職責(zé)描述:



第4篇 寶潔公司崗位職責(zé)

greater china gcr central capability leader_medical affairs & vendor m 廣州寶潔有限公司 廣州寶潔有限公司,寶潔,歐樂(lè)b,寶潔 職責(zé)描述:

role purpose - summary

the person on this role will lead the team to deliver gcr medical affairs service for all brands, is accountable for the service result and p&l. typical success measurements include: service level, consumer e_perience, minimized third party escalation, p&l. the person also leads vendor management of gcr vendors.

key responsibilities:

business building:

1. health related consumer complaint management

? lead to develop service delivery strategy and action plan to shape consumer service e_perience for those who contact gcr for health related complaints, work with gcr sector service delivery leaders to align budget with business leaders. be seen as the gcr go to person for health related complaint management.

? be accountable of service forecasting, p&l.

? have responsibility to the overall result of health related complaint management. set clear direction and lead the service delivery team for e_cellent e_ecution and issue/gap fi_ to ensure overall client satisfaction with the service.

? service as p for escalated health related complaint management working with multiple functional team. serve as a key contributor in multifunctional team for health related issue/crisis management.

2. vendor management

? ensure service vendors adhere to and administer contracts/sow’s to deliver the agreed service.

? provide an environment for service vendors to feel valued and inspired by p&g. build strategic partnership with them via working with purchasing.

? energize service vendors for continuous service optimization/simplification for better efficiency and effectiveness. ensure best practice is shared and reapplied across all service vendors.

? lead to develop vendor sourcing strategy for operation integration and new service development.

? define vendor regular review matri_ and lead the reviews working with gcr sector service delivery leaders and purchasing.

? work in partnership with global horizontal team to drive service innovation that will contribute to service transformation and/or service efficiency enhancement.

organization building:

? be the inspiration of the team. anticipate capacity and capability gap of the team, identify solution to narrow the gap.

? represent gc gcr team in gcr coe/global project team. ensure learning is shared and key results are highlighted. ensure local needs are represented at global level.

? e_ternal networking – keep abreast of e_ternal trends and industry learning, bringing insight from outside in to p&g. assess the competitive landscape and monitor competitive activity ongoing.

? advocate medical affairs service.


? leverages mastery - have in-depth knowledge of cr service operations, particularly contracts/sows setting. confident with current and new technology.

? lead with courage: advanced

? innovate for growth: advanced

? champion productivity: proficient

? e_ecute with e_cellence: proficient

? bring out our best: advanced

? builds diverse collaborative relationships – internally and e_ternally: proficient

? in touch: proficient

? issue & crisis management: proficient

? communication - strong written and verbal communication skill in both english and chinese




  • 寶潔崗位職責(zé)5篇
  • 寶潔崗位職責(zé)5篇77人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么寶潔公司的崗位職責(zé)涵蓋了一系列管理和專業(yè)角色,旨在確保公司的高效運(yùn)營(yíng)和持續(xù)增長(zhǎng)。這些職責(zé)體現(xiàn)了寶潔的核心價(jià)值觀,包括創(chuàng)新、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力、客戶至上和 ...[更多]

  • 寶潔崗位職責(zé)匯編(4篇)
  • 寶潔崗位職責(zé)匯編(4篇)66人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么寶潔公司的崗位職責(zé)涵蓋了一系列管理和專業(yè)角色,旨在確保公司的高效運(yùn)營(yíng)和持續(xù)增長(zhǎng)。這些職責(zé)體現(xiàn)了寶潔的核心價(jià)值觀,包括創(chuàng)新、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力、客戶至上和 ...[更多]

  • 寶潔銷售代表崗位職責(zé)
  • 寶潔銷售代表崗位職責(zé)61人關(guān)注

    崗位職責(zé)是什么寶潔銷售代表是公司與市場(chǎng)之間的橋梁,負(fù)責(zé)推動(dòng)產(chǎn)品銷售,維護(hù)客戶關(guān)系,并確保公司的銷售目標(biāo)得以實(shí)現(xiàn)。他們扮演著關(guān)鍵角色,通過(guò)有效的市場(chǎng)策略和客戶服 ...[更多]
